Hour 3 of A&G features...
From the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio at the George Washington Broadcast Center.
Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty Armstrong and Getty show. Counter protests continue as well at You Penn. One man was arrested for spraying stink spray on protester tents. But in Alabama some agreement between both sides as pro Israel and pro Palestinian demonstrators joined together and a profane anti Joe Biden chant.
Ah, let's go, Brandon. Is that what they were?
That's right, both sides engaging in an f Joe Biden chant.
I don't what's going on there? Is that just like the deep heart of red politic country. And even if you want to kill the Jews and I am a Jew and you want to kill me, one thing we can agree on f.
Joe Biden is that what that's going.
As a conservative America thinks he's a terrible president and the young Marxists think he's supporting Israel too much. I guess, so they came together. Isn't that beautiful?
That's wild?
And you know the one thing that must be repeated over and over again is the Palestinian, the Hamas the Israel. That's just the pretext for more violent Marxist demonstrations, just like George Floyd was an excuse for angry violent that was not about social justice. A lot of you thought it was, but that's what the Marxists want.
So for the protest, Joe Biden came out and spoke yesterday, and it seems to me, just from taking in a lot of punditry that he got the you know, pleased nobody worse to both worlds, anybody who wanted him to be strong and decisive. It was too little, too late. And then the crowd that is in favor of the protests, which admittedly is pretty small except for the younger crowd, they didn't like him saying anything at all. So nobody was pleased by that. But he took one question. We aired this yesterday. I heard the question was are you going to change your policy? Your Israeli policy? And he said no. Then I heard later in the day the question was are you considering using the National Guard?
No? Did you hear what the question was?
I did, I absolutely did it.
It was have you changed your policy at all based on these protesters?
Because of these protests? Okay, that thought, that's what it was to I don't know why.
I don't know who was pitching the whole the National Guard part of it, but anyway, so my point was, so we got all this domestic politics going on, and Marxism sweeping our campuses, sweeping our campuses, owning our campuses, and this whole problem with the protests and all this. The reality is Israel's at war with Iran in the face of Hamas and has built in all these different sorts of things. In the Middle East is a mess, and the Biden administration is trying to figure out a way to calm that down, like in a way that will stick for a while, as opposed to a band aid, like a real fix. And Tom Friedman is writing about that in the New York Times today, And that's the trying to get an agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia, which would be just huge, I mean, like world changingly huge. And this is what Tom Friedman writes today. I thought it was all pretty interesting. The key question for the Biden administration of the Saudis is what to do next. The good news is that they are ninety percent done with the Mutual Defense treaty that they have drawn up both sides tell me so almost in complete agreement on a mutual defense treaty. So Israel would come to Saudi Arabia's eight if somebody attacked them, and vice versa.
That's what it sounds like. I haven't read this, small prince all.
Yeah, they need to nail down a few key pointses include the precise ways in which the US will control the civilian nuclear energy program that Saudi Arabia will get under the deal. So Saudi Arabia would be able to produce nuclear energy if it was for domestic use. But we all know that those programs can be turned around into bomb making, often quickly. And I don't think Iran is gonna think that's awesome, No, not at all.
And the Saudis are absolutely thinking, we're going to do exactly what Auran's been doing. We're going to use our expertise to slowly but surely build a nuclear stockpile.
And no coincidence, they're mortal enemies of iron.
And will this mutual defense component be explicit like it is between US in Japan or less formal like it is between US in Taiwan and long term commitment for Saudi Arabia to continue to price oil in US dollars and not switch to Chinese currency, which I didn't realize that was on the table. But the other part of the deal, which is seen as critical to winning support and Congress, is for Saudi Arabia to normalize relations with Israel. That will happen only if Israel agrees to Rehod's terms and listen to these, get out of Gaza, freeze the building of settlements in the West Bank, and embark on a three to five year pathway to establish a Powerinian state in the occupied territories the old two state solution.
Well, thanks for comming. I wish we could have made a deal.
That state would also be conditioned on the Palestinian Authority undertaking reforms to make it a governing body that Palestinians trust and see as legitimate and Israel see as effective. That last three sentences was a bunch of and if unicorns learn how to poop golden coins, and then the only other thing we need is if human beings can start flying around by flapping their hands, then we'll have a deal.
Yeah, that last part actually almost gave me a ray of not optimism, but slightly less pessimist pessimism. If somehow, with the wealth and influence of the Saudis, they can get an actual governing body in the territories, then that would change everything.
Pantic what happened.
That the Palestinians accept as a legitimate governing body in the Israelis are okay with?
What in what universe is that happening anytime soon?
See, I'm lifting up my unicorn's tail. Still nothing coming out, okay.
And as as soon as dogs can speak fluent French, then we'll have a deal the basis of a deal.
Yeah, yeah, I mean, given the horrific stakes of Israel, quote unquote trusting any governing body formed by the Palestinians and the I mean, how to even describe there, there's certainly a lack of good will at this point. No, it's I mean they were murdered and tortured and raped and burned and babies were killed, and only a few months ago.
And they were elected by the people of Palestine. Correct. Yeah.
And then the the more moderate wing, the Fatah wing, the Palestinian authority in the in the not in Gaza, but in the other territories, are paying the families of those who did the killing monthly stipends for the rest of their lives for killing Jews.
The only hope I would see for this happening is if Israel signs that were okay with it, and Saudi Arabia agrees to it with the idea that.
None of this is actually going to happen. I mean, because it.
Said a embark on a three to five year pathway to establish a Palestinian state. Well, you can agree to that knowing that that's never going to happen three to five years. You've already made it vague and.
Oh there you go. Yeah, let's agree on a timetable. There you go. That's how you get it done.
Yeah, That's what I'm wondering is if yes, yes, so we agree a Palestinian authority that everybody loves, the Palestinians and the Israeli sure may never going to happen.
But right, yeah, interesting.
I know there are very very very powerful forces that want this deal to get done, including the Saudi Crown.
Prince Joe and.
I used to mention in various contract things how they would throw in stuff that's never going to occur, as like a way to spice up a contract and I remember when we started calling it the and an elephant clause, like if these things happen, and these things happen, we'll give you an elephant.
Because this is never going to happen. And you know what, and I know it.
So don't pretend that that's like some sort of sweetening of the pot. But that might be what's going on with this contract.
And if there's a huge constituency of your population and the population of countries that you have to do business with that are desperate for an elephant to be included in a deal, well then you go ahead and you throw in the and an elephant clause. If you're Saudi Arabia, right, yeah, I think that's probably it. Just one more note from me on this anyway, if you're not familiar with this, MBS, the head guy in Saudi Arabia, who is not to be messed with, is desperate for Saudi to become more than just an oil Well, they want to become like the Netherlands of Old or Great Britain, a trading country, a country of business and commerce and shipping and education and recreation and the rest of it. So anyway, that's why he's extra intent on making a deal because one of these days, either the oil is gonna run out, or more likely, we just won't need it as much. And then they got nothing, and then he's got guys with long knives looking to chop his head off.
Katie, look up how old MBS says? I was trying to ask Siri on my watch. Siri sucks most of the time, speaking of Ale. That's hurtful, AI not being ready to take over the world, or whatever I would say when I used Siri to ask a question about half the time, and I might be generous that I get anything close to an answer what I want.
Well, how old is MBS? Thirty eight? Thirty eight? He's still pretty young man.
He gonna be right for a long time, unless he's assassinated, which could happen.
Speaking of leaders in their ages, we were talking about Joe Biden's tall tales yesterday and other times as well, how he's increasingly making stuff up and stories that have been debunked over and over again. He's telling over and over again. And I'm reminded we were hipped to this earlier, but I'd forgotten somehow. Maybe I'm as bad as Joe Biden. But Sean loyal listener. Sean says, my dad has a long history of stretching the truth to make his stories seem more fantastic, just like Joe Biden. Over the years, his assertions have simply become part of the canon of his perceived history. Several years ago, Dad began to have cognitive issues that were hard to notice for those who didn't know him well, but we noticed. They've since accelerated, but his storytelling has become absolutely outlandish. Sometimes he tells stories about the past and sometimes about today's events that simply aren't true. I got increasingly frustrated with what seemed like lies until I talked to his neurologist. Confabulation has explained to me, is the mind inserting plausible facts when it cannot access the memories that would be readily accessible without the complication of dementia. No manner of telling my dad to stop telling these untrue stories has any impact. They are his reality, as presented to him by a brain that has betrayed him. Oh you know, so, I'm trying to tell the story of the Christmas vacation where everybody got the stomach flu and we went to Arizona to see my grandparents, except I can't remember like a third of it because of dementia. So I'll start adding details that never occurred because I can't find them.
I can't find the real details that makes sense what he just talked about with his own dad. I'm not sure if i'd buy that with Joe Biden, though, because would you hang on to the same particular details over and over again. It's not like he's not remembering his new made up story. He hangs on to that. Yeah, but that's the way this it works.
You can if you have dementia, often you can remember what you had for lunch yesterday. You just can't access long term memories from what I understand.
But got some of these stories he's been telling for decades. Uh yeah, well see, that's that's what also fits with his dad.
His dad has been a bit of a fabulous through the years, but now it's just gone completely off.
The rat To just add to it, because like you know, when he got driven out of the eighty eight presidential race with Joe Biden, it was over the whole graduated top of my law class and blah blah blah, all that stuff turned out to be a lie.
But so now think about that. He adds that in nineteen eighty eight, that was a long time ago.
Yeah, but now he adds more to it. Well, that's clearly what's going on there.
Yeah, absolutely, well, good, we get to look forward to more of it, and it's very entertaining.
I still predict between now and the end of the Democratic Convention it will become infinitely clear that he cannot possibly serve another term.
I know what movie I'm watching tonight. We'll tell you about that next.
In the early nineteen sixties, the American morning was defined by milk and cereal, and the two undisputed giants of this.
Real world, where Tellogg's and Post major news from the breakfast world.
The Post serial company has reportedly invented a shelf stable fruit pastry breakfast product.
Now, yeah, boy.
That's from the new pop Tart movie that Jerry Seinfeld put together. He's been doing a pop tart routine in his act since he was like nineteen years old, and he made a movie about it, and he's enlisted. I should get the list of whoever's in the movie. But I mean, it's just like all the biggest names in comedy are in the movie.
Comedic actors.
And it looks fantastic at a debuts on Netflix tonight, so I know what I'm doing on a Friday. I think Henry and I ever looked at the ratings? What are the ratings on the pop tart movie? Maybe maybe it's filthy, Maybe it's got too much sex and full from ludity in it.
I don't know. I doubt it in a pop tart movie? What are you doing to the thing? Pop tart movie? Real very usually works pretty clean. Oh yeah, I would be shocked if it's a it's a.
Unfrosted it's a Pete thirteen mm, so they get a they get a little edgy. But uh, I think what I'll do is I'll buy a box of pop tarts and we'll eat That is like a treat while we watched the movie.
That'll be fun. Me and Henry. Sounds perfect.
What flavor pops into your mind first? When you think about the humble tart? My favor much more a pop tart guy than I had. Oh I haven't had one for decades.
I've eaten one million pop tarts in my life. My uh, probably eaten more strawberry than any other. With the little sprinkle sugar things on top. But I'm a the cinnamon apple.
That's that's me. That's the grown up pop tart flavor. That's the king of the tarts.
I never my son my brother liked chocolate pop tarts, and I always thought they were disgusting, even as a kid.
So when was your last pop tart? A month ago? Wow? Wow? Barely? It's probably been nineteen eighty nine.
Really, well, I've eaten I've eaten half a million pop tarts since nineteen eighty nine.
You remember I used to bring two to work every single day. I only stopped that a decade ago.
I always like to look at polling on various issues, just especially if it turns out it's way off track with where you think it might be. Morning consult pull some of the first pulling out there on protests and the police cracking down and that sort of thing. Do you support asking the police to protect campuses from violence? Almost eighty percent support that ten percent of pose. Even among the very young eighteen to thirty four, it's two third support seventeen percent of pose. But if you break it down in some of the different ways, and I banned pro Palestinian demonstrations on campuses, which it doesn't even say violent, it just says pro Palestinian inion. You can it does a first, shouldn't not only can't, but shouldn't.
But that's a plurality.
Forty seven percent, almost half of all voters say yeah, ban pro Palestinian demonstrations.
By so nobody but academia and the media to some extent, supports the Marxists tearing up the campuses.
Most people, by far, the normal average person is just like, ah no, none of that gotta go, right, even the free speeches of it, just no, go to college and learn something, then get a job and you know whatever, But none of this, that's what it's really here. Yeah, yeah, that's where most people are by far. But similar numbers for banning pro Israeli demonstrations. By the way, it's not just Palestinian demonstrations. Most people just don't like the demonstrations and protests. I know protesters think they're just everybody's on their side, but most people don't like a period whatever they are.
And I'm that way.
I have a negative reaction to people with signs marching down the street before I even know what the issue is.
It's heartening and disturbing. I guess all at once that once again we see that the American people and what we think and believe is vastly different than the idea you get from the media.
Armstrong and Getty.
Davidson's the Beverly Hise lawyer who set up those deals with both McDougall and Stormy Daniels. Davison told the jury that Con was nearly suicidal because he was not tapped by Trump to go to the White House after he won the election. He quoted Cone as saying, quote, nobody's thinking about Michael. I'm sitting there thinking what about me? I hate the fact we did this. He also said that Michael Cohen told him quote can you blank believe I'm not going to Washington after everything I've done for that guy, I've saved his black.
So before we get into talking about Michael Cohen, who is going to tell find next week in the Trump trial, and we want to talk about what happened yesterday in case he didn't hear. It was pretty exciting stuff. I think it was a pretty good day for Trump. But here's here's a little more Michael Cohen related stuff from Jake Tapper on CNN.
Okay, I apologize for this update ahead of time. But Todd Blanche, the Trump attorney, is specifically reading a post that Michael Cohen made on Twitter on April twenty second, in which he refers to Donald Trump as vonton pants.
That is just a factual record that I am bringing before you.
This is in the court transcript vonton pants, Dana Bash, I know you want to weigh in on Von.
I'm bappy. You're taking care of it the record.
I have been calling it Von poopsen pants for weeks now, but now it's a part of the official transcript.
You know, Jake as a guy who does this for a living. I understand what you just did there, because you first apologized saying it's so horrible, then repeated the term like four times. He gets to because he's on cable so on, I feel like you wanted to say that so Cohen would call Trump vun This is pafens.
Yes eh.
How about that first clip though, So yesterday you had this guy named Davidson on who's made a living.
What a scummy profession this is?
If you're famous and something and somebody is gonna ex well, if somebody's gonna.
Make your life difficult, whether it's true or not.
For instance, somebody comes forward and is going to alert the world that you you two had sex, and maybe you're married, or maybe you're in a profession where it wouldn't look good if you'd had sex with this person or whatever. He will negotiate a deal where you pay them a certain amount of money so that they keep their mouths shut. That sure sounds like extortion. I don't know how it's not extortion. This guy seems to make his living extorting people. And he testified so not only was he the broker between Stormy Daniels and Trump, or at least Cohen and and that McDougall woman the playmate, he's done this for Charlie Sheen and Hulk Hogan.
And they named a whole bunch of different people that were Lindsey.
Lawman, fine upstanding citizens. I'd point out Lindsay Lohan. I wanted more details on that. What did Lindsey Lohan pay him to keep quiet like a drunken something behavior?
I wonder? I can't remember.
Anyway, I gotta believe that was a good day for Trump. Wasn't that for people to realize, Wow, this is a sleezy or not. Maybe they feel like Trump was. It's a sleezy world and Trump was part of that sleezy world.
I don't know.
None of that's illegal, By the way, I'm always hoping that the jurors are able to separate the fact that that's not against the law.
You get to do that.
If you want to have sex with somebody and pay them to not to do a story about it, he can, And I hope the jurors are able to understand that.
I'm doing a little on the fly digging into what's the difference between blackmail or extortion and a non disclosure agreement? This one place is an NDA is not blackmail. In fact, it's the opposite of blackmail. The purpose is to make it harder to expose confidential information.
What I got that, that's what extortion. Coming to an extortion deal is too.
I'm an no lawyer and I know nothing about it, but I got to believe it's a fairly fine line. And it has a lot to do with how it came together, who initiated it, and the wording. I'll bet, I'll bet that's all there is to it. It did the wording, because I remember when David Letterman had that woman come forward who was going to out him, and he just went on the air that night and told the whole story to try to take their power away. Well, could he have negotiated a deal through this guy, the same lawyer. I don't understand what the difference would have been. I mean, because that's what that person was wanting, right, Weren't they wanting money from Dave? And then he went on the air that night and decided to tell the tale with his think. He goes, well, if I pay her, she's just going to come back a year from now. I want more money.
And he was going to the dude, the blackmailer was going to publish a book about David Ry including that information, and he said, I'll pull the book if you pay me off. That sounds precisely like just insert National Inquiry article in place of book.
And it's the same thing.
That's why I'm sure I'm missing something, but I don't know what it is.
It's got to be just like the way it's approached.
I don't know.
But anyway, so they played tapes in court, which I wish we could hear of Cohen Cohen was secretly taping his conversations with Trump. Colin's a scumbag, but he you know, he got hired to enter a scumbag world and do scumbaggery.
So that's the person to hire.
Who laid down with the dogs, ended up with fleas, woke up with fleas. You know.
Inevitably he recorded Donald Trump and I having conversation, and Trump said something about paying McDougall, specifically the playmate in cash. But there is no mention of elections anyway. This guy Davidson, the lawyer who never talked to Trump face to face but talked to Cohen a lot. He said that Cohen was so despondent after Trump got elected when he found out. When Cohen found out that he was not going to go to DC as part of the crew be in the White House in some way, he so desponded. Davidson thought that Coin might kill himself. But Cohen, the moron, thought he was going to be chief of staff or maybe attorney general. I mean you who is less self aware than that?
Chief hood and fixer kind of ambulance chasing lawyer, well, porn star chasing lawyer.
Yeah, thinks he's going to be the ag oof man.
You are really not self aware, and not only not self aware about your qualifications, but like the way other people think about you. Because I don't remember if this was in the trial or this is just other reporting, but Trump and everyboybody else thought Cohen was an idiot. Nobody told him, nobody liked him or had any respect for him.
Wow, this is all so sordid, you know, and all of this is interesting, But let me ruin the fund just for a second. I've been reading a lot of analysis about this trial and how it's unconstitutional under the Constitution of New York. A lot of the evidence that's being admitted shouldn't be evidence. He's accused of misdemeanors covering up other misdemeanors, which makes it a felony. But the second set of misdemeanors hasn't been named, which is in violation of several legal principles. And I feel like we're discussing some of the more interesting or amusing aspects of the Salem witch trials. I mean, this is outrageous, it's horrifying. This is an assault on democracy, and we're talking about the interesting, uh, you know, and the clip. We came in with the setup clip knowing about me and poopy pants. Well, not the poopy pants so much, but the idea that it's a trial over. Wow, he paid off of porn Star for as silence. I wonder if they find it guilty of that. Just the whole thing, especially the attention being paid to it is so perverse and it has nothing to do with the core issues.
Well, we got a little explanation where things stood yesterday, and good news or bad news for Trump right after this.
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So here's Eric Sean of Fox with some possible good news out of testimony yesterday for Trump.
The defense can claim it Nowhere on their recording is her are talking about connecting the payment to helping his presidential race or falsely listed the money is legal fees that the basis of the thirty four accounts of filing false business records against him. And you can hear them say pay with the check checks, of course, can be easily traced. The recordings of the first time the jury heard from the former president's own words about the deal, and some of the jurors are riveted at what they heard.
Yeah, I would be too.
You start listing off every celebrity I've ever heard of that has a bad reputation and how you paid them to keep the Yeah, that's a pretty riveting day of testimony. Trump said this when he came out of the courtroom afterwards, which don't I don't know he does this sort of thing, abuse like this before this conflicted judge to get out of this case.
He shouldn't, he should not be having this case.
He hears this nothing, that's such a rigged gord.
Oh that wasn't what I thought it was. Oh, so we'll get it here. This is Aaron Katerskian ABC explaining it. Trump has repeatedly said he would testify in his own defense, but on his way out of court, he made this claim.
Well, I'm not allowed to test if I'm under a gag under. I guess I can't even testify that.
The gag order does not prevent Trump from testifying, as he has said on at least three different occasions. He would every criminal defendant has the right to testify in his or her own defense.
That includes Trump, so that he know what he was doing when he said that. Is that just a Trump thing or he doesn't actually understand or I mean, he's been in a gazillion court rooms. He probably knows more about the law than a lat of lawyers. Yeah, that's that's a ridiculous assertion. I don't know why you would say that. So is that just to get that out there to the barely paying attention public that might hear they won't even let him testify.
It reminds me of some of the things he said on January sixth. Honestly, that's the sort of thing that would whip up a crowd if I believe that the judge has just forbade him from testifying, he's gagged him in a court. I mean, that is so profoundly unconstitutional and horrific that you know, it's like the kangaroo courts of Ladimir Putin.
Yeah, I'd be pissed off if I heard that. I guess it's ridiculous. The more I think about it.
He obviously knows what he's doing and he did it on purpose, because he did the classic thing he does where he said, and the judge gagged me, I'm not even allowed to testify. I think that's right. They won't even let me testify. So he just threw in a little you know, hedge there.
Yeah, Yeah, that's silly.
Yeah, I don't I wish you wouldn't do that, because, like you were saying, I think he's got the law on his side, that this is an outrageous case.
The Andy McCarthy in the National Review said, in cross examinating this, cross examining this Davidson guy, ask him, all right, all these clients you've mentioned who had non disclosure agreements to cover up various sins, how many times have you been charged with fraud for negotiating this?
Because Trump's if.
You actually read what Bragg is trying to prove and convict Trump of, it's a bizarre and be idiotic the idea that this multi leveled misdemeanor plus misdemeanor equals a felony of a federal statute which I have no power to enforce, of electoral fraud because Trump denied the voters the knowledge that he was allegedly stooping Stormy Daniels. I mean, the case is, you can't believe it got to court. And I believe that every single court appeals court in the land is going to throw this case out on its ear with prejudice the minute they get a look at it.
This judge Merchon, Guy's off his rocker.
I don't know what an appeals what an appeal happened before the election, probably not right, almost certainly not.
Yeah, but I don't think it would matter.
Well, it matters to the if you well, if you believe that him being convicted or not makes a difference to voters. And there's some polling that says if he's guilty of a felony, that'd be less likely to vote for him. It's not going to help him to win on appeal after the election if he loses, right.
Yeah, that's that's true.
I'm not super convinced that a conviction on this would move the needle very much. And I still doubt very seriously that they can get a guilty verdict because all the defense needs is one juror right.
So do you buy this analysis I mentioned the other day from Jan Williams. I saw him on Talk show the idea that.
Trump loses. Found guilty, he's a felon, some voters maybe won't vote for him, that would have otherwise. But if he's acquitted, huge benefit to Trump, and that it's the only trial that's going to happen before the election, and then he get all these people are gonna say, see, it.
Was a bunch of crap.
I wish we had our collection of tapes of lefty journalists on CNN and MSNBC saying this case is not strong.
This is a very big legal stretch and probably the only one that's gonna happen anyway. More on the.
Way, so old Michael Cohen, which polls all of them.
Okay, that Michael Cohen, the idiot.
We've known he's an idiot since first time we ever heard his name, so says, who thought he was going to be chief of staff or something? Oh man, oh man, dude, have some self awareness. Anyway, I didn't know he was doing this TikTok show every night that might land him in trouble. So that's one of the reasons Trump is so angry about the gag order.
So I'm not allowed.
So his most recent violation of the gag orders because he called Cohen a liar, and the judge said he can't call one of the witnesses a liar.
Cohen has got a TikTok.
Show every night that has a whole bunch of people that are following it, and he's making money off of it because he has enough followers. So he sits in the courtroom and then that night does his TikTok show talking about all stuff with all kinds of descriptions of what a scumbag Trump is and blah blah blah blah. So the witnesses can bad mouth the defendant, but the bad the defendant can't bad mouth the witnesses. TikTok fund raising videos. Cohen's TikTok fundraising videos may have torpedoed New York's prosecution of the former president, according to ABC News, who has an article about it. As he awaits his turn to take the witness stand next week, Cohen has discussed Trump, the ongoing trial and the testimony already underway during his nightly live streams on TikTok, which are earning him financial benefit through viewers donations. According to ABC News, I didn't even know he's doing this, and the lawyer for ABC News said, I'd be furious if I was a one of the prosecutors. The last thing you want is for your main witness to be talking about the course the case in a form other than the courtroom in disparaging ways.
Oh wow. Yeah. My sense of this is.
It will not be a guilty verdict and might even just crack up.
You know what. You know what his deal is? Who Cohen?
Yeah, well, besides NaN's besides being an idiot. Well, if he just wanted vengeance, he would keep his mouth shut. He's one of those people. He's like Michael Avnatti, He's like Stormy Daniels or saying, all these people they're flat broke, They've ruined their lives, they're broke, and they're just trying to get any last dollar they can anything, you can squeeze out of anything.
Yeah, agreed, agreed, And they're utterly immoral and just cheap and tawdry.
They've burned every bits in their lives and they're just trying to get that last I mean, because how much money is he making off TikTok?
Is it five figures?
Even it's you know, it's not change your life money, but he's probably he probably doesn't have pay my next month's rent money.
You know.
Granted I don't have enough net worth to attract them. But it's amazing how many cheap hustlers surrounded Trump in various capacities, some of them not his fault. But when you'd like start getting with cheap hustlers, the cheap hustlers they know, and they's just yeah, well, you're lying down with dogs, you're waking up with fleas, all right.
That lawyer testifying yesterday, it'd be pretty clear that if you're a well known wealthy person, uh man, there there are people targeting you.
Percent Oh yeah, that's a rough lifestyle.
We used to always say on the air that our policy was to just admit all of our flaws and sins on the air, so you can't blackmail me. I'll talk Jack, I'll tell a story more detail than you can. Uh So, how much time do we have? Very very little? I will Oh, we have two minutes.
That's great.
I thought this was so interesting. So you lied, Michael, I lie under oath. I need to remind you you're under oath. The longest short of this and we'll go into more detail tomorrow or I guess Monday on This is the polls that showed large percentage of voters agreed that democracy was under threat and that was one of their main concerns. Well, this polling organization dug into it what concerned them about our democracy and it had nothing to do with the way it's portrayed in media. They weren't where a Trump's going to become a dictator and political violence and election denial. No, they thought the threat to democracy would be too much government over regulation, uneven enforcement.
Rules, that sort of thing.
When you dig into it, it's really really interesting, but yet another example of the American people in the media live in different worlds.
That is interesting. If you come in tomorrow, I will not be here. Just for the record, Armstrong and Getty