In hour 1 of The Armstrong & Getty Show:
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong, Joe, Katty.
Armstrong and Jetty and He Armsrong get from the studio se cleilr.
It is a dimly lit room deal with from the bowels the Armstrong and Getty Communications compound. And today we are under the tutelage of our general manager. Surprise general manager. Today I'm going with the delightfully named Cole Hawker, American Olympic hero.
What did he do?
Happen to be watching his race live Fonte last night. Cole Hawker runs the metric mile Jack, that's what they call the fifteen hundred meters.
It's just less than a mile, I think.
Anyway, So NBC had this big build up between this Swedish dude. I think he's Swedish, one of your Norwegian countries with lots of blonde girls that it's cold in the winter time. Anyway, it's that dude against some mouthy Scottish guy who's running for the UK right, and now they have this rivalry. They don't like each other. They've been traded hard. He beat him, that he beat him, and here they come.
It's kind of be out match for the centuries.
Oh, by the way, there's some American dork runner to all right, all right, and so far our.
Four said, American dork stuns the world.
With an amazing kick to the finish and wins the gold.
It was fantastic. Well, you know that's interesting. I am.
We watched some Olympics on Peacock and the packages they put together and none of the drama was there.
I saw that race, didn't.
Even know anything exciting happened because they just give you the race with none of the background or story, and so I didn't know who was a favorite or I didn't know anything. And we watch it and oh that guy, huh he caught him all be darned. Anyway, on to the next thing. That took all the fun out of it that I thought Peacock would be because I subscribed it would be great for watching the Olympics.
It's freaking horrible. I don't know if they're trying to has a lot. It has a lot. You say, it's not well curated.
You can watch it live, but if you don't see it live, forget it. They just they put together like the finish and you don't even know what was going on, and it's just not very exciting.
That's too bad.
We watched that race and we were like, eh, and everybody's talking. Everybody who watches Olympics is talking about it. I've heard that guy's name ten times today already. Yeah, yeah, yeah, great factory. But I know what you're talking about. I'm pretty sure it was in the primetime programming that I was watching the final EVENTD of the decathlon with ten people relatives that our family reunion thing, and the situation was that this little fella from Norway I think it was one year.
It's a little fellow from Norway, like a hobbit of some sort.
He was a somewhat undersized young fella twenty two years old, but he was ahead in the decathlon and the final event was the eight hundred meters or they ran for a long time, but they did not explain exactly what he had to do in who he had to beat then monitor in the race. So this guy ends up being, you know, like eleventh out of fifteen guys or something like that, but he won the decathlon because the guy he had to beat it was thirteenth out of fifteen guys. So that race between these two was for everything, but they like never showed those two and their duel. It was like, oh, the Jones of the Zimbabwe's out in front, looks like Jones is gonna win, amounting to nothing.
It's just not well curated. Yeah, yeah, yeah, where's the drama to highlight that? Well?
Obviously, the political story of the day is this Walls character who is the running mate of Kamala Harris.
I watched the whole bang thing yesterday.
I just run in lots of errands happened to be at the time, so I just had my TV on in the car the whole time and took in all of it, and man, the whole thing, the whole ball of wax. Now is does policy matter at all anymore? Does policy matter? Or is it all just about personalities and performance? And we've been leaning toward the ladder cycle after cycle. But if it's personality, performance and speech, a fine, that's a freaking strong ticket.
It is.
That is a freaking strong ticket. That guy was good, Kamala's good at that. And if policy doesn't matter, they're gonna be tough to beat. Now, if policy matters, it's the most progressive ticket ever in American history and the guy's a freaking whack job. Yeah, dangerously, wildly, radically left tamp on tim But if it's about speech of fine and getting crowds fired up, we don't have everybody I keep saying, we like I'm on the team. I'm not even I haven't bet a registered Republican in twenty years. But Republicans don't have outside of Donald Trump, who's his own unique traveling show, Republicans.
Don't have people that speechify like that. For whatever reason. I don't know why, at least not now. Yeah, I guess, and the I go with my gut voter.
Well, number one, friend, you're stupid, You're a stupid idiot. You're bad for the country. Wow, it's all about policy. How don't affect your life coming out hot? Oh hey, hey, you got it. These are times that the plane spoken truths are necessary. There's too much speech a fine if you ask me anyway, Uh so, where was I You're a stupid idiot, that's right. It's all about policy and how it's gonna affect your life and affect the future of the country. Obviously, But yes, there is a substantial chunk of the electorate that can be swayed by a gleaming smile.
And away with words. Yeah. Yeah, that was a fired up crowd.
They were really good at the given the speech and everything like that, and it was just I thought, Wow, this is I mean, I tried it. Several CNN commentators actually had orgasms on screen. They were so excited that they no longer had to pretend to defend the mummy. Joe Biden as a winning proposition for America, You tell me the three Republicans you could put in an arena even full of other Republicans that liked their policies, that would would be Shapiro Wall Kamala Harrison Walls level of what I saw last night.
There just aren't. They just aren't there.
And for whatever reason, again, I hope policy wins the day because he's a whack job. Tampon tim with the tampons in the boys men's room and the gender affirming care for all ages in Minnesota and the wanting the cities to burn during the George Floyd riots and the We're gonna because white people needed to be punished yetes and the COVID lockdown like no other state in the country and the only giving out medicines and people or bipoch based on race. I mean, just all kinds of just insane, dangerous, crazy policies. But if it's about giving a speech, they're really good. I just wish Donald Trump could string together what you just strung together off the top of your head. Well, I saw Donald Trump live on Fox and Friends this morning. They're in Sturgis, which is a good idea because that is Trump country. I was just in South Dakota for the Big Motorcycle Rally and Fox and Friends has got live representatives there and that crowd is pro trump Man. But they had Trump on live and live and he didn't string together anything close to like that for whatever reason during the phone call today.
It's so discouraging, it really is.
Walls also is assigned to law Minnesota has to be fifty percent electric cars in a couple of years. They're currently one percent while having a twenty year ban on mining for any minerals. And Minnesota is one of the most mineral rich states in the country for the kind of minerals you need for building the batteries. But a ban on on that, we can't. We can't mind that because mining's bad. But we're gonna go electric cars. What's the math on this situation? Well, and I was just reading there are a couple of scandals that most people won't hear about, but where progressive groups got to millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars that they never accounted for. They grossly overpaid all of their people, They flouted the rules, and the state said no, no need for an audit here over and over again. Yeah, just outrageous. He's Gavin Newsom, ad mittens. Yeah, I was watching some pundits run through today specifically and how he is to the left of Gavin Newsom. Gavin Newsom would be a more moderate choice than Walls, but sometimes because of the way democracy doesn't work. First of all, let's start there, Democrats. You can't put it in the hand to the people. They're too easily swayed by a good speech into a folksy manner. But this guy comes off more Middle America than Gavin Newsom by far. If you don't, if you're not talking policy, if you're just talking I'm just a.
Coach from the Midwest and a small town in Nebraska.
Come on, hey, everybody calls me coach, you know, and ignore the gender firming pair and the electric cars and all that sort of stuff. What was the name of the classic political movie It's right on the tip of my tongue, Andy Griffith back in I think it was the early sixties.
Oh, what was the name of that movie?
He was an awe shuxy, homespun politician with immense communication gifts. Who is you know, a vicious, dirty scumbag behind the scenes, and Walls reminds me of his character a little bit.
I haven't seen it.
In years, but vicious dirty scumbag seems a little strong.
But I uh, just the.
Top of my head, that's stickballing facing the crowd.
That's right, Okay, thank you very much. Well called. I don't think i've seen that movie. I'll have to check it out.
You know, The Manchurian Candidate with Frank Sinatra from from way early in America's cinematic days is one of the great political films to this day. Another thing that Walls has going for him in a weird sort of way. He's only six months older than I am, but he looks like he's a World War Two veteran for reason.
He's just got that look.
Well, but he's got that great folksy homespun explanation for it. Yeah, I was in charge of monitor in the lunch room for a few years, and tell you what that would aide you too. Anyway, here's fifty million dollars from a crony's. He looks like he could be Kamala Harris's dad, and he's eight months older than her. It's just whatever, let's start the show officially, Willie, I'm also a good deal older than Kamla, just just against but thinking out loud, I'm not sure that's a factor. I'm Jack Armstrong, He's Joe Getty on this. It is August the seventh, they are twenty twenty four. We are armstrong in getting we approve of this program. Man, life will not be a born in twenty four. All right, let's begin officially then, according to FCC rules and regulations, here we go.
At Mark.
I would say, those first days, you know, when there were riots, I could smell the burning tires, and that was a very real thing. And I kept the windows open for as long as as I could because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening.
That is Tim Walls's wife.
Now, he was responsible for allowing many cities across Minnesota to burn billions of dollars worth of damage, lots of people injured and killed, while he did nothing. Because, as you heard from his wife there, she felt like democracy was happening, like social change that they embraced was happening. She opened the windows of our house so she could smell the tire fires because she just thought it was such a great thing that the voice rioting is the is the voice of the unheard and the Marxist lunatics. They are woke Marxist lunatics. But it comes off as just your small town coach from Nebraska. We won a state championship. We had a couple of big old boys that year, and let's go to the county fair and have a corn dog. Now, let's do some experimental surgeries on confused kids.
Who thinks you're a girl?
All right, let's force people into electric cars while we're not mining for the elements you need for the batteries and a whole bunch of other stuff.
But make the minorities dig it up.
Oh oh oh god, there's so many they're popping into my head from his background. But anyway, We got time for that later. How does mailbag look? Oh, it's good, it's good. A couple of really strong What do you want? Do you want just quantity? Do you want every half in nane thought? Some idiot belched out? Or do you want a couple of well thought out screens? Which one do you want it? I'll tell you what I want. Is the answer to the question I posed at the beginning is is this selection can be more about personality or issues?
That's what I'd like to know.
Well, that's why Trump has to hammer the issues and nothing.
But that'd be a good idea. That'd be a good idea.
Our text line is four one five, two nine five KFTC.
Who care? Should be heading to you?
Why? Who cares about all kinds of things about people's personalities? Who cares care about whether they're socialists or not?
That's the important thing? Good God? Yeah, yep, I agree completely.
Here's your freedom loving quote of the day from oh.
Oh tampon Tim Walls.
In fact, you said this the other day during the White Dudes for Harris call one person, Oh, don't ever shy away from our progressive values. One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness.
Yeah, we got that. Yeah, Oh that's a good one. That's a good one.
But it's neighborliness enforced at the point of the government's gun, whether you like it or not. And my cronies, they're gonna get most of your neighborliness.
You can't stop me.
The constant reference to we believe the government shouldn't be making decisions in people's lives because all they care about is abortion.
Are you kidding me? Are you kidding you?
Marxists who are forcing everything at the point of a gun or jail sentence or a fine. Everything, what I drive, the kind of light bulbs I use, where my kid goes to school, what I eat, how I use my property? Right except for killing babies. You're the pro choice crowd. Give me a break. Yeah, we're in favor of freedom to kill babies. Mailbag drop us note mail bag at Armstrong and Getty dot com. Tea in Vancouver, Washington says, as long as we're handing out nicknames, come on, let's go with Kamalifornia.
That's pretty good.
I still think California Kamala is better because it spells it out. But that is pretty good too. You're right, democracy has never changed, writes Jay. I'm not sure if you saw the old war movie The Racks starring a very young Paul Newman nineteen fifty six, about a soldier who cracked under psychological torture as a pow during the Korean War. Wow, that's heavy stuff. During the court martial, the Defense Council bills an intercepted shy Colm communicate that hastruckts their interrogators how to get the American POWs to break. They mentioned that Americans are soft, don't realize how much they can endure or how much hardship they can take. That even college educated Americans are poorly informed about American history or democratic principles and how they work and how they work, how free enterprise works. And they're also very poorly informed about communism, and that makes them vulnerable to the type of propaganda that attacks fat cat capitalism and false narratives that communism is here to.
Rescue the masses. The effect was jaw dropping to me.
You know, as titles You're right, Democracy have never changed, it was draw dropping to me.
Is it exactly represented the.
Soft headed youth that we see on college campuses out protesting for hamas neomarxism, and against Western culture in general. Suadenly, it appears that nothing has changed in our adversaries are using these same weaknesses today. What's the name of that movie the Rack? Wow, I'm unfamiliar with that. I'm a big Paul Newman fan. I'll check that out. Nineteen fifty six. Also a very young Chlorate Leechman. Hey, no, for fans of that great thespian like a well turned leg Nurse Ratchet or not Nurse Ratchet? Nurse what from Young Frankenstein? Yeah, something that doesn't matter. Watched Young Frankenstein. You'll see her.
Let's see.
Do you have time for this? You know we've got to get into this later. I've got information on it. Uh, guys, this is beyond ridiculous. A biological male boxer who now claims to be female, who was allowed to fight a biological and the woman in the Olympics and the results were horrific. Even mainstream news is taking another look at this. That's not exactly true. This is an intersex person who's of ambigious sexuality. But I'll tell you what. Having watched that bout, that's a dude's biceps. That's a dude's shoulders. That's a dude's punching power. That's a dude.
Hmm. That's a tough one though. I don't know how you test for that.
Oh I do you know you can?
Yeah, I absolutely can.
But intersex people who are kind of both don't get to beat the hell out of women. It's an incredibly tiny percentage of population. Do something else with your time. None of us gets our first. I wanted to be a cowboy. Do you see a horse under me? You don't get to beat up women. Jeez, We've got a lot more on a bunch of different stories.
Stay with us, Armstrong and Getty.
So there's a decent chance if you've took in any of the Walls speech yesterday, and if you're normal, you probably didn't. But in the midst of it, Tim Walls, the vice presidential running mate for Kamala Harris, throws in this which you got to be super into the online world and maybe on Twitter to even know what the hell he was referencing it all, which I think is an important point on its own.
But this little clip here, and I.
Gotta tell you, I can't wait to debate the.
Guy reference in JD vans of course.
If he's willing to get off the couch and show.
Up and listen to the crowd roar with laughter.
So if you're if you're really online, as they say, as in you get like a lot of your news from stuff that floats around Twitter and Facebook and social media and TikTok as opposed to the actual news.
You've been into this.
Story that jd vance mentions in his book, He'll Billy Ellogy having sex with his couch, except it's it doesn't exist that now, that is not in the book at all. Somebody made that up and started it, and it floated around Twitter, and it caught on to the point that the VP running mate makes a joke about it and the crowd roars.
Portraying the man as a couch blanker. Now there's a couple of things to that.
One when they go low, we go hide, and that doesn't sound like it.
And two it was a love seat.
Come on, they're in the name right, How was it he he had cardinal knowledge of no furniture.
I read the book. I can assure you right, it's completely made up.
Well as a as a zero, I'll read uh and Eger of the Dispatch he tweeted out the JD Van's couch thing is a totally invented and arguably slanderous, slanderous s post. And I'm gobsmacked that the guy I've been hearing all day as mister Midwest decency would pull it out at his introductory rally. Well, and it got and it killed. I mean, maybe that's why he brought it out. It killed as a line. But so maybe there's an advantage in that, and that Kamala and this dude are like a lot of lefties, so online they think the world is the Twitter, TikTok, Facebook memes, and they get so into it, like Elizabeth Warren did, and then these various candidates and they they miss everybody else has no idea what they're talking about.
Well, it reminds me of the New York Times utter.
Lack of curiosity and lack of knowledge about why anybody would would vote for Donald Trump in twenty sixteen, and then when Trump won, their soul searching, cloth clothes tearing val to get more in touch with America, which they forgot about the next day. Yes, that is an incredible disadvantage of the woke online left, and I hope it hurts them man. In the there's a screen capture of a lot of important pundits.
If you're into twitter in the what do you call that?
The chattering classes of retweeting that line that Walls had about JD Van's Oh my god, I can't believe he went there.
That killed et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
All of those pundits not knowing that that's not a real thing. It's an online made up story. I just find that whole thing interesting, is Michael.
It doesn't matter.
It's entertaining. Just like you were saying earlier, I think people want to be entertained.
They don't care about policy anymore.
Well, yeah, that gets my big question. Does policy matter anymore? Is it just the show? Is it just the personalities, or is it just is it just I've got a side. I'm on the left side there on the right side, and is long. And if my side's entertaining enough, I will I will go to the polls.
If they're not.
Entertaining enough, I might I might not get energized enough go to the polls.
Maybe that's the whole thing.
Now it's possible because Trump recognized we're at a moment in time with a showmanship and personality and stuff like that and took advantage of it. Maybe Kamala Harris is the next step down the road of nobody cares about policy at all. I don't know, all right, Well, yeah, turnout matters and the unwashed middle matters, and I don't think the obscure and inaccurate couch blanker joke is going to do anything to sway the folks.
In the middle.
But yeah, maybe it jazz's people up to get a feeling of positivity and the whole happy warrior Reagan thing and it helps them turnout. But boy, policy wise, the people are just abhorrent. I was, well, yeah, here's it. For instance, I was taken in a little punditry yesterday Megan McCain I was on a show I saw. She said his stance on gender affirming care is radical, even compared to the most progressive people out there. He's a trojan horse dressed in a red state veneer. He scares the living s out of me. Now he's the vice president running mate. He doesn't set the policy. She's going to set the policy. But the fact that a guy like that could get that close to the White House is really something well, and I think it speaks loudly of who Kamala Harris really is. The story it was interesting. I read both the news story and the editorial in the Wall Street Journal about it, then read the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal was making a big deal of how it was a a rejection to Josh Shapiro because he's a Jew, and that would fire up the pro hamas lunatic young wing of the Democratic Party to mention the squad types, and that it was an indicator that she was perfectly comfortable with a second in command who was way way left. I mean, like Trump picking jd Vance when he could have picked you know, Tim Scott or Marco Rubio or somebody like that. She said, no, let's let's double down on the lefty base.
Meanwhile, the New York Times just emphasized that, hey, they just there was chemistry between them. Tim's going to be a loyal Mike Pencish vice president with no real aspirations.
He's happy to be the second Banana.
If he'd come out, if he'd come out there, Walls, if he'd come out there and been kind of flat, I'd have been all for the It was all about Shapiro being a Jew and she's weak and blah blah blah. Walls killed it last night. I mean, so it's hard to argue that that. You know, there's no other reasons you would choose him. He's got the folksy Midwest thing, and he was really good last night. Anyway, Mark Alprin's analysis. Part of it was yesterday, as I was looking all over the place. Given the type timeline, it's a safe bet to say that Walls was not actually fully vetted. Already, I have seen reports that contain information that will shock independent voters. Maybe the vetters knew all about this stuff, but if they did, Wow, I don't know what he's referring to. I don't know if that was that ninety six mile per hour DUI that we talked about yesterday, or there's a swift voting thing going on now that his military record is not what it seems.
I just don't I don't know why go there on any of that stuff.
Yeah, if you make that the question and they can mount a decent defense, you have lost the war. If you make policy and Marxism and again corruption, as I was describing earlier.
If you make that the question, there is no defense.
It was like the whole Obama's a Muslim or Obama wasn't born.
In the United States thing.
If he can produce the piece of paper to the satisfaction of the middle you have lost instead of hammering that he's a socialist.
What a time.
That the enthusiasm of that crowd, And you know what, most of that enthusiasm is their dislike of Trump. We've got somebody that could possibly stop Trump. That's somebody, anybody. That's what the enthusiasm is in that room. Yeah, I agree, And that's that's that's what comes with the polarizing figure that is Trump. People like them really fires them up, but people that don't like him, it really fires them up to who who here could possibly beat this guy? Is what Democrats have been in for now for a couple of cycles, right, right, And any golfer knows what I'm talking about. When I say you buy a new putter and buy god. For about two weeks you put like you're on the pro tour. Then all of a sudden you remember that you're not very good and it goes away. There's the excitement of the new toy. I don't care whether you're six years old or a golfer, or you got a new car or whatever. They have new toy excitement, and then they got like the coolest accessory you can get to the new to two weeks later, and so yeah, they're just a practically orgasmic but it will not last. So that's a real thing that happens with most people. You get a new putter and you put really well for a while.
Oh yeah, yeah, Actually the joke is two rounds. It's true of me.
It's it's almost inexplicable. How interesting is that psychologically? Yeah, golf is one of the reasons I'm so fascinated by it is it reveals so much about your personality and your psychology and the rest of it. Getting in your own way is the number one problem in the game of golf. Well, and I don't play golf, but I'm just finding this interesting because I'm sure you can extrapolate that to many.
Other areas of life. That's that's really interesting. Yeah.
I was thinking about that as I was watching Tim Wallas go up there on the stage and just kill it last night and be as comfortable as comfortable could be for whatever reason, He's built that way.
Kamala Harris is built that way.
Ronda Santis was not built that way, at least outside of the state governor level thing. Ronde Santis would get up there and try to smile the way the consultants told him to smile. Where am I supposed to put my hands? Again? Somebody told me my hands look weird if they're here. The walls had none of that going on last night, right right, Well, DeSantis is trying not to sound like an attorney in a policy wonk.
Well, I'm an attorney in a policy wonk. But don't do that.
You know. It's the comfortable in your own skin thing that you've touted many many times.
He who is or she who is will often win, yeah, almost always.
Unfortunately, he's comfortable in the skin of a closeted Marxist, lefty, lunatic child, mulilating, corrupt buffoon.
Later we'll have to run through just some of the actual positions that he has. And again, I don't know what does that say. It's the VP. They don't set the policy, Kamala does. But if the knock is going to be I think the only thing they talk about it should be. This is the most progressive ticket in American history. This is the most liberal ticket in American history, because it's factually true.
Right, that's what they should just hammer only.
But like I mean, I saw a lot of stuff on his military record. What he called himself in the National Guard or didn't. At what point are you kidding? He's four, He calls it gender affirming care, and he thinks little kids should get operations right right. Again, not to over make the point, but if you make it about the National Guard, his commanding colonel come out and say, no, he's an exemplary serviceman.
Well, thanks for waste.
In the last several weeks when you could have been hammering on his actual policies.
Don't fall for that crap.
They only wanted to give COVID vaccines to people of certain colors.
What are you kidding me?
His wife opened the windows so she could smell the burning tires of the George Floyd riots as atonement for the sin of being these people are out of their effing minds. Never mind his duy were he lied about being deaf to try to get out of it, which is really odd. Or the free milk bar that he proposed for the Minnesota State Fair, which I guess is a big hit.
That was some story yesterday. Are you familiar with that?
The all you can drink milk bar, which I don't know how much milk I could drink on a hot day. We've got Katie's headlines on the way and a bunch of news to get to. I hope you can stay with us. Oh, dang it, I take a lot of America unless you were a White Sox fan. We're hoping they'd set the all time record for losing, but they won last night, snapping their twenty one game losing streak.
They tied the American league record.
They were two losses short of the all time longest losing streak in Major League Baseball history.
But they won last night.
Oh way to screw it up, White Sox, be part of history. You can't even lose when you need to lose, you screwed up and you win. Boo coming up, speaking of the wide world of sport, next hour, the most gruesome Olympic event by far is going to come to your TV screens in the next couple of days. A lot of people won't even be able to take it. Wow.
Okay, stay with us right now, let's figure out who's reporting what. It's the lead story with Katie Green.
Katie, thank you, guys, Starting with NBC News, Big Dad Energy, How Harris got to Walls? Yeah, you're saying his midwestern dad charm will win over America.
Yeah, I can see.
I mean, because I was big yesterday on the She's only not picking Shapiro because he's Jewish or whatever. But two Ivy League coastal lawyers as opposed to Midwestern folksy.
Walls, Yeah, I can see it.
I'm not sure what coast you're referring to specifically in Pennsylvania, but I can't like one of your elite law schools.
Where I'm from. Pennsylvania's coastal.
Absolutely Philadelphia, Come on, enjoy the beaches anyway?
Where was I? The other thing is in fairness.
Jos Shapiro absolutely has the gifts and ambition to go for the presidency, and presidents famously don't want a vice president who's scheming, climbing, and trying to undermine them, So.
I can see that aspect of it too.
How about have you just schemed and climbed and booted your president out?
Well, that's especially because you know the type from the Wall Street Journal.
Corey Bush defeated in Missouri Democratic primary, becoming second House quote squad.
Member to lose seat. That's interesting. It's a beautiful thing, a beautiful thing.
The George Floyd generation of ice spout DEI nonsense, Therefore, I get your vote. Is it's ending, which makes it more interesting that Walls is the pick, because he's that kind of guy.
From Yahoo News, Chinese State TV pull's plug on Taiwan's bad minton victory. Yeah, I've got that broadcast throughout Taiwan, and then as soon as it showed them climbing on on China's core, that cut the broadcast.
That is so wild. What a stupid minor thing to care about, Come on, China.
From ABC News, Pakistani national charged with a led alleged plot to assassinate Donald Trump and other public officials.
Yeah, he just met with Iranian officials and came to our shores to assassinate whoever he coulked.
From USA Today, Donald Trump announces major interview with Elon Musk.
Wow, that's a good one.
Apparently he's set to sit down with them on Monday.
That'll get a lot of attention.
Hey, when when's Kamala Harris's big interview with Elon Musk or anyone.
From the New York Post viral bulge Olympian jokes about package.
In deleted video. Wait, this is the all time humble brag.
It's kind of embarrassing that I knocked the bar off with my giant giant manhood, but aw shucks, if you want to talk about it more, I guess I will.
He was apparently sitting in the cafeteria for the Olympics and wrote, you create more buzz for your package than for your performance.
Elly, you do.
From the Daily Mail, the robo dentist will see you now. AI robot operates on a live human without supervision for the first time.
Whoa, that was super like a dystopian nightmare. Oh. I didn't think we'd ever get to the point that there wouldn't be a doctor there watching it.
What Wow?
They did say, it's eight times faster than a normal specialists.
Why you sticking that in my eye? Hold on, here's anybody here tooth? Not I tooth, but eight times faster.
Wait a minute, though, Zip zip zip zip, You are done.
Wow, Thanks doctor robot.
And Finally from the Babylon b Behavioral scientists now believe feminists are always angry because they don't have a man to tell him to calm down.
Oh oh boy, why don't you calm down?
Oh oh my.
I actually said that to someone the other day and realized what we have said many times is that has never worked on anyone in the history of the world.
I'm surprised. You want to tell a story.
Well, yeah, oh boy, never fellas a young young man might be listening to the show, don't just don't. Oh I told a child that, not a woman. I am smart enough to know better than that. But uh, but the same with children. It's just it doesn't work on anyone. When somebody's worked up into a state of not calm calm down, it's just nothing right.
It enrages them if nothing else.
So the world's most gruesome Olympic sport coming up next hour plus and I've been holding on to this.
It feels like it ought to go together.
Science is studying the history of human sacrifice and what they are learning is mind boggling about humankind.
Yeah, it's tough to take.
And we've got a montage of tim Walls through the years, nobody knew who he was. Yesterday you should find out who he is. Some of the things he said are crazy. So we got a lot today. I hope you can stay with
Us, Armstrong and Getty