Inside this episode of The Armstrong & Getty One More Thing Podcast...
Take me to your leaders. Unless they're jackasses. They seem like jackasses. It's one more thing.
I'm strong and getty, one more thing before we get to your thing. I know we're about to talk about the UFO hearing as they had the other day. I as a guy who listens to lots of podcasts and reads tons of stuff, I've noticed the change in the last couple of years. There are way more of your super smart people saying I think there's a decent chance we are the only life in the universe, as opposed to like my whole life where it was now, that'd be crazy to think that. Now they're the super educated people who spend their lives on this, there's like a backlash to that, Like, no, there's very good reason to believe we are the only life that exists in the universe.
I've got to admit, having been convinced of the other point of view from my whole life, I find that counter into it been difficult to buy, but I haven't dug into it.
Oh yeah, look, you know, just like search it on YouTube you'll find MIT professors talking going through the reasons why they think that's quite possibly because it's just very very difficult and takes a whole bunch of extraordinary things to occur. Yeah, temperature water. Nobody's exactly sure how life started anyway, but maybe there's just none anywhere, Katie.
Your gut reaction, Oh, I for sure think there's like aliens or something.
I'm sure something well, and the other I'll let you argue with the MIT professor with that they're hiding something. I totally think for sure there's life somewhere. I tend to be on your side.
But yeah, and the other thing that I, you know, tended to forget about until I took a college class on This was an unbelievably easy class. I mean, home man, talk about an easy a. You hardly had to fogg a mirror anyway. But it was super interesting and fun. But you know, in the history of the globe, which is, you know, couple of billions a year whatever it is, human beings have existed for like well, just life in general has existed for like a blink of that time.
And so not only would.
You have to have you know, life here and then there's some here and then way over there, but it would have to exist at the same time across billions of years, right, that's Elon, But I'm aware of each other, that's Elon.
Musk's point is that unless you are inter multiplanetary species, which is why he wants to get us to Mars, there's almost no chance of your surviving because there's a you know, there's a time limit on all planets for where it's going to be too hot or too cold for the life to continue. So again, there could have been life, maybe maybe a very long you know, one hundred million years ago or one hundred million years from now, but the idea that there's intelligent life somewhere right now that could reach us is very very low.
Yeah, fascinating topic, no doubt. But getting back to my charming introduction. Take me to your leaders big hearing the other day in the United States Congress.
I like that version of interplanetary. Yeah, there's plenty of life. It's close by. They can immediately come here. They speak English, which is very handy. Well, they have translators. It's good they had Google Translate before Google. Did I appreciate you learning the English language before you land? Come down and they have three fingers. Yeah, they're basically us, just slightly different.
Yeah, always bald headed, always kind of translucent with smooth weird heads. Anyway, you know what, the old Star Trek was so great for aliens. I mean because they really tried hard with the technology of the time to be imaginative. It wasn't all you know, bald headed, et looking creatures. It was everything from like sparkles of energy to very humanoid to like hot green chicks.
I mean, really ran the gamut.
Of what with Mars attacks.
Oh yeah, yeah, great old movie. Yeah.
Anyway, So there's a hearing the other day Congressional panel what the House Oversight Committee.
Evidently they oversee space aliens.
But it's funny because this account in the Wall Street Journal, which you'd think would be among the more sober accounts of this, just kind of glosses over all. Right, are we talking about freaking space aliens? Are we just talking about objects observed by military pilots that have not yet been identified?
Do I think I think China has planes or drones that we don't know about and are hard to detect a freaking course, right?
And or do we think that DARPA is developing weapons and reconnaissance aircraft and sometimes they try them out on our very guys to see if they can be detected and in what way and how quickly and that sort of thing.
Yeah, absolutely, I think that. So the hearing.
Wednesday by two House Oversight Subcommittee's latest in Congress is push for transparent around UFOs, which seems like a terrible idea to me, for reasons I'll get into. Witnesses have alleged that they've seen aerial phenomena exhibiting qualities that defy explanation, that the US government has taken steps to shield what it knows. And you've got Nancy Mayce, who's the hottie from South Carolina who about half the time strikes me as a really good congress person, then the other half of the time she strikes me as a nut. But she said she's the chairwoman of one of the subcommittees, said in her opening remarks that some people didn't want Wednesdays hearing to happen because they feared what might be disclosed. But we stood firm no amount of outside pressure would ever keep me from pursuing a subject. What if it's like highly classified weapons systems to keep us from being overrun by the Chinese commie horde, sweetheart, then would you disclose it to the public. Not good. Congress in twenty twenty two held its first hearing on US what it now calls unidentified anomaloust phenomenon or UAPs.
Again, why did they have to change?
Or if there's like flying pigs, that would be well, no, I suppose that would be an identified anomalous phenomena.
Hey, I know what that is. That's a flying pig.
Oh when the hole wind pigs fly thing is now, I'll.
Be damned, but identified? Yes, everybody keep cool. Since then, lawmakers in the public have heard from military and intelligence officers who've testified they've seen UAP and they could pose.
Risks to national security.
And the Pentagon did not respond to a request for comment on Wednesday.
Doesn't that tell you everything you need to know?
Yeah, it's just done.
We're dealing with this as fast as we can can. We just keep kind of quiet about it all because we're developing counters to these Chinese spy tiny spy drones, and we don't want to talk about it.
Okay, Nancy.
The other thing that has changed in my lifetime that makes sense, not only is there, you know, this newfound belief that maybe there is no other life in the universes. Why are we sending out signals to try to reach them? That stupid Stephen Hawking was the first person I heard say that, and then others have written books about it. That's the last thing you do if you're some tiny little beast in the weeds in Africa is like raise up your arms, say hey, any giant predators out there that are much bigger, stronger than meat that would like to kill me?
Anybody I'm over here? Why would you do that? Why would you send out the you know, the the voyager that's still headed out into space and elons that went out a while back, with all kinds of trying to alert people that, hey, isuel a week plant over here? If you want to come kill us.
We're made of meat, and we've got lots of natural resources.
We're made of meat meat.
I'm reminded of one of Henry Kissinger's descriptions of America and Americans. We're a big, friendly dog, and sometimes our tail knocks stuff and breaks it. But and you can, you know, cite this in looking at the way we deal with the Muslim world, in dealing with China for several decades, and there are several others examples of this. But we're we're nice people, Americans in large measure, we just want to be friends and do business.
And so we have this idiotic.
Assumption that everybody else just wants to be friends and do business, including space aliens.
Right there on Flutron five, Hey do you want to.
Be our friend? Do you want to be our friends?
Well, no, we'd like to eat your resources.
That their ray gun. They just zap you with their ray gun.
This is what happens, No words necessary.
What happened in the horror movie Signs. They started communicating with the aliens through a baby monitor and everybody died. Yeah, the idea that that would automatically somehow benefit humanity if we did contact a almost certainly superior life format. How why would you assume that that's really weird that we ever thought that, let alone it being the consensus of view.
It's a very American thing to do, it is.
The Pentagon has previously said there is no evidence that UFO sightings are alien spacecraft.
Thank god, I don't.
Not since having achieved arguably manhood, have I spent much time at all thinking about space alien craft. No, absol not it's it's it's advanced military technologies from ours and other governments. Obviously, now some okay, all right, hey, you know me, mister, I want to hear the opposing point of view.
You think it may be.
A cigar shaped silvery spaceship.
Is that what you could be?
That's what I'm thinking. The saucer coming down with the beam, got the beam picked you up, probed you, maybe ainly, and I haven't thought.
So always part of it, Yeah, so much probing, always part of it.
Now, some of the like miraculous stops and starts and changes the direction and speed that they've observed in these craft is I've got to admit it. It looks to be beyond terrestrial technology. But the fact that I can't come up with the explanation, partly because I'm not a physicist nor a DARPA scientist or whatever, does not mean well, you gotta go to space aliens the next step.
That's well, if if the professional you know, commentator can't nail down what it is, it must be space aliens. No, maybe it's some ability to distort and deceive radar systems and you know whatever other technologies the jet fighters use and that sort of thing.
But God, we should have dug up the best of Kate McKinnon from Saturday Night Live when she gets, you know, probed by the aliens, and she'd always puts funny joke. Oh, they had me strapped up and they looked me over from my cooder to my tutor before they let me back down.
Sure, one hundred and five euphemisms for the female parts, just absolutely hilarious. Hey remember when the guy told everybody to storm Area fifty one online and they took him serious and it was just a party outside everyone every fifty.
One on Gates. Yeah, that was a good time.
Well, I guess that's it.