Ways Families Can Support Struggling Seniors
Daphne Davis of Pinnacle Senior Placements joins Suzanne to offer tips for dealing with complex family dynamics of helping a struggling senior loved one. Be the son and daughter, don't try to parent your parent. Daphne says, "My first golden tip would be: if anyone has an opinion, or wants to be a…
Consider In-Home Care For Ailing Seniors
A senior loved one has had a hospital stay, and now they want to go home. Or their insurance is running out and they need to return home to recuperate. What are their options at home for care? While at the hospital, talk to a social worker about in-home care, which can supplement help from a spouse…
Warning Signs That Mom Is Struggling at Home
When do you start discussing having more care for mom and dad? Oftentimes, people wait too long. In this segment, Daphne Davis of Pinnacle Senior Placements offers the broad picture health analogy of a three-legged stool: hydration, medication, and nutrition, which balance fine so long as all three…
Realizing Mom Needs Help at Home
Daphne Davis joins Suzanne to talk about crossroads and transitions. One of the most difficult parts of aging with families is being unprepared for life's changes. When adult children realize that mom or dad may need some help, broaching the topic can be challenging. A longtime contributor to Answe…
Family Caregiving, Part 4: Financial Concerns with Daphne Davis
What is the job description of a family caregiver? In this segment, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements focuses on changes in financial management in senior care. The costs of senior care is skyrocketing.
Family Caregiving, Part 3: Legal Concerns with Daphne Davis
What is the job description of a family caregiver? In this segment, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements focuses on the legal side of family caregiving and what Daphne sees when they're dealing with legal aspects.
Family Caregiving, Part 2: Healthcare Concerns with Daphne Davis
What is the job description of a family caregiver? Often a caregiver is overwhelmed by medical terminology. In this segment, Daphne Davis at Pinnacle Senior Placements focuses on what go on in the hospital.
Family Caregiving, Part 1 with Daphne Davis
With the arrival of fall, it’s businer at Pinnacle Senior Placements. People recharge their batteries during the summer, as we get back to the realities of life, recently Daphne Davis has seen an increase in younger sons and daughters having to help senior loved ones in their 70s: People in their 3…
You Are Not Alone, Part 4 with Daphne Davis
How often have you felt alone in this process of caring for a senior loved one? In this hour, Daphne discusses how you're truly not alone. It's just a matter of reaching out for hope to build relationships with a team of people who have the best interests of your loved one at heart. In this segment…
You Are Not Alone, Part 3 with Daphne Davis
How often have you felt alone in this process of caring for a senior loved one? In this hour, Daphne discusses how you're truly not alone. It's just a matter of reaching out for hope to build relationships with a team of people who have the best interests of your loved one at heart. In this segment…