Behind the Gleeking Scenes with Megan Doyle

Published May 23, 2024, 4:49 AM

She's a big-shot executive now, but Megan Doyle was a "lowly" PA on Glee's set back in the day, working countless hours behind the scenes, and she's got stories to tell!  Megan opens up to her friends Jenna and Kevin about her time on Glee, including how she got her PA job, her thoughts on the cast when she initially met them, the craziness of the Glee tours, her and Kevin's very first trip to a gay bar, but Megan not realizing Kevin was gay, and what it was like working with her aunt Jane Lynch on set! 
Plus, the trio reminisces about the time a huge celebrity guest star was MIA, and Meg was tasked with finding them and getting them on set . . . how she tracked them down and the one pit stop they were forced to make. You'll be 'loving it.'

And that's what you really missed with Jenna and Kevin an iHeartRadio podcast. Welcome to and That's what You're in the miss podcast. Hello Kevin, Hey Jenna. Today we have a special guest, I mean, one of our favorite people on the planet, one of our best friends, one of the most successful parts of Glee, like behind the scenes, hardworking, one of the things that just made the show. Mother mother she is, She's our mother mother. Meghan Doyle is here, and Megan Doyle is the Nieces. She says it America's Jane Lynch. Megan is so much son tour. I mean, obviously she earned her keep and is integral part of the Glee machine. Truly, she works her way. She works for bradfaw Truck now even still she's a VP of his come company Television Production Company, Television. She's a She's a boss. H and we knew this.

I feel so proud of being able to have watched her grow from the first Glee tour where she was thrown to the wolves.

That's the true test.

Yeah, she thrived in it. She didn't just make it. She excels. She's not just surviving, she's thriving. This is Megan Doyle enjoy Hi Meggs.

Hey guys, welcome.

That's too generous.

I don't think it's generous enough to be honest.

I want a headset like you guys. It's very profresh.

It's just a mask. Yeah, we'd just like to hear her own voices as loud as possible. Exactly. Well, welcome to the show. It's very exciting to have you here. You feel like an integral part of our Glee experience and so wouldn't be the same if we didn't have you on the show.

I also feel like you are a prime example of someone who really had a journey within the show and post a show with it like within this family. Yes, you have climbed the ranks more than anyone else has.

That's I mean you have. Yeah, you have like your own.

Journeys right, Yeah, I did ARC and it's.

Still going okay. Can you tell the people who don't know already what your role was when you joined the show and how you got into a world like how you you joined the show? What was the opportunity presented to you?

So I was living in Chicago, nannying post college, and all my friends were had like nine to five marketing gigs in the city, and I was like, this is not for me, Like I, I can't do this. I'm not cut out for a nine to five in sales. And I'm also not cut out to be a nanny for the rest of my life that I know that I would become an adult nanny. So I had done a bunch of internships throughout the summers during college in LA and my aunt, America's Jane Lynch was was on this little show called Glee, and I was ready to jump ship. I was like, I'm ready, I'm ready to go do this. I don't know what I'm going to do in entertainment, but I need to at least, you know, dive in and see see what's out there. And so I reached out to her and I was you know, we were very close, we were always very close, and and she was like, well, you know, I'm going on this concert tour this summer. Maybe there are some assistant gigs. And I was like great, And in my head I was like, oh, I'm totally like a shoe in for this job, like I'm Jane Lynch's knees. Of course I'm going to get it. And I ended up having to go through like six seven interviews.

To get this weight stop. Who did you muw it?

I remember jeff Bywater helped. Oh yeah, okay, so wonderful.

I Jeff Water was like the music department at FOXNY.

Executive thought like I had no idea that I was talking to somebody who was like so big and accomplished. Anyway, he was so lovely and kind of like to under his wing. And then I remember having to interview with a few people at like Irving and aise off. One of them was like a bit it might have been I don't if somebody super high up, and I was like, why is it so hard to get an assistant a job? Like so nepotism was at play, but it also like I had to you know, but I was a real person.

To nepotism got you in the door, you had to follow through right right, prove yourself.

So then I had actually never been out of the country. I didn't even have a passport. I never studied abroad or anything like that. And although see the first tour was not overseas, so back to the first tour, they were like, okay, like you're hired, show up at this airport and then you'll start and I had no idea and I show up and they're like, okay, great, Like there was Telly and all cast was there, and you guys were all like, you know, in your own little pod, and I was like, Hi, you know, I'm Megan. I'm an assistant on this tour as well, and I just kind of got thrown into the deep end. Obviously, Telly took me under his wing. Our tour manager, Angie Warner, was incredible, and so I was kind of like her little right hand person, whereas Kelly was more like the cast assistant, kind of an extension of what he'd been doing on set.

Did they give you any kind of context of what your role would be or you just like got thrown to the fire and said, like, you go, where's needed.

I don't remember any context at all. I was I was a desperate just to get out of Chicagogo and hit the road with you fools. So I remember being I remember I met Corey first, and I was I remember being a little starstruck. Yeah, and he was so nice, you know, and and the rest of y'all are pretty clickie.

Well, I was going to ask you because I remember.

It was very weird because that was the first time we had been outside of our safe space, outside of Paramount. We had become very close, the show had become very, very successful, and so like this was us out in the real world. And I remember meeting you and like you being introduced, and we were also very protective of like Telly and Telly's role within our group, and I remember thinking, like, who is this, Like how how do they think we're just.

Going to like except bring somebody else in. Yeah, like we have our system that works. Telly can do everything right.

We don't need somebody else. But I think that dasted for maybe, like I don't know, forty eight hours. Yeah, I don't last long.

I remember, like one of my first memories on that tour was obviously meeting you all, but then and we were flying commercial at the time, right, we weren't in correct on our private jet, which is a generous term for our second tour exactly. But I one of the first things I remember was being in Phoenix and I went out with you. I clicked with Chris Colfer right away. He was wonderful. I was Jane's niece, and like we just clicked. But I remember going out with you and Chris and Jeremiah, who was doing hair on the tour, and he.

Went to a gay bar, my first gay bar ever, mine too, and I'm.

Jammed in the back seat. We're all like pretty drunk in the back seat of this you know. I guess it was a taxi. Yeah, And I just remember that. No, I thought Kevin was straight. I am, And I don't remember. I think I I think I texted Jane or I was like I said, I was like, yeah, I went to a gay bar with so and so, and I was like, yeah, but Kevin's straight and she was like.

No, he's not.

Kevin's something inappropriate, but we don't use anymore, Jane. But yeah, I had knew, I think kind of. I was just like, oh, he's cute, but like not, I knew he wasn't from you, weren't for me, you weren't like but I didn't know. I didn't put the pieces together.

That you were getting.

That's when stop on the tour was La and then Jane came in and she's like, so, you're a little gay boy, and I was like, she saw the panic in my fish, so sorry, and I looked horrified and.

Then I was like, no, you can know, just not here right, Cleane always knew, of course she did.

I mean you could smell it on me.

Yeah you know.

Then how did you get a job on the show then?

Yeah, So basically I was still I did the tour.

And a bond and fell in love with you. Yeah. Yeah, I fell in.

Love with you guys, and we So at that point I was like, Okay, well now I'm totally gonna get a job on the show, like I've I've earned my stripes. And Donte di Loretto. I remember emailing him being like I want a job on the show, blah blah blah set and he wrote me back and told me that I was too green and that I needed to get more set experience because the tour is not the same as set and Glee. As you know, it's a beast of a show. So at this point, I'd moved to LA and like, you know, you guys are my only friends, and I was like, what am I going to do? Like I have to get on this set. So I Telly's dad JP K John cusackagent legendary producer, was working on n CIA or you know, producing n C. I S L A and he was like, well, I can give you a job as an office PA, and I was like okay. So I spent like seven months basically stocking the refrigerator of a production office, like the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of assistants. And then I got invited to go on the second tour with you guys, which was overseas, and I like dropped ass to have everything at n C. I s l A and said for well to elchool Jay and I got my first packport and went overseas with you idiots. And it was that was where I think I earned my stripes. Uh yes, it was bananas and like a real traveling circus freak show situation and like it was also I remember like I was looking through my journal, uh like I had like it was like a it was on my computer or whatever. I remember being so mad at you guys at one point, and I remember being like I am like, don't ever work with these people again. It was just a polarcoaster of emotions, like you guys were like they're terrible people and I love the same time. And as it turns out, I couldn't quit you because I did get a job as a set PA for season three. Wait wait, hold on, we were okay when I was writing the Journalist.

Yeah, what happened.

We were in London on the bus from London to man Manchester, middle of the night, terrifying like two lane roads, like one going each day, and I remember, I remember the bat we like had a bathroom on the bus and it like like people were it was discussing, and everybody was so mad and just and I just I just remember thinking English, It's like, God, they're so spoiled. They don't know how good they.

Have it in that moment, right, that's fair. That was like a weird time portal like that bus ride. It was the only time we ever did anything like that, and it was we had just gotten out of the country. We did We had like four days in Manchester. It was our first couple of days off and then we were going to London. And if you listen to this podcast regularly, you know that mentally lost. Most of us never made it to London. And what happened was on that bus ride, people fully just checked out and I lost it. Yeah, And that was the turning point.

Right, everyone was like their worst selves.

It was the first time too that everyone sort of like factioned off in a weird way. It almost felt like stranger things were like that was the upside down or I don't know what happened everything changed on that was like four hour bus ride or something.

It was yet the second leg of the tour and we were almost done. We were like getting to the end. We weren't in our country. People not weird when they're not in their own country.

And everybody was getting sick. It was like a revolving door. Who was who had an IV for hydration or whatever. It was just like and who knows if we were also like always.

Yeah, like we also got like all these like shots and stuff in Manchester because we were all sick and stuff.

People were yelling at each other. Yeah, it was weird.

When you first tour moved to La work on and says La and how being on that second tour, which was a whole different animal, what was your I guess expectation versus the reality of your experience on that tour the second tour, I had.

No idea, Like I knew how big the show was because I was always with you guys socially, and you're like you're being paparazzi left and right, but I had no idea what a splash you'd made internationally.

It was wild.

I mean, it was, it was. It was. It was so cool, like it was Radio City the second tour or the first first tour. Okay, So I had a moment during Radio City where I looked outside and I saw like the streets were completely packed with people like you guys were the Beatles. But then on the second tour, I again, I just didn't realize the impact you'd had. And I remember we were being like in Dublin, there were women who would leave there or bring their or they'd bring their babies into the bar to chase after us, you know, and then the bartender be like, there are no babies allowed in here, and they'd leave their little kids and their babies outside while they would go in and chase you around. And there were people popping out of bushes outside of our hotel, and like we'd have to take secret, you know, escape routes to get to the theater. It was. It was wild. It really felt like like she's using the Beatles comparison, but it really felt like I was like on tour with the Beatles.

It was insane.

How did you like, how did you feel like in your position with and like, I also feel like you had a bigger job that second tour, Like you were like you were leading things, like you were rounding us up. You were like you were it seemed like you had more of like a managerial yeah, position than you did the first tour.

I think Kelly was like felt a little bit. First of all, he was tired from working on season two, right, and he felt I remember him being like, Megs, I'm passing you the torch. And it was such it was a bigger production than it was season one tour, and so it was kind of all hands on deck. But also Telly and you guys trusted me enough for me to kind of step up into that. I had kind of earned it at that point, but Telly was like kind of like, I'm starting to take step back and you're going to take over. And like, honestly, Kelly taught me everything that I knew or any anything, Yeah, And he taught me how to be an assistant, especially you guys, you know. And also I had my own relationship with you, like I knew I'm very observant. I love watching natural habitats, and I could, I ID have.

To handle specific people.

Yeah, and I put my own rhythm with you guys, But I learned a lot of that from.

Telly, which is Telly's a master at that and you both are, because it's so hard to come into a group with so many different types of people that are also all so close and be able to manage them, get them where they need to be, but also not feel like, I don't know, you're nagging them or you're being like a parent.

Well adult nannies. It was an adult nanny.

I was an adult nanny, and you know that, It's funny all those skills that I learned on set still kind of carry over into like what I do now, so and then just like dealing with difficult personalities and you know, getting people to do what I need them to do, but also so that they feel supported and that I'm you know, I'm there for them. And yeah, so.

A lot.

It was amazing that the skills that you and Telly could have to treat us like the children we were acting like, yet us not be insulted by it.

Yeah, it was a fine, very fine, delicate line because you know, a lot of times that we'd have day player pas or when I would get pulled to a different unit.

You guys, you were so pissed that I was there, you know exactly, And but.

You know, I feel bad for those day player pas.

Yeah, but it was tough role, very delicate. Yeah, yeah, me.

You both were masterful at that position, and I think a lot of time it's like a thankless position to be in, for sure, but we all needed it so desperately that as soon as one of you weren't around, we felt it and it felt like we didn't have. You guys were like our foundation, our baseline, and so like without it, we always like WHOA, we can't do anything without them, and I don't. We don't need to listen to anybody else, which is also why interesting you have that journal entry about the bus, because I feel like it's like with family members, where you love them, you're the closest to them.

In your life, but hate them.

You can also treat them the worst because you know at the end of the day, they're still going to have to be there because you're they're family. And I feel like, upon reflection, you and Kelly probably got so much of that regularly because we could or we felt like we love them, we're family, and it's not. It's that fine line of obviously it's not professional to be this way, but also we're really close outside of this, and so there's this blurry line of yes, we're co workers, which we always used to make jokes about calling each other co workers because really we were just best friends and obsessed with each other, right it I you.

Know, I I don't remember feeling disrespected by you guys. I remember because there were always like I remember Corey would always ask, like, what do you want to be when you grow up? What do you want to do? And he and Darren would always tell me like, someday you're going to be my boss. Some day you're going to be my boss, Like you're you're better than this, You're gonna I can't wait to see what you do. Yeah, And so I just never it was fun. It was frustrating. But like if I got frustrated, and I'm sure tell you feel the same way, we could express it to you and you'd be like, okay, we need to like get in line.

Yeah, so you get back from tour, how do you then get on set?

Finally, I remember, I think I went through Leo. I was putting. I was put in contact with Leo, and at that point he knew what a crazy time the tours were.

And Leo was our first a d Leo. He was trusting legend like rand that said, he is the man like God love him. I can't even I could cry when I think about it. It's so wonderful. Okay, sorry.

I learned so much about like how to be a good person in this business from Leo Baber.

Yeah, same makes sense.

So at this point, you guys were a well oiled machine and I had, you know, proven that I could. You know, I kind of stepped up on the second tour and so uh he interviewed me and was like, great, you're in. You know, I had day played on a few other sets as a PA, which was absolutely mortifying because I had never been on a set at a walkie talkie and and I remember one of the ads is like, you know, Megan, go to two, which means like switched a channel too. I literally I was so green that I I started running around being like, where's to where's looking for two of the destination and somebody would go to channel two. You've done it, as right, exactly, and so I had only done a few days on set before I came on a Glee and I my first episode was the food fight at one episode, like on the stages and then and and Kelly was in charge of first team. That was he was like the key set PA. I was like the bottom bottom tier set PA.

And also like first team is like us, right, it's so funny, but we're first team.

Yeah. So they were kere of pas and what you do, and so Telly was very much the PA. But at this point I had a relationship with you guys, and so you guys were treating me like an equal to Telly. And for the ads that I was working under, the second ads like they didn't like that, you know. They were like, you know, they were, yeah, what's friends with these people? And so she's special, No, she's got to start the bottom. She got It was like manual labor.

Like but we still found you. I remember like seeking you out and still.

Being like.

What what were you doing? Though?

On those like what was what were your I remember I was in charge of Okay, so I was like the first one in and the last one out. So I was charge of They put me in charge of radios radio, and so I had to distro the radios to every department and like track and the thing is each radio. I don't know how much they cost, but they're very expensive. And like the big thing is is me who I was making probably five hundred dollars a week for working like sixty hours on my feet. I was in charge if if these radios went missing, because these grown men, these grown grips lost to radio, like it was my fall at the end of the season. So anytime we had like a person who was day playing, I had to have them sign their life away for a radio. But the thing is is like if I didn't find them in their radio at the end of the day, it was on me, Oh my god. So it was like I took it very seriously. But I was also had like one foot out the door.

I was like this sucks, right, yeah, like this is not what I imagined. Tour was glamorous.

Yeah, really, I was saying, we were saying the nicest hotels on tour and then like this was the least glamorous thing I'd ever done, and so yeah, and then you know, being I would sign out all the stand ins at the end of the day signed, like the time cards, things like that, like really boring stuff or in you know, in the grand scheme of things. I would have to then go collect everybody's time card at the end of the night when they were when all the grips and you know, camera people, everybody. I had to wait for the last person to leave the kind card they'd signed. So it was a doozy And what happened was so Kelly, this is season three Tlly. I don't remember when he transitioned up to the writer's room, but I had been kind of being trained by him, and then he left to go be a script coordinator and I was in charge of you guys.

Plan was always like get her in.

There were always rumblings of like if Telly Ever decides to leave, like we're fucked, yeah, like what are we going to do? And then megsd stepped on the scene like okay, and then it became like okay, meg z Ever leaves, what are we going to do? Right, So it's like we needed we got to keep her around. Yeah, but we also were trying to push Telly out because we're like, Telly, you've been doing this, You've spent so many hours go make more money, like move up in the ranks. Because also I think within the Ryan Murphy world there was a lot of lawyer in that way where you build up that cachet and Ryan trusts you, Brad I and everybody loves Telly. Everybody loves you. It respects your work ethic and then it's like, come on, just you got to go ask for the thing. And then he started moving up and then you quote unquote moved up to us.

I moved up to you. That was my next stop on the assistant totem poll. We were the good old days. I don't think it happens like this anymore, or at least it doesn't feel and I think you have boundaries now and I didn't have any.

You ended up dealing with a lot of guest stars. You dealt with like you were the guest star. Gal.

I was a difficult person, Gal, So I was like you guys listened to me. But I found myself being the person who was sent to Casman houses when they were sick to like get them off the floor whatever was going like there was I was always around vomit. For some reason, I was always the person because I'm a helper I'm caretaker. Somebody throwing up and I you know, I remember Mark throwing up into a garbage can and ME like rubbing his back and I was like, what am I doing?

Like this is right, not my responsibility.

So I yes, I became the.

I was.

I remember I was always being pulled between two units. It was like, you guys wanted me. I was like, you're pacifier and then so like. And then when Leah was in New York, you know, or she always wanted me to so I was kind of going back and forth between the two. And then guest stars. Yes, there were a few guest stars that I had the pleasure.

Of dealing with.

And yeah, there was one who didn't show up to set and it was a really big day and you guys were so mad because it was one of It was a competition day. I think it was regionals or sectionals or something, and those days are so chaotic. There are so many people, it's so sweaty. It's just absolutely miserable. You have to get there so early, and then you just sit and wait all day and everybody is waiting on this one guest star, and.

You know, I.

Production sent me in a van to Chateau Marmont, because that is where this person was pictured or seen the night before, and I had to go on the on a wild goose hunt for this person. I found that person and I put them in the van. And even though that person was you know three at this point, like three hours late, they demanded they asked if we could stop at McDonald's for a meg McMuffin, and then I was assigned to that person for the rest of the episode.

Of course, you work, you're too good at it. That's the same when you make yourself known that you're so valuable in that way, you screw yourself. Everyone listens to you. It's so true.

It was weird because we all we needed that actor to do their work, and even though like they were notoriously difficult, and so I'd be in their trailer and you know, they'd be smoking a cigarette, which isn't allowed in those trailers, like you have to completely you know, that trailer's garbage when somebody smokes in it, and you know, everybody be waiting on set, and I'd have my ear piece in and they'd be like, look like, don't upset her because she's she's going to take off. But like I need you to coerce her to get onto set, like please.

You're like like do you want to treat? Do you want to treat?

It was like trying to get.


Wow, it was wild.

Did you was there a part of your like that you and did you enjoy that at all? Did that like stress you out?


What was that for you and your mental capabilities?

I'm a little bit of a masochist in that way.

Like I.

I I'm the oldest of four, I grew up in a big family. I just I kind of thrive in chaos. Now is that like a good thing? Maybe not. I was my therapist like, I'm sure has some opinions on that. But I to be good at something, you know, right, I got that person on a set and you know, they didn't know any of their lines, and it was like I was in the corner practicing their lines with them, Like it was just it was it was insane holding handholding, but I was so Yes, I liked it, I think because I was good at it, But it also was like what's next?

Yeah, what am I doing?

What am I doing with my life? Because I actually don't want to be on set for the rest of my life.

This is not for me.

And I think part of the process of being an assistant is that you start exing things off your list. Ye want to do that, don't want to do that, don't want to do that totally.

That's so what was next for you? Megs? Where'd you go next?


Next, I had my site set on the big Ivory Tower at Paramount Studios, the Ryan Murphy Loft. I had become friends with Brad Falchuk's assistant, Jess Meyer, like we all had, and she was getting promoted, getting ready to get promoted to you know, go into the writer's room, and so she kind of started grooming me to be Brad's assistant. You know, like he directed lots of our episodes, so I knew him pretty well, but she would have me, you know, bring him his lunch or like things like that, and just so he like started to know me and trust me. And you know, so once she got promoted, I moved up to be his assistant.


That was like a very that was that was terrifying. You know, it went from you went from I went from being on set with all of you to being in a very different setting up and up in those offices.

Me as the creator of one of the creators of the show. He's like not a nobody, no.

But Brad was amazing. I mean he was the chillest of people.

You know.

Yeah, I love something. But it's funny. I went from, you know, living this kind of grubby set life to being in like a pretty glamorous office.

I love that office so much.

It was a good space.

When you moved up there, I started sneaking away. It was also like such an end of an error where I just like missed you and Telly, where I would sneak away and have lunch up there with you guys. I get all the secrets just by all the sitting in there. I could just listen to all the conversations.

Yeah, get how smart.

You would tell me all the tea from set.

It was great compare notes the best of both worlds. You don't have to be down there, you just hear about it. Yeah, Megan is the ultimate Fairyvale catcher, Like she knows all the secrets.

I think that's kind of why I was good at dealing with you know, people different personalities.

Is that very different?

And I'm really great at keeping secrets.

Yeah, yeah, we know you have so many secrets years later and then yeah, and then she was like, yeah, I know exactly what.

She's so good. How would you explain your experience with Brad? Like assisting Brad?

It was really nice for me because he was working on so many shows at once. It was I had just experienced like Hollywood boot Camp on set, and then now I was experiencing like Hollywood boot Camp from like a producer oil point.

Of view, like an executive creative.

Yeah, so you know, and then those were the days. I mean, at least from my perspective, it felt like they would just spit out a log line and they'd be in production a few months later.

That's just how.

They didn't really have to develop the way you have to develop shows now. At least that's how it felt from where I was sitting. So it was, it was I I loved I loved observing all that it was. It was very inspiring, and it's you know, it started getting a wheels turning about, like what what do I want to do after this? And I knew I didn't want to be in the writer's room, and I had a pretty good feeling that I wanted to be a producer, a non writing so yeah, Brad was. It was also great because Brad was directing a lot of these episodes, so I'd be traveling with him, like if we were shooting you know, Scream Queens and New Orleans. I went with him for that for you know, at one point we were there for like a month or two, like prep for the pilot and then I think the pilot and maybe episode two, which was great. Learned so much and again I was on set, but like in a different capacity than I had, just kind of refreshing.

Yeah, having to run around chasing us, right, Like.

Brad is very very low maintenance, and he's also he's a very good person. Yes, I learned after I left as his assistant, I learned that that was incredibly rare and this is so and he's he's also incredibly loyal, which is why I work for.

Him again now right, producing shows.

Yeah, full circle.

Yeah, so tell the people what you do now.

So I'm the of Brad Felcheck's company.

Tell you that's right, vice president.

I what do I do?

You know?

He has his he we have a first look deal with Netflix. So for a few years we had an overall deal. Now we have a first look. I kind of you know, it's Brad and his producing partner Michael Bonason, and then it's myself and my colleague Nils, and then we have two assistants and kind of running the day to day. So I'm meeting with writers and directors every day, people that we can be in business with. I'm constantly reading scripts. I'm constantly reading articles that you know might be the seed of an idea for a show, just you know, looking for things that Brad can write on or that can create, and then also looking for opportunities where Brad can co create with other writers.

So you guys must have a short such a shorthand by this point, you and Brad.

It's funny we don't have an office, and it doesn't feel that way because I just I feel like we know each other so well that it doesn't like not seeing him day to day in person, like really doesn't make a difference, right right, Wow, Which awesome, He's great.

He's the best.

When you were talking about doing when you first got on to Glee and you were the lowest rung of the total pole signing all those people in and out, I bet that makes you such a good executive in that way. Because you know, when it comes to filming a show. You guys did Brother's Son, which is incredible, but like on set seeing something being filmed from that point of view, this is your position. Now you know how long these people are on set working, and you know where they are, what they're doing. And I feel like it's pretty rare to have somebody in your position that has seen set life from almost every single perspective from bottom to the top. And I feel like when you are now in this position doing this on set, like, how do you notice that day to day like the consideration into managing like the work life culture and set culture and all that.

Yeah, I was on set every day for Brother's Son. I was there to kind of make sure that our creative vision was being you know, carried through on set. And it's interesting because a lot of executives, many executives that i've you know, peers that I've worked with, never had they started out at an agency. They didn't take the set route. And every now and then I'll meet somebody who did come up on set and we have like such a camaraderie like right away because we know what it's to be in the trenches and to really know what it takes to make a show Soup to nuts. I think it's like it's it's rare, yeah, and it's funny. Set feels like home to me. We were lucky enough to have a few of like Glee American Horror Story crew members on Brother's Son and.


Yeah that that was like such a bonus. And uh, it's everybody who's there is like the best at their job, and like with one piece of the puzzle missing, it doesn't get done.

Do you have a memory or a moment that like sticks out on your mind from the gleaset? That's a lot because I know that we spent a lot of time.

I loved anything Trouble Tones.


Yeah, so you start to become a little jaded when you know, see musical numbers shot every day. And when the Travel Tones came on, I like I remember taking my phone out and like recording rehearsal to because I was like, I can't wait for this to come on to TV. I need to be able to watch it whenever I want at home. Yeah, exact, Yeah, rumor has it someone like you or whatever the mashup was.

To this day.

And it's funny because I like when we had the songs on iTunes, I paid for them and downloaded them, even though I was like, right, like I'm crazy, like I was listening to them as had them. Yeah, well I've paid for them. You're welcome for that. I remember it. There was like walking onto those dusty sound stages every day. And I remember, even on the days where I was so freaking tired and poor and like just like miserable, I would walk on the set and I always knew that there was like this was a very special experience that I was privileged to be a part of. I knew that there was something special happening in those walls. And I got butterflies all the time watching you guys perform, just like incomplete, all of you. It didn't get old. I had such a lady boner for anything Adulton Academy. It was really yeah, because it was so refreshing because one we were in beautiful Pasadena at the American Red Cross House or headborn, right, but also like and I loved you guys like you were my day to day. But then it was such a nice reprieve because all those boys were so happy to be.

There and we're so good and.

I loved any anything Dalton and yeah, and I think season four was really special because it felt like we were shooting like two different shows with New York and then William McKinley and we kind of shifted into a new normal with all the new kids and.


But it felt good. It wasn't not to say that it's bad before they got there or anything like that. It was just different. It felt like we like it just we needed that fresh blood. And I feel like that. I feel like you guys needed it too, you know, like it was it was nice.

Driving my ear. Yeah saying that and what you said exactly just matches what she's been saying that true.

Yeah, it was just like and I remember that that was the first time because I wasn't around for season one and season two, so I didn't I met you guys when you were already famous. But it was really interesting to be at base camp and to have these new kid kids around, you know, like Blake and Jacob and Becca and Melissa and and Alex and for them to be super excited to be there and to see their lives changed very quickly, and so like I remember when one of the kids got his very first credit card, and he was like sitting at base camp and he's like, last night, I went out to dinner. I had a steak, I had potatoes. I had a glass of wine. And he's like, and I put it on my new credit card and my limit is eight hundred dollars. Oh my god, I'm gonna remember this like you forget it. You know, It's just like it was. It was innocent. So and also like the guest stars that we had, especially on the New York set that year, We're fucking epic. I loved watching Rachel like like transform into this sex pot.

You know, smoky shadow.

Yes, yeah, And like Kate Hudson was like we had so Also the guest stars that we had that season, Kate Hudson and Sarahtsica Parker who people burg like everybody was a consummate of professional, consummate professional on set and like just fun and cool and like yeah, they'd hang out and eat with Crewe and SGP was eating like like I work.


The catering that day was like hot dogs and she was just sitting amongst the crew eating a hot dog and I was like this is and I'm sitting across room like this is unreal, Like, yeah, you know, it's it was. It was very it was a very cool time.

Or was really special? Do you have any face like to any more? Like favorite guest stars. I remember being so.

Psyched about Shirley McLean. I remember Whoop for Me was very surreal. I honestly Kate Hudson, like growing up watching two thousands rom coms. That was the most where I was like, okay, like I don't I don't usually get starstruck, and that was one where I was like, oh shit, this is crazy. So I mean, who else? What are we list of some guests?

I mean, who else is there? Tyra banks On?

I don't think I ever interacted with Tyra Niini Meani was Nini was a riot so funny, It's just so good. Constant quotable. You know. I kept a notes app in my phone where I would just write down it just says like Glee season four quotables and Glee season three quotables, whatever, And I would just write down things. And a lot of quotes aren't assigned to people. But I can't tell you how many Niani leaks quotes I have that could spin off episode where I sit here and read through my notes and you guys, guess who's true.

Absolutely, you have all the receipts.

I always say, like, Megan's got notes, She's got photos, she's got videos.

It's insane.

Yeah, I remember. Okay, So you remember there was the Valentine's Day dance episode, the school dance episode, and they had you know, of course, the props were incredible I and everything was like all the food was like impeccably done, like Lee and Paul Crops and Ellis and everybody, like. There are these heart shaped rabulis that had been sitting out all day, and at the end of the day, Nya was like, Megs, I will pay you fifty dollars to eat one of those ravulis that's been sitting out all day. And I was like, oh, absolutely, I will do it. And so I just found this video in my phone this morning of Nya's holding the camera and I'm sitting there and I like, take it. And it's like it's like floppy, it's been sitting there all day, and I just take a bite and I'm like okay, and then she's like, oh my god, I popped the whole thing in my mouth. She hands me fifty dollars.

Oh my god, her word was good disgusting. I have so much respect.

Do you have great memories of working with your auntie Jane? Yeah, I mean it was a look.

I was very lucky because you know, she had her trailer and so, like I, I had a place to like put all my ship during the day, or if I didn't want to go in like the porta potties or whatever, I can go into our trailer. I still have dreams about going into her trailer. It's very weird just going to be at base camp. That's like I recurr where we're all at base camp. But yeah, totally, but we were. I mean we would we would get what thirty minutes for lunch most days, and Jane and I would take a nap together.

It's really cut.

Yeah, she was. I loved the number where she's nickim in. Yeah. I will watch that over and over and over and I just remember like laughing so hard. I was crying watching that and watching her in that outfit. I think at first I was nervous about being associated with Jane because I didn't want people to think that I didn't deserve to be there. But like day one, she'd like be like, that's my Nay's that's my name.

You know.

She's so proud, so there was no hiding it. But she watching her in action like she had always been. You know, I grew up in Chicago, she lived in La She you know, we would hear her voice on the radio for Baker Square commercials and the one where she'd be like, well you'll always find a great deal, good food and unbelievable pie. And like I thought, she was like the biggest star ever and so to be able to work with her like at the peak of her career. Granted she's always evolving.

And she'll always work, but like no one works more than Jane Lynch truly.

Right, but like this was this was like an incredible time for her and it was just I was I was just so proud to be to be working side by side with her every day. But like and I didn't have to tell her what to do like she was. Jane was always in a corner by herself on her phone, Like she never was involved with the drama, though she loved to hear about it. You guys were like a whole different beast.

Yeah, yeah, she always she was always professional.

Yeah, both Jane and Matt were always like they kind of kept to themselves.

But yeah, exactly what is like special? Like who else gets to do that? Like who else in the world gets to have that experience with their aunt, right, Like you two, no one, no one like it is such a specific thing. And at the time when this show is gigantic, Jane is the star and you get to be there to witness it, and no one else in your family has that experience. No one else out in the world has that experience, right, And yeah, I think it's just so beautiful that you got to have that.

I'm very very lucky.

Before we let you go off to your Zoom meetings and you're busy, real what is the feeling that leaves you with.

Homesickness? Mm hmmm, I would say, yeah, I was watching I was watching season four this morning, and it makes me feel so warm inside. I don't any of like the bullshit that happened.

Just goes goes away.

You know, it really does feel like home to me, you guys, to me, you know, like rolling growing up in your the growth that you do in your twenties is like so poignant, I think, and I got to do it with you guys and with that incredible crew, you know, the makeup girls or like my big sisters taught me everything, and I yeah, Glee feels like home. Yeah, nothing will ever compare. I really don't think so. Yeah, it's hard that Glee makes them feel homesick.

No, that was a new one. That was great. Yeah.

Yeah, the sentiments are similar where people feel really special. But but homesickness, I think is a good one. It makes a lot of sense. Yeah, I feel that.

Well, Megsty. Thank you for joining us today. We really thank you so much time with love you for having me. I would quickly without you.

I made like more soundbites of random stories.

I've got them, but this we need to hold you to come back and read some of your notes like quotes.

Yes, my favorite one, one of my favorites that I just came across this morning was Oh, Megan, I love you so much. No matter what Mark Selling says about you.

That was absolutely Wait can we guess who it was?


Sure, the way you did it, it makes me feel like it was Ryan.

No, that would be amazing.

I would say Mark Selling said something about you. It's like in one of the eighties or something. I don't know.

It was Damien said I would like with this Irish accent, and it was like because he's so sweet, and then I like, I was like, oh he loves that's nice, he loves me. And then I was like, wait, what is selling.

Saying about me? That is so funny And it's even funnier than it came from Damien. Oh, Damien, I love you, guys, love you so much. I'll see you soon.

Thank you.

Megs Well, sweet Megan Doyle. I like to call her Megan Doyle even though we never call her that. You know, she's love Megs d love her, lover, lover. I'm glad that she had to I'm a little sad that she didn't share more secrets. Yeah, but I just guarantees that she has to come back again. That's true because those quotes, Yeah, you know, she's gonna be texting us like wait, I have more. Of course she does.

We're gonna we'll have her back because it will be a specific, targeted secret.

We only use code words. Yeah, you guys. I hope you guys enjoyed that episode with Nan and see you next time.

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And That's What You REALLY Missed

 Calling all Gleeks! We’re baaaaack…again. Kevin McHale (Artie Abrams) and Jenna Ushkowitz (Tina  
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