Published Jun 19, 2024, 4:00 AM

Pain turned to panic just before Amy & T.J. head to the studio to record this episode. Amy explains an issue that many can relate to. 

Also, Amy & T.J. think the U.S. Surgeon General, Justin Timberlake, and Nicolas Cage are all worthy of your attention right now.

Plus, it’s official! Amy & T. J. are getting set to go to Chicago!

And, special shout-outs to two of their friends: Matt James and Charles Barkley. Clearly, they like one more than the other. 

Hey, the folks, In this episode, only two products come with a Surgeon General warning. The next possible product to get a Surgeon General warning is on your child's phone right now. Also in this episode, how did you react to the news that Justin Timberlake was arrested? And did your social media reaction match your private reaction? Plus in this episode you think you've seen Nicholas Cage at his craziest and creepiest in a movie? Well, hold my beer and it's official. Robot and I are preparing for a trip to the best summer city and America. And finally, in this episode, a shout out to two of our friends. One is retiring and the NBA will never be the same, and the other we want to call out for being the absolute best and the absolute worst friend we think we've ever had in life. And with that, welcome to this episode, folks of Amy and TJ. Robes. How is your anxiety today?

You are saying that to me because I was feeling a little anxious and I didn't know why today. So yes, it's elevated.

You're what's elevated, You're anxiety. So we always have it. Yours are just elevated.

I mean maybe not. I I'm not always anxious, but when you're aware of your heart thumping, yes, that would be my telltale sign that I'm feeling a little anxious.

I thought that was only because you were sitting across the table from me and.

You were all, I know some I'm just confusing. Is this love or is this you know, heart problem? No, sorry, or a mental issue? It could be any of the evive.

But this was real, and look, we're laughing about it now, but it was serious a little while ago. We are in studio now here, but a short time ago against a couple hours you had and you described the way the pain felt, and this was a serious moment at the house for a little while.

Yeah, my mom is going to freak out, but it's fine. But we've done enough of these stories where you know, like women's heart issues don't come the same way men's do. And so anyway, I had this all of a sudden. We had just gone on a run and I was perfectly fine, and about maybe thirty minutes later, my arm just started like burning and there was numb numbness, and it was actually painful, and it felt like a surge. And I had not ever felt that before, and it lasted for several minutes and I had to kind of take deep breaths. Anyway, ever since then, I've had anxiety because my head's gone into a that spiral. Yeah, I think so, because I got nervous. Like you know, I have had heart surgery before. It was for a dangerous rhythm. It was an open heart surgery, it was an oblation. But I haven't had a heart issue since, and it's been since I was thirty eight. So anyway, that was I just started to freak out, like, oh no, what if I'm having a heart issue? What if I'm having And then I just haven't been able to shake the anxiety. I didn't google anything, but I know enough.

So you're not actually physically feeling anything related to the numbness and pain. Now you are worried about it, Yeah, and which is causing another problem.

Correct, it's called it's called, yes, self imposed heart palpitations.

But I get it. But it does. And for look, folks who are out there who have had any kind of serious long term sort of the cancer or anything like that, you feel any little thing, and you.

You tend to overreact, You tend to think you want to know, you go to worst case scenario because it happened once when you didn't think it could, and so then all of a sudden something that I would normally just laugh off, all of a sudden, I'm thinking going back, thinking now I feel a little lightheaded. Maybe I have a brain tumor. I mean, you really, you go into these like vicious cycles of fear and then you just kind of eventually have to talk yourself off the ledge, breathe it out. Actually, I asked for a hug. I've asked for several hugs today, which is highly unusual.

Who were you asking from you?


No, you didn't ask You only ask me once on the train.

I know. But in the kitchen I asked you for a hug too, and I hugged you.

Then you were hugging the dog Nikki. Was there a lot?

But I hugged you like I asked you for a hug. Yeah it did, Yeah, it really did.

Okay, let's feel better, all right, as while we can see to deal with the anxiety. But it's a real thing. I say it's a real thing in that I had to be cool, but I was in an absolute panic. You were, I was if you what did you notice.

Me doing you were making jokes?

No, no, no, no, no, no, sweetheart, you need to correct that one on the record for everybody to hear. I did not make a single joke when you were when you were hurting and you were dealing with you. Did you even notice what I was doing?

You were walking out of the room.

No, I was taking off my running clothes and getting prepared to go to the hospital. Really, you didn't see I was throwing clothes across to where the the washing machine was. And I didn't know quietly preparing. Oh no, no that that was not a time for wowd make a single Oh my goodness, now later the anxiety I gave your heart that.

That's what I was thinking talking about. No, I didn't notice anything.

I wow.

Okay, well, I'm glad I didn't know you were doing.

You just told everybody that while you thought you were dying, your boyfriend was making jokes. Of course I wasn't.

All right, you're teasing me about the the.

Which was an hour Yeah, that was two plus hours later when we were Nikki and yeah, okay.

You know the crazy thing is, though, like I've done this, I've done these stories where you know, you don't want to be the it's embarrassing to say, like, my god, I'm having a medical issue, and so you try to just like downplay it or yeah, so that's what I was trying to do. But clearly that didn't work with you.

But all good and all good. Never it's it's okay. We are good friends and we tease each other and I give you a hard time, but I no, maybe this was not a foking situation when you were in that pain. So we are sitting here, folks, recording this podcast, only a few hours removed from news that Justin Timberlake, of course, one of the biggest superstars on the planet, has been in the spotlight at the top of the game, I guess you could argue for a couple of decades, was arrested in sag Harbor on Long Island in the early morning hours for DUI. Now, the details that have come out, and I think the police have acknowledged, is that he did not take a breathalyzer. He was pulled over for I think running through a stops now how they right, Yes, okay, running through a stop sign after leaving dinner at some hotel restaurant, and they put him in jail, got it? D UI? Now my what was your And I asked some of our folks here, our producers, like, what was your first reaction to hearing what was your just in reading the headlin? I think we were watching we had it on TV at the time, just breaking news, just and Timberlake in custody, do U? I?

Well, you know, I'm a huge JT fan, Like we are huge JT fan. I love his music, I love everything about him. So my heart kind of broke for him. And first of all, I was grateful no one was injured, you know that that was the big thing. I think we were all like, is everybody okay? So obviously that's the best case scenario in a tough situation. But yeah, I just I feel bad, feel bad for anyone who, you know, not only I mean, obviously he made a mistake. He hasn't been convicted, but he's been arrested, so that's important to point out. But if what they're saying is true, if the charges are in fact true or provable, I feel sad for him. I feel sad for you know, anyone who has to deal with the aftermath of drinking too much. And thank god, no one else was hurt. Obviously, that's the big concern that other people's lives are put at risk. If you get behind the wheel, it.

Is that you are absolutely putting your own life in danger. You're absolutely pulling the life of your family. Essentially, they don't need to be without their dad in the house. So yes, see, if this turns out to be the case. My first concern when I heard it, though, I was like, oh God, what is he about to have to endure? When it comes to social media, it comes to it's everywhere, and it's everywhere, not just being reported. And this is what got me. There's nobody who is going to defend anybody who says they had right. If you make that mistake, get behind the wheel, then you messed up, and we get that. I immediately start, well, let me hear the details. Right, where was he what was he doing? Did he blow into a breathalyzer?


How much over did he do? Did he not just put on his signal and he got pulled over? I just didn't know the details. But then you started looking at social media stuff and sure enough it was exactly what you would imagine. I just I just it just it's hurt the jokes to start making jokes when I know this dude's kids. I have to see that or endure that, and it's awful. He is a he is yes, he is a superstar. He's dead. He's a dad. Yea, he is a he's a nephew, he's an uncle, he's a son, he's all these other things that I just looking at him as a human being and know that there's a human experience happening right now that really sucks for him. And maybe it is because of a mistake he made, but that was my first reaction.

Yeah, And interestingly enough you point that out because when you google the last post he made in the last little headline that was about him is about Father's Day and just how proud he was of his sons and how they make him better. So obviously that's all on his mind, and of course we get it and just wish them the very best in whatever the next steps are for him.

Is it weird? Can you support someone as a human being but still have an issue with the act, right?

God, I hope so.

We too often like we have to. This person did something bad, they have to be condemned wholly. Fully. You cannot support them in any there's no defense anybody's hearing anything we're saying about anybody who has it to you. I'm not defending anybody against that. But there's a human side always to these stories, and it's just at that part. I just like this as big as this star is. You know what the day is about to be?

Yeah, the day, the week, the months to come.

Yes, and you know we might find out like Scheffler, the golfer got arrested assaulting a police office on all this, next name in oh, charges dropped. Oh you know what, never mind, So you never know, this might turn out to be. You don't one of those right yep?

Suspend judgment and innocent until proven guilty.

Do you know what the label the surgeon the Surgeon General's label on a bottle of alcohol says? Do you know what the warning is? We know there is one, but do you all know the text of it? Can you recall any part of the Surgeon general warning on a bottle of liqua?

Maybe that it could impair you if you're operating any vehicles. A warning for pregnant women that it could be dangerous to the unborn fetus.

Yeah, okay, okay, I wouldn't have remembered the pregnant women party. But the line is, according to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth effects. It goes on to say consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery and may cause health problems. Has this ever Has that ever caused anyone to not order the third martini? I do you argue?

I would say the pregnant woman thing. Perhaps maybe if you're feeling stressed and then you see it, you're like, I really know I shouldn't be doing this.

I feel like you feel it's effective.

I feel like that would definitely if a woman, and I definitely have had friends who have been told it's fine to have a drink a day. But maybe if you're seeing that, it might make you. I think that could give you pause, even if you think, oh, it's okay, but you know what, why would I risk it?

Here's the thing? We know this, don't we Do you need to as a pregnant as anybody, Do you need to look on the back of that beer, on the back of that bottle of vodka to know that drinking and over drinking is bad for your health.

No, but I do think that it's a reminder as you're reaching for the next drink and maybe you've had I don't know. I mean, it can't hurt to have it on there? How about that?

Okay, this is weird. I'm showing Rome's a picture now of a bottle we have in a how you can't even read that?


No, it's on the back and small print at the bottom. We know it's there.

I'm I'm pretty settled in my ways, but I don't know. I just feel like it can't hurt.

Can't hurt. Now, I'm with you on that one hundred percent. What harm is it in having no problem? They do this on tobacco as well. I picked up a pack of Black and Miles at the house that we have. I said, y, I saw you taking a picture.

I was like, what is he doing? Now that all makes sense?

So, yes, tobacco products have a warning as well. I didn't realize that the cigars I have, Black and Miles. It's a long, long story that goes back to college.

It's a once in a while thing for you. You probably, yes, like smoke one pack of those it takes you a full year.

Yeah, you're probably right. You're probably right, but it does have a warning. That warning includes that you should not like, even if you don't inhale, that it's harmful for you from the Surgeon General. I didn't know that tobacco alcohol the only two things that got a Surgeon General warning. The tobacco got it back in nineteen late nineteen sixties. Alcohol got the warning about nineteen eighty six. We might now get the bird product robes. Ever, that's deemed so harmful that it needs a Surgeon General.

Warning, and it is social media. And it makes a lot of sense because we heard from the Surgeon General. He is he wrote a not bad in New York Times avecmurthy, and he is talking about the mental health crisis that is facing our children, speaking of anxiety, depression and at worst case, dying by suicide. And a lot of it is based on the comparative nature of social media, the bullying that goes on through social media, and he wants there to be a warning on our phones as it pertains to social media that this could be detrimental to your mental health and ultimately your physical health.

He has to he can't just do an onzone. He will need congressional approval to do so. But I am I wonder like just how the label itself. We wonder how effective it can be if we never talk about this again after today. I think it's effective because he is the top doctor in the country who is coming out and saying something is so detrimental to the health of this country and our kids that I'm saying we need to warn you about it. That's a big deal, correct.

And there's this big controversy because we heard Mark Zuckerberger say that this isn't the case. But there is no evidence he's seen right that there is no link between mental health issues and children or teens using social media. However, it's undeniable that the algorithms that these social media companies use to target children through advertising and certain types of feeds or certain types of if you you guys know, if you click on one thing or I kind of if you even say something, I feel like, all of a sudden, my Instagram feed changes. It looks different. If I start talking about love, oh you should see all the love. How do you know your relationship? It's hilarious talk about love.

Yeah, just randomly.

Maybe they just yes, where am I when you talk about love with me? And so so I think my phone hears me.

You're hugging all those other people.

No, I just I have lots of you think it's it. I'm trying to yes, no, but I'm going to like, you know, you found you found the love of your life, if your best friend is your Like, I'm getting all of these ads and posts because somehow I've searched things or whatever. But yes, so children, even not knowing go and search something. They're being exposed to certain types of posts that they wouldn't have otherwise. And there are targeted programs.

What's the what was the number of the average number of hours the four point eight the kids are on social media five hours a day. Now, let's forget the studies, let's forget the algorithms for a second, and let's just say if there is a kid out there who is twelve, thirteen, fourteen years old, and for five hours of the day they're staring at social media, that means that's five hours that they're not doing what any physical exercise, any reading of being educated necessarily, that's five hours that they're not interacting with another human being, which is right irl, which is important for social development in real life.

Yes, they like you. The social awkwardness of kids is crazy to me because they only know how to not even text each other directly. No, we're going to go on Snapchat, We're going to go you know and DM but we're not going to It's almost they take one step out of it being impersonal and making it even less. But I'm scared for a lot of kids who have grown up with from the moment they were born. I mean, how many times do we see it. I'm not trying to judge here because I know it's really hard with toddlers and little kids. But we're in the greatest city in the world with so many things to look at and interact and point to, and you've got these kids and strollers with the big padded iPads with headphones on. They are in completely different universes than the ones they're actually in and they've had that since birth, which is really scary.

So it's scary because Sabine is eleven and you've you've seen all these conversations. They've been difficult ones to have because some other kid has it, right, Sabine said, there's other kid it has it, so I want it so I can communicate with her. And then it's this other kid that has and it keeps going and going. And I didn't know some of these apps lets you track your friends? I didn't. I think I learned this man.

At least, yes, they all emojis and you can see where they are all around the world.

Okay, I didn't know that that you can actually track they they don't even text to see where their friend is. At least will pick up the phone and can see exactly where her friend is standing exactly. Okay, that's that's a little much. But but bec Murphy, I give them credit. This is somebody we've worked with over the years and have a respect for and gain and a relationship with to a certain degree. But to take this type of step, I applauded. I don't know what chance it has, but I think it's to have that conversation. It's when will we see the impact, Like when will we go finally, wow, look at this stat We got to do something about that. And then something changed. I don't know what you do.

My twenty one year old and her friend were talking about how getting a flip phone is now in vogue because people are recognizing at their age that it's not healthy to always be on a smartphone, to always be looking down any free time you have instead of being bored, What can I search up? What can I look at? Who can I google? And that's really scary. And I will say this is I think Ava's eyes were opened when we went to and there aren't many places in the world hiking in the Andes Mountains and she couldn't get cell serviced and so she just had to put her phone away and she had a whole week where she had no contact and she said it was a happy at she had been. This is right in the middle of the beginning of high school. And she said, I learned that week that social media and just having constant access to that into looking and seeing what other people are doing and comparing it to has such a negative impact on my life. And so she learned from that and has really made an effort. So they were talking about flip phones.

Will you will you going to go that route?

I mean, Andy, you're shaking your head, you're.

Going to go that route? I've thought about it.

I have a dumb phone actually, and it just does like the basic things, and when I go home, I switch my phones out, so like if I'm home, I like to put my phone on a charger just like turn it down, and then I use the dumb phone for like, oh I'm going to go on Instagram. It's really unattractive. It's black and white. It's almost like kindle e ink. So it's like it's not appealing to be on. But that's the point.

It doesn't hit those dopamine you know, yeah parts, yeah, but.

Does it have you you have it set up to where both devices are connected to the same phone number or how does that work?

So for me, the biggest thing is like Instagram, like I will mindlessly scroll for an hour.

It's bad.

They call it dooms scrolling. Yeah, I didn't know that that. Yeah, because because you end up sooning like oh look it they're in Italy. Oh wow, my friends are in La living the you know, the high life. Oh look at them, and you start to feel doom scrolling because you're looking at everyone else and comparingon to it.

For me, with that where it would just like lead one thing to another where it's like oh my god, this is like bad. It's leading to this, It's leading to that, and in my head, I'm like, an hour goes by and I'm like, oh god, I can't fix all the world's issues, So what am I gonna do?

I just read through my own comments and that's doom strolling.

Scrolling is yeah, okay, that's amazing.

I don't know a good good luck to me. The my mine is this is probably more the parents responsibility in the governments. The government can help us, but it's it's it's our responsibility to know what your kids are doing on that phone. It just is. So we will see what comes of that. But I applaud at least the effort in the conversation is starting the did we talk about the Watchers here?


We have not?

We haven't talked about the Watchers? Oh what movie? Did we had?


We've been off Mother's Day and Father's Day. We went and saw two movies that we normally wouldn't go to the theater and see. So now we getting back to our horror roots. Yes, now, okay, so we we saw. We're very excited to see. It's been talked about for a long time though. M Night Shmalon's daughter Yes is twenty four and doing a feature horrid debut with the last name shut on Nights.

A lot to live up to, a lot to live up to.

That movie started out the first few minutes, we were jumping out of our seats excited about it.

The music, the setting, the cinematography. You were just getting swept into this other world. And Dakota Fanning, who's amazing.

That The performances are wonderful. But that is one that a lot of people talked about that she just obviously she got the opportunity because of her last name, and that's okay. She's had training since birth.

Right most certainly to be.

A movie maker. So we saw the Watchers. But while we were waiting to watch the Watchers, there was a preview of another movie called Long Legs. I don't know if you all have heard about this one or not yet, but we just saw it yesterday courtesy of our superstar producer here Andy. He said, hey, guys, we've got a screening. Y'all want to come check it out now? I didn't exactly know what it was about after even seeing the preview, did you know? Abahana did not?

Nope, it just looked really scary.

Okay, So what is your would you say, it looked really scary. Were you really scared sitting in there?

I had a couple jump scares. I always appreciate a few. Andy was sitting next to me. I think he jumped alongside me, So there were a couple were like whoa And Nick Cage is unreal in this movie. In fact, I didn't recognize him. I was like, wait, where's Oh that's Nick Cage and he was in it is incredible. I mean, so good deal didn't It took me a while to even know in the voice everything He changed it all and it was so creepy.

What is there? Can you think? I'm trying to think of what was the creepiest Nick Cage performance? Like carrig, I'm trying to go through his characters. I don't know why this isn't a creepy one, but he was just a character gone in sixty seconds. He was like a wild dude that I really liked. His name was Memphis Rains and it was just the coolest thing.


Yeah, I'm trying to He's had some really what about the ghost Rider?

That was a But I don't feel like there's anything I've seen him in that compares to what he does in this film in Long Leves.

What is the name we gotta check it. What is the name of the movie he's in in which everybody's dreaming about him? We just saw, Oh that's so good.

I love that one. He just looks like a dorky dad in that one. But he's amazing in that movie.

But the premise of the movie.

Everyone starts at first they're having like happy dreams about him. So he's like a hero and people are saying, yay, look all over the world. He becomes this famous, like more famous and beloved than Tom Cruise, like in a moment, and then he starts getting into their bad dreams. Then he starts killing them in the dreams, and people are afraid of him, and he becomes ostracized and his whole life crumbles.

Amazing. Do we know the name of dream scenario? He just dream scenario scenario.

He that's a great one.

Is a really dream scenario for sure. But this U long legs maka Micah.

Is it Mica Monroe or I think that's how you say her name. We love her. We can't pronounce her name, but we've seen her in several films and you have great She was great in this movie.

You all have seen her. She's in so many horror movies and every time you see her you're like, oh, I'll watch that. She's one of those actors who's been in so much and you love and you respect.

You can't come up with the name something the name of the hiking one she goes on and she gets engaged, so good. I forgot that one.

So that was our watching. But we try. We've been trying for weeks to get ready for House of the Dragon. Yes, we failed, we failed.

We watched the first episode of season one. We did a while. Yeah, it's so complicated, you forget how complicated it is. And then my favorite part is after we watched the first episode of season two this weekend, we watched it again a second time. Think, I've had to do this with Game of Throne so often, and then you didn't even realize they did this. But if you wait until after the credits, the producers come on and really go through the episode and explain what happened. And because that's how complicated it is, you can't just like I applaud anyone who can just watch it once and know exactly what happened. I need a second watch, and then the cliff notes of them from the producers telling me what happened that move?

That show is so good. It is okay, everybody House of the Dragon on HBO. If you haven't seen it, go watch the first season and then start with a second seat. It is just wonderful.

It is.

I feel like it's a tamer version because if you some people got really turned off when they watched the first season of Game of Thrones because it is basically like watching violent and then violence and then soft porn and and incestuousness. I mean, it's tough. It's a lot.

First two or three it took me. I was not going to continue with Game of Thrones.

It's a lot. Yeah, But this one, I feel like still has those elements, but it's not as intense. So there's some well, there's softer incestuousness. It's the least. It's not brother and sister.

That's not a thing.

Softer uncle and incestuousness. Yeah, because it's an that has been of course I made that up. It's an uncle with his niece versus a brother and a sister. See, that's why I felt like it was a little less incestuous.

You can deal with that.

It's yeah, that feels less gross. It's still gross, don't get me wrong.

But the show is. But you know what, the weird thing, I'm not even gonna say that. It sound like a weirdo, you know it. No matter what, I'm not gonna say it. I'll tell you all when we started recording. But it's that bad. I shouldn't say it because it makes me seem odd. The last thing we want to hit on today is that we are officially officially training for the Chicago Marathon. It started last week. Official training, yes. And the way that goes, we had we keep the board up in the house. We keep a sheet up. She has one in her place, I got one in mine, and we cross it off. But we got eighteen weeks of training in. This is week number two. But you go for eighteen weeks of running.

It's kind of amazing because people, it is a daunting thing to train for. Luckily we've been down this road. But I have found if you just print out the marathon training. We go with Halhigden the novice one because I like to keep it with something that's worked. I just stay with it. But if you just mark off the runs, and as intimidating as they are, they build and there's a rhyme to the reason and it works. It's worked every time. So we were actually surprised that we had to run as much as we did the first time. We had a three, a three, a three, and then a six mile and I was like, already a six miler. Couldn't we like ease into it with a four miler or a five? And I struggled a little bit with the six. Yeah, I was a little slow on mile four and five. I wasn't used to it.

But we were so excited afterwards because wow, we just knocked out six We're good because we haven't run that much since the half Maria have Marathon, so to be back in it feels good to be on schedule, on routine. It is great.

Yeah, and running is not like riding a bike. You if you you have to start from scratch when you're when you're training for these things, it's not like, oh, well I've run this many so I'll just be good.


You I have bad runs. When I have a six miler, you know you have to really start building it back up.

Was it today? Do you have a bad run?

No? Today I did. I had a great three miles. If I had a bad run of three miles, I mean it could happen, but that'd be really sad.

But on our three miler this well, just yes, yeah, yesterday, right U we had a three mile yesterday?

No, you're wrongday, Today's Tuesday. So today we had a three miler.

Today we had it.

Yes, today we had we had three three last ran today? Yes, because you got it at four. It already feels like tomorrow.


We ran today, Yeah you rode today? We ran today?

Okay, Yes, I was had a really early run right day.

Yes, Oh my god, maybe you should get some more sleeve hun So anyway, this week end, it's seven miles. But along our six miler we saw.

Oh that was the six. It wasn't a three. That was on Saturday.

Yes, and I told you I was dragging a little bit, but I know you weren't.

Really If we look it up on Strava, it wasn't bad. But okay, I get what you're saying. You didn't feel the way you wanted to feel. But we ended the run and we laid eyes on somebody we hadn't laid eyes on a while a wonderful, wonderful friend who I would also like to say is the worst friend I think I've ever had. We are ending, right, I'm literally stopping and stopping my Strava on my phone, and I hear somebody run over to like coming right at me, like a big brother, coming right at me, full speed, coming right and getting in my face. And this is what he said to me, keep up the pace, DJ, all right, and kep running.

He said the exact same thing to me, because.

You were just behind, but you didn't know he came and said the same thing to you. And as he's running away from me, before he even got to you, he puts his phone up in the air, like running away from me, saying, I'm ana text you, And that's what he said.

Has he texted you?

He has? Oh, he has, because he knew I was about to talk shit about him in this podcast. And who are we talking about?

Robes Matt James.

Yeah, yes, mister bachelor, mister first black bachelor.

Mister bachelor that we have gotten on and embraced him about how much he was a great friend during some of our lowest, lowest days.

But now that he knows we're good where's he been him?

I freaking a okay, So I don't know how what does that say about her? Because you've said this plenty of times during all we went through. You know who your friends are. You came out of this and there are people who's stuck by you when it was at the absolute worst. Those are the people you know are your friends. Problem with Matt is he only shows up when it's an emergency, which is good. That means you's a friend. He's there for in your hardest times. But when things are good, that was like, ah, you got this, What do you say about it?

Well, it's funny because we call the opposite of that, and these are friends to be worried about, fair weather friends. They're only there when things are good and you can do things for them and all that. But what would that be called? Like he's the he's like the what is like Defcon five friend? I don't know what what is he?

I don't know If I text him right now and say, yo, yo, I'm going through something to rollback. I really need something you really needs. Yeah, it's something I'm gonna I wanted to float it, it didn't land, so I'm gonna keep I'm gonna go I'm gonna still a row back. Oh my god, So it didn't. I was trying to sneak it in on y'all.

And y'all, would you have let me slide if I had mispronounced your last name?

Uh? You don't ever say homes that's true?

Ever, that's true. What if I said TG.

TG who's the guy that you're building? Agg ag? Then I would have issues. Man, we get off the track real fast. But now what do you call that? He is there for everything you need and you'r he will show He always always shows up. But when things are going well and you just want to want to holler, he's back. You can't find that.

That's true. Well, you can find him on Instagram. He's he's eating himself around the world. So it's amazing.

That's why he was out running, correct.

I mean I don't. I mean I've never seen a man eat more in my life.

You know what I am. You say whatever you want to say about it right now. Because I told him we were about to call him out, He's like, bring it what he's talking to So anything you want to get off your chest about Matt James right now, get it. Because he's welcoming it.

I think I've settled. I need to say I really just want peace in my life. Thank you. I'm to say peace out.

No, we love some math. It's good to reconnect with him and the other friend we want to talk about today. And a lot of people saw the news that a friend of ours is retiring. Now that doesn't sound like necessarily the biggest deal in the world, but this is somebody who is one of the most prominent names and voices associated with the NBA, and he has been for forty years. And to think about the NBA without this guy as a player or as a an analyst's kind of unfathomable, Like he's just been such a part of it for so long. So hats off to Charles Wade Barklay, who announced just last week that he is going to retire from NBA broadcasting after next season. So he'll get his kind of farewell farewell tour. But Robes, this is something you've only been hanging out with Chuck for the past against a couple of years with me. But he's somebody who's been a friend of mine of seventeen eighteen years. You have heard him even the past two years. How he talks about retirement, talks about wanting to finally stop working.

Yeah, and so you know what good for him? He loves to golf, he loves to travel, he loves his family. So this is gonna be great. I don't know. I can't imagine him. I mean, you said you can slowing down and saying I'm done with this. But he is always just going, going, going going. I mean, he holds court wherever he goes. I mean, and I think that'll probably always be the case. So will he ever really get to relax? Because he walks into any room anywhere, and he is, yes, the most important, most interesting person in the room. But he's just got such a great I love what he does for sports commentary. I've obviously been watching it a lot more than I ever have in my life since dating you. But he just I love his plane speak. He just says it exactly like he sees it. He doesn't try to sound like the smartest person in the room. He doesn't try to sound like he's trying to impress anyone. He just says what he thinks and more importantly, what he knows. Because he's earned the right to have that kind of commentary. He just doesn't need to prove anything, and that's such a great place to be and he's such a pleasure to watch. So he will be missed.

And you know you said that, the part about not trying to prove he's smarter than anybody, and I've always look, I'll take the opportunity publicly to say this, I'll talk to him about it privately all the time. But I hate that he gets a reputation of people thinks he's a dumb jock or think he's just write some fat OVERWEG, just hot dog eatn just blabermouth type of thing. And I think he I think he's even made some money off some of that over the years, right with certain commercials with some advertise just coming after him or wanting him to be a part. But he is one of the sharpest dudes I know, and he is so in tune with business, he's in tune with culture, he's in tune with what's going on in news. And so I always hated when any time he got that because I have not made a decision in the past seventeen to eighteen years without consulting with not a major decision without consulting with him on it, and the things that have gone bad are the ones I didn't consult with him about.

Wow, what does he have to say about us?

See? I didn't consult with him ahead of time.

He knew I was going to ask that.

You know what, I didn't pulled. I thought about this earlier and didn't pull Chuck as out and say, hey, this is happening with me, and this is happening. What do you think I should do? And I, you know, next time with him, we should ask what his advice would have been, but he I didn't, But I trust him in that kind of way. He's just a sharp, sharp dude. So leaving yeah, T and T says he's not going anywhere. The speculation that he's going to go with other places, and this is just a part of a ploy and he's not really going to retire. The dude wants to just enjoy. He's made enough money, he's lived enough life, and he wants to enjoy that life. So Chuck, we love your brother, and we will see you back here. We're still holding on to your wine.

And oh, yeah, well, well my dad had a bottle. Yeah, he really enjoyed it.

Better get here before dad gets back, because we don't buy that fin of stuff.

No, we don't know, we don't.

But but yeah, good luck to your brother. We will see you plenty of course. But the NBA is losinggend, a legend, one of the best to ever play the game, one of the best. We forget that because a lot of kids who like m was over there looking. I mean, you know who Charles Barkley is, though, Do you ever watch him?

Yes? I love seeing him on the TV basketball?

Do you where? Do you where does a twenty two year old see Charles Barkley if you're not watching NBA.

Basketball online but mostly next to my dad watching sports.

Ah, And what does your dad tell you about Charles Barklay.

He loves him, he would love to be his friend, but.

Had no idea that he was the round mound to rebound. He is a eleven time NBA All Star, he was the MVP in the early nineties, went to the NBA. All right, all these things about him. He was just a great, great, great basketball player. So we gotta miss Chuck on the air, but we'll see him playing.

Oh yeah, he's going to be a great, great, great great friend. Now he's going to have a lot of free time.

Well, he's always been a better friend than Matt James. Let's just make that care. Chuck will show up Rain. He actually prefers to be with me when things are going great, yes, because we party. Yeah, and when things go bad, he'll show up as well. Folks. That's what we got for it. We appreciate you all listening as always. You can find us, of course on Instagram, the official show, pa at Amy and TJ Podcast. But from now, bro, I leave them with something, give them something profound. Y'allhould see her face. I'm so sorry to do you like that.

And you'd chose to do this on a day when I had anxiety?

See this, right, isn't this the thing? We go to it so easily? There are people who are really dealing with anxiety and depression, real things, and you just want to play the card.

Alright, Oh my goodness, I just say, stay cool, everyone.

Okay, we're gonna go hug get out. We'll see y'all next time.

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