A Passion for Distraction

Published May 30, 2024, 7:17 AM

A Passion for Distraction

#FindingBeautyInIllness #SupportingFamilyCaregivers #HonestDiscussion

Lori La Bey talks with Allene Symons who is the author of Love in a Time of Caterpillars: A Memoir of Monarchs and Caregiving. She has worked as a journalist, editor, and college instructor and is the author of three previous books. She has lived in San Francisco and New York and currently makes her home in Long Beach, California.


  1. Tips for caring for a spouse or partner with dementia.
  2. Ideas to distract or redirect a person living with dementia.
  3. Is it ok to distract yourself as a care partner on the dementia journey?
  4. What happens when the caregiver gets sick themselves?
  5. Can you plan ahead of time for workarounds to avoid getting sick yourself as a care partner?
  6. A Nat or a FireFly – What Do You See
  7. To focus on something to do and something to look forward to.
  8. Loving Lies – How They Work and Why They Are Important
  9. When and how to hire help to care for your loved one.
  10. How to protect a loved one’s independence and dignity.
  11. The Monarch Gardens- a national movement.

    Watch the Video Interview Below



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    Contact Allene Symons 

    Email allenesymons2@gmail.com

    Website allenesymons.com

    Facebook @allenesymons

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    LinkedIn @allenesymons


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