How do you follow the Savior's example if your child has left the Church or is struggling with their faith? What's the balance between giving your child room to use his or her agency while showing your love for them? In this week's "All In" episode, parenting guru Justin Coulson explains how the Savior's teachings about love, compassion, and mourning with those that mourn apply to the family. Whether we're a parent or not, we can all learn from the Savior's example of how to "Suffer the little children to come unto me" (Mark 10:14).
"Sometimes in our angry moments, or in our tired moments, or, let's be honest, in our selfish moments, we might be less loving than we could be towards our children. Sometimes we feel inclined to hurt rather than to help, or...we're neutral or ambivalent, or we shrug our shoulders and say ‘Whatever'. But He doesn't. The scriptures tell us again and again, His hand, His arm is stretched out still."
Show Notes
4:47- #GirlDad
7:00- God’s Example of Parenting
11:08- Compassion
16:55- Respect for Agency
20:59- If Your Child Leaves the Church
34:06- If Your Child Doesn’t Want to Go to Church
44:16- If You, As a Parent, Feel It’s Too Late
49:27- Blurred Lines
54:51- Encouraging Gospel Discussion in the Home
1:00:06- What Does It Mean to be “All In” the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
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