Randy Newman Writes A Song For Quarantine: 'Stay Away'

Published Apr 8, 2020, 2:09 PM

Stay away from me

Wash your hands

Don't touch your face

We asked Randy Newman to do a PSA for us about the need for physical distancing, so naturally he wrote us a song. It debuted Wednesday on AirTalk with Larry Mantle. 

(Photo courtesy of Randy Newman

Hi. I'm Randy Newman. And I've been asked by


to say some words about social distancing because my scientific background, but apparently there's some disease that's going around. Stay six feet away from people. Wash your hands, religiously and often.

And, don't touch your face.

So I was asked to do this. I wrote a song,

instead, actually. So? So I could play it for you,

Venus in sweatpants. That's who you are. And when this mess is over. I'll buy you a car. We'll drive that car. So fast and so far. All your stupid friends. Will be left behind. Stay away from me. Baby, keep your distance, please. Stay away from me. Words of love in times like these. I'm gonna be with you 24 hours a day. A lot of people couldn't stand that. But you can. You'll be with me 24 hours a day. What a lucky man I am. Stay away from me. Wash your hands. Don't touch your face. How do you like that. Wash your hands. Don't touch your face, I saw you. Thirty years together. And we're still having funOnce we were two, now we are one. Let's go out and get a burger. When you're done, you're done. Memories of the past. Be kind to one another. Tell her you love her every day. If you're angry about something, let it go. If the kids are frightened, tell them not to be afraid. But don't let them touch your face. Don't let them touch your face. All right. Thank you very much.

I wish everyone well and wish myself well to some extent and, stay safe. It's hard

for Americans who don't like being told what to do at all. But in this case, you know,

let's do it. We'll be all right.

Okay. All my loved everybody, bye!