Today on AirTalk, further updates on the California heat wave and wildfires. Also on the program, unaddressed dyslexia in adults; a Jimi Hendrix album preview; and more.
CA Sets New Record For Power Use As Brutal Heat Wave Continues. How Are You Dealing? (0:15)
“The Chaos Machine” Chronicles The Unseen Ways Social Media Has Engineered Our Lives (27:15)
Unaddressed Dyslexia Can Wreak Havoc On People’s Lives And Lead To Higher Risk Of Incarceration. What Resources Are Available? (53:13)
Judge Orders Removal Of Three Mission Viejo City Councilmembers Saying They Violated Voters’ Trust. What Happens Now? (1:15:21)
Jimi Hendrix Experience’s 1969 LA Forum Show, Never Before Released, Debuts On KPCC And LAist (1:26:46)