
Published Sep 20, 2023, 4:00 AM

Dover copes with a new infection.  Cassie begs for a Hail Mary as McKayla considers extreme measures.  Lei learns about the origins of the virus.

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Please note that this episode contains a conversation around a character considering suicide. If you or a loved one are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please call the suicide and Crisis Lifeline at nine eight eight. People love and care for you, and there is help available.

Last time on after Shock a party, Hard.

Past a party, Give me a.


I'm answering your question, the question you asked when we were sailing here.

You're not going to make me sick.

You know, I do know that I couldn't kiss me.

I imagine the land itself would prefer you to be a charge, not charge.

You're ang.

I wish I was an It's poison, it's spread. I'll show you what they've done. Although he is finally coming to the surface.

Over, stop it, put that away, get out of my way.

Can't kill me's a cave him alone, Dover, back up.

You two stayed the back of the boat or so help me, God, Caleb, come back.

Here, Caela, please let me handle this alone.

You should have left him alone. You know what you've done. It's not me that's killed it.

The fucking gun down.

Every second he's alive, it's a chance for this thing spread its Sorry, that couldn't matter less.

Mark for Christ's sake, It'll run its course.

There's no need to say you trusted them.

I trusted you to keep this thing from getting out of hand.

You think I want to.

Put down an unarmed teenager, I have to. None of you are making decisions to keep the rest of us safe, which leaves me.

What the fuck you fucking hit her?

What did you just see?

Tell me what did you just see?

She tried to spit on you. No, she tried to kill me. Son. Wait, how did Julian get infected?

I never found out spring water?

Probably there were still bottles at the Hawaiians camp from Kevika's trip to the spring.

He must have drunk some during the party.

He was schroaming his judgments on signs of being compromised.

Monu mentally stupid. Yeah, that's his thing. Did you get blood on your sidearm when you knocked him out as he charged you?


I checked and sanitized the weapon to make sure. This was when days ago. I'm not infected, sir.

Standard quarantine is ten days.

You're inside that I am. Would you like to take a blood sample to make sure.

We don't have a test for this thing. Mark, you know that you.

Still haven't told me what this thing is.

It's not you need to know.

I've taken more lives than I can count over it. Does that make you feel entitled to know? You going all millennium on me, Mark? Or do you already know?

Yeah? I do.

Emeric told me one AI the night of the party.

But wasn't he high as a kite? Emeric?

He was pretty sober by that point enough to work his fency microscope. And I don't even know what all equipment.

He shows you. Yeah, but I don't know what I was looking at?

Okay, so what So it's not a virus?

Oh yes, and no, it's a mutated form of DDT. They don't use that anymore. But you know, when my mom was growing up, it was like everywhere. They used to spread it behind the trucks and kids would play.

In the midst of it. But what is it?

DDT turns out to be some crazy toxic pesticide that causes cancer and all kinds of bad stuff. Thousands of barrels were dumped illegally like the fifties all the way to the eighties, right here off the coast of La Emeric recognized some of the chemical structure or something.

It was way over my head.

But his guess is where he used the word hypothesis. Anyway, he thinks that those barrels have been leaking and mixing with the DNA of viruses that live on fish and coral, mixing and mutating.

And now we got this.

But why hasn't it shown up until now? I mean, the barrels have been in the ocean for so long.

Again, Emeric has a theory.

He kept saying he needs to do all kinds of testing before he can be sure.

But his guess is.

That the DDT virus hybrid thing cannot live that long in sea water, the fresh water in the spring.

It's thriving over there.

Holy shit.

But if there's thousands of barrels.

He Auntie tech comp there's something on the radio.

You should hear what right now?

Yeah, right now?

Check com.

Oh, well, have a panele of legal scholars to discuss the ramifications. But today, if you heard Professor Martindale's assessment, this could have implications for indigenous land planes worldwide.

What is she talking about?

Your video?

Somebody posted it on YouTube and it's everywhere.

Why God, Shasta took it down not fast enough.

In fact, I'm just hearing that the Governor of California is going to address the issue at tomorrow morning's press conference in Sacramento. Governor Roade scheduled the addressed amid speculation that she's ready to lift martial law and act as the day of the earthquake. But it looks like she's going to make some remarks on this issue too, which makes sense given the New Island would likely fall under her jurisdiction, or would have before. The video flea from Leila Hua Masters spread like wildfire around the world. Responses have been posted by several indigenous leaders pledging their support, and a delegation of Luiseno and Chumash leaders is finding a trip to the new island, which currently doesn't have a name. We'll leave you with a cliff of the flea that has taken the world by storm.

Alo Han, my name is Minna Hua Masters, and I am speaking to you from the New Island off the coast of Los Angeles. I arrived here days after an emergency, and I planted the flag of the Hawaiian nation.

But one of my.

Eldest counseled meets that this place belongs.

To the first peoples of the men. You can see from here. We have a settlements here of Kanaka o ev what you.

Call Hawaiians, and we will hold this man for your your life.

Oh my god, you did it, le did it big bra.

They said there was.

A march in support of native control of the island in South Dakota, a whole speech from an elder in out there a ROAs. Even the Prime Minister of what was it, oh Finland said she would consider diplomatic relations if the proper leadership was established.

Oh my god, what do we do?

We wait for the delegation and we welcome them to their land.

I mean about Emeric, what do we do when he finds out.

He's gonna flip? I mean like flip.

That's just right?

And can you blame him?

Cassie lied to us.

You played on Shasta's kindness and manipulated Davis.

That's not what this is about right now, but it's.

All that will matter to him. And listen, the party was awesome, But can you blame.

Him on top of it?


You said, vitaged our WiFi.

Is there anything that we can do to get his help?

Could get the Hawaiians to give up on the Island's all he wants.

But that's all he wants. You asked, this is about a young man who's dying of stupidity.

He deliberately exposed himself to a fatal contagion. Emrick's going to say, there's no moral imperative to remedy someone else's recklessness.

It's a doctrine of consequences.

And it's ugly, isn't it. Emeric gave me a moment, Cassie. I'm processing differently today, and I'm having strong feelings of anger and betrayal towards you. But I'm a word that I initiated relationships with the Hawaiians on terms that were ugly, and their efforts aligned with that ethos.

I apologize for being duplicitous.

You're not the only one.

Yeah, I took lace video, Dan, As you know, there's science, and.

You didn't tell me about it because you were confident I would be angry, and you're right. I am angry. But there is more than I to consider.

There's Julian. Is there anything you could do to save him?

Saving him but not ease his pain and debt? Are you're not here for more pills?

Did you send people to space? Your biolabs are cracking genetic diseases. Even if you don't care about Julian, Is there any way to convince you that as a scientist, this is worth trying. You'd be the first it could save that.

I know all that. Thank you, honestly, Cassie. What you're asking, it's it's a different conversation altogether.

It is.

Well, it would involve a human trial, which I am told makes me a monster.

This one would be with the person's knowledge and consent. And I'm sorry that I called you a monster.

Well, thank you. Listen. I'm not sure there's anything we can do for young Julian.

There may be.

Well if sorry, no, no, speak up, shester.

I mean, I'm just the You have an idea, there.

Are no bad ideas.

Fine, okay, what about treating him for DDT poisoning. You know most of the molecular structure seems derived from the synthetic chemical compounds, right.

So that's a good idea, Thank you. Really, that won't work. You haven't studied enough of the structure of mutation yet, and you can't treat this like we would a chemical poisoning. It's more complex for a range of reasons. On the other hand, want a clonal antibody, that's.

An interesting idea.

We could side step some of the.

Yeah, and let the body do the work.

It might be a time sensitive treatment.

Monoclonal antibodies.

Yeah, it's when we take naturally occurring antibodies in one person's blood and clone them in.

The lab, and then we deliver those cloned antibodies into the system of someone else who's infected.

Yeah, it gives their body the tools to fight and hopefully survive.

How long since Julian was infected? There was it? Less than twelve hours?

Oh for sure. Yes, we need a.

Sample of blood from someone who's been infected and recovered.

We don't have that because no one survives.

It isn't your friend, michaelam.

She is or she was over a month ago without work.

I don't know, but it's the one way to find out.

Is the WiFi working. Yep, I'll fixed Davis, get Cassie what she needs to take a sample while she collects it. We have research to do, for sure. She has to get the lab up on the SAT phone.

Yep, George, thank you.

Cassie This is the longest of longest.

Please you go into this believing Julian is going to die.

It's over.

Is Mikaela awake?

I gave you two hours. You're pushing it.

It's forty minutes each way.

Cassie, you're almost out of time.

Is she awake?

She must be. I heard him talking an hour or so ago.

Nothing since.

No, just coughing, getting worse, like maybe he's not speaking to her after what she's done to him.

I have a hail, Mary and Mark's gonna try generating monoclonal antibodies from Mikayla's blood to try to give Julian's immune system help fighting this off.

All right, someone would have to take her blood, right, and then someone would have to administer the antibodies into his I will do it.

If I get infected, you shoot me. I get that. But they've given me full ppe, including masks and gloves, and I'll burn it all when I'm done.

Do they think it'll work?

No, But it's important to show her, to show everyone that we tried, right, that we don't we don't.

We don't kill people preventatively, that's right.

I was following orders containing the chilling wars crew, whoever.

Gave you those orders, whatever, I'm sorry, that's not for me to say. Can you give me a little more time? Please?

The orders I was given that I'm still expected to follow mean putting her down to I know you've been trying to buy her time, and I have been doing everything I can to give it to you.

But think about this last night at the party, she could have infected emeric easy is spitting into a drink and handing it to him. He was tripping. You'd never have thought twice and then boom. She and Ley have their safe paradise. Yes, but she didn't do that. Teenagers think they're invincible.

They fucked up.

They won't do it again. Remember being their age.

I enlisted at their age.

Okay, not all kids are alike, but I was.

Honored to serve.

I believed in the Navy were up as soon as I was allowed. I I loved being a seal. In Milawi, we were we were given orders to secure facility. The Navy had lost control of a lab providing medical treatment. The country lacked the infrastructure to contain an outbreak that had erupted. There some new virus, and we were told the naval facility had been overrun by locals desperate for care.

That's that's not what we found.

The containment protocols were insufficient and received orders to terminate anyone involved with the facility.

It was.

Goddamn it.

It was the first time that I I didn't wanna follow a direct order.

But you did.

I did, and the next day UH an extraction team game. They were guys for another branch, black op guys, and they left with the cooler of lab samples.

I don't understand.

They were never trying to eradicate the virus. They were trying to control it to make sure they were the only ones that had.

It, like for biological warfare.

I mean, I'll never know for sure, but yeah, that was my guess. We weren't sent in to save anyone. We were sent in to give the DoD a web and they could kill large populations, a silent war that wouldn't look like a war.

So when you blew up the worse.

It was the second time I'd been ordered to contain on that scale, only this time I was personally to deliver the sample to the lab.


But you took those lives thinking they were doomed no matter what. And if a monoclonal antibody treatment works, then.

Well I'm worried a ship full of reservist did they could have been saved.

You didn't know that at the time. You were acting for the greatest good, for the greatest number.

Maybe, or maybe if I'd let them live, we'd have worked as hard on a cure as we did on containment.

Let me start with Julian, one kid, one life. Let's not make this about anything else.

Yeah, sure, be quick, man, careful for.

Sure, MICHAELA, Julian, Can you guys come out here for a second.

Gussie, hey, sweetheart, how you feeling.

Like the mats at the bottom of the eighth against the Yankees? That bad?

Have you taken any of the tail and all from the medical kit?


Yeah, half the bottle.

I think the fever is still climbing though I fell asleep.

Okay, well, listen, there's a treatment that we want to try. Hang in there all right, as long as you can. And can you grab Mikaela for me? We need her?

Okay, Kayla, she's not here.

What'd you say?

Mikayla's not here?

Are you sure now?


She's gone?

You told me Michaela isn't infected. Who cares if she would a wall? I told you she wasn't currently a threat. Oh so you did adhere to Malawi? She's contained. What are you doing here? I beg your pardon. The Vice Admiral chase of civilian to Catalina and is right now interrogating a subordinate officer.

Oh, this was supposed to be just a conversation.

Instead of attending to the disaster in Southland.

You have every cel in Coronado under your command, not to mention, hundreds of capable of.

Any people left who trust you, Mark, I thought bringing you in would give you an opportunity.

No, that's why you sent me to the chilling Worth to be your scapegoat again.

But that's not why you're sitting here right now.

Is it all right? I'm going to give you some time to think about.

What you're not done.

I'm not done, sir, sir? What are you doing here right now? It sounds like you think you know the answer already.

I want to hear you say it. This is why you're stuck a captain, Mark. You just can't leave a thing alone. Gotta speak truth to power. Huh, tell us all how it is.

All those people Travis in Malawi on the Chillingworth There was supposed to be a greater good.

I'm not debating the ethics of my orders with a.

Capti're just after another way to kill people.

You're just the guy in the gun store who wants a bigger magazine, just in Chase.

Where's it gonna end? Hey, Mark, It's gonna end badly for you. You're off your rocker. I'm going to give you one shot to get out of a court martial that ends your days in prison. One me. I'm going to ask you a simple question and you are going to tell me the answer. But we're done here. Do you understand? I wish I didn't, sir? Where is Cassie Wallace?

Mackaila Makaela? I should have thought to come here first. He went all over the fucking island.

Stay there, don't come any closer?

What? Why? Who do you don't try to stop me?

Are you?

Did you come out here? Are you serious? His body isn't there anymore?

Who's Joe?

That's his name, right? The guy you and Wayne tried to save along with me. You landed on those rocks down there. I guess Tie I need a sample of your blood.

Why what for? Emeric has an idea that might save Julian. Really, it's not likely to work, but we're gonna try, and it starts with your blood. They made it just in time. Great, I can take it, or I can talk you through it.

Did you hear me? I did?

Do you want me to do it? Or can you manage to decide?



Time is of the essence.

I don't know how to do it.

I'll do it then. Just be careful, I know, don't you dare?

Look at me?

Be careful? I will.

All right.

Straighten your right arm.

You afraid of needles?

No good?

Hold still, I need three vials. There's a chance it could work, not that you'll know. One way or another. You'll feel the pinch. Cassie, you're gonna throw your off a cliff when I leave. What the rest of us do to clean up your messes not your concern.

I guess it's everything that I was trying to avoid e.

I killed him, Gussie, be.

Still unless you want to kill me too. I don't know what to do, sweetheart. I don't have advice for you.

You know full well.

I don't want you to end your life, and that your mother would rather die than lose you. If knowing all that, you want to hurt more people by hurting yourself. There's nothing I can say to.

Change your mind.

I'm a danger to everyone alive.

Like Kayla, I have sympathy for the position that you're in, But right now my only concern is Julian. Before you do anything, please think about him. Let's say this treatment works and he survives, only to find that you're no longer alive. Please think about it.

Back for a moment.

I have to leave you to it.

Hey, Hey, g I, Joe, Hey, let's see you.

I have a question for you about it.

I need to use your radio.

Oh sorry, no, our comms are strictly before I.

Take it there in the yurt with the antenna.

Hey, can you slow down.

I've been told that Shasta I am commandeering your equipment.

Oh yeah, you can't do that.

I sure, Cat Okay, yeah, George, Yeah, I need you.

What's going on?

Us Navy is commandeering your comms effective? Immediately?

I tried to stop it.

He has every expectation that this is a reasonable action. Dover it. Comms ten is this way? I'm going to show you something for us, just that you can get back to the lab. Thanks for your hell.

You put your comments beside the Jenny.

That makes it difficult for anyone to eavesdrop. If you're not standing beside me, you can't hear anything I'm saying.

You take your security seriously.

Here you are assume you know what it is, but feel free to give it a careful read. The parts that are classified have been redacted, so you don't need to worry.

Your security clearance is higher than mine.

My research is sensitive. The Defense Department generally as on the side of caution.

Can you tell me what you're doing here?

And I think that the DoD my own curiosity. That's the honest truth. Even once you've found out about the bi that's not really a virus. Well, yes, that piqued my personal interest and also my business sense. I'm ashamed to say that the pills I gave Kavika are probably going to make me a fortune another fortune. My assumption was that there would be a wave of deaths and that I would continue my unofficial research into their efficiency.

Right, and if you told the Doddys show up and contain the outbreak, and you'd have no subjects for your human trials.

Correct, I will say in my defense, I had a change of heart. I am truly trying to save young Julian. He cared for me for the first hour or so of my psilocybin adventure, and I feel quite beholden.

And if you can cure him, well, yes, I.

Will patent a very profitable treatment.

This is how you make a billion dollars?

Or did you think wealth was accumulated through compassion? But then Malawi wasn't precisely compassionates? Ether was it? Would you just say Malawi a wholesale execution in the name of containment, one that shares many characteristics with the Chillingworth disaster, if you'll forgive me mentioning it.

What do you know about Malawi with.

My security clearance? More than I can tell you.

Did those samples go to your land? I tried to track them down for years, never found them. Started to think they were farmed out to civilian contractors.

Captain Dove, you're a smart man. Think about it. I operate in space. Uh to space? Do you imagine rights to that kind of work are granted with our quid pro quo? My work for the DoD isn't the passion. It's what Shaster would call my side hustle, weaponizing sickness, curing it so that when there's a war and it's used against us, we survive.

But if we eradicated, it can't be used against us. We could have wiped them. Allow we virus off the face of the earth.

No, maybe, unless one person got away or jumped to an animal nearby, and by the time we find out it's too late. Having a cure mean security for our nation. You know, sleeping better at.

Night, you sleep well at night.

I don't I work. I'll send Shasta back to your boat with you to restore your comps.

We don't have access to the seabird right now. Julie is quarantined there. Oh yes, of course. Well we we should have his treatment ready in a couple of hours and we'll bring it right over.

You left him alone, No, I guess he's there.

She'll hold the quarantine. You sure I trust her? Why she was.

Walking down the beach half an hour ago, towards the sea, King, what, Cassie, She's not where you think she is.

She ran on you, just like she ran on you she did, Which is the answer to your insubordinate question. You're here for Cassie. She escaped from a military interrogation, one in which she deliberately misdirected and lie to both myself and another officer. That's a crime, and it's only the tip of the iceberg.

No, you're here for the spring, the virus hybrid, just like Malawi.

You sound like a Facebook conspiracy theorist looking for facts to fit your outrage. You're convinced you're the one being escapegoarded for this chilling Worth thing. But there's a civilian at large who links all these events together. The bodies on the island, the bodies at Chillingworth, the bodies at Catalina. We get our hands on Cassandra Wallace, and we both walk away from this looking like heroes. If you're so disgusted with the Navy, put this behind you and retire. But in order to stay out of a navy, you have to help me find Cassie first.

After Shock stars Sarahwayne Cally's as Cassie Wallace and Jeffrey Dean Morgan is marked over Tati Gabrielle as MICHAELA Annsley, Janelle Parish as Lelehua Masters Russell Hornsby as Admiral Fortis, Joshua dejazousays, Julian Sandelbaal Kelly who is how Nannie Cazameiro, David Morrissey as George Emerick, Lovey Poe as Shasta, Jeff Fisher as Davis.

Additional cast is.

Kalani Quaepo as Hawaiian Number one, Scott Subiano as radio announcer. After Shock is created by Patrick Carman, Sarahwaye Cally's, and Ben Haber. Story by Sarah Wayne Cally's and Patrick Carman. Written and directed by Sarahwaye Cally's story consulting Tati Gabrielle, Sound designs, scoring and mixed by Jeff Schmidt. Original score composed by Emily Rice. Aftershock is executive produced by Ben Haber, Sarah Waine, Kelly's and Patrick Carman. Executive produced by Salman Al Rashid, Sam Frohman and Simmons Fraser. Executive produced by David Harber and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Executive produced by Paul Anderson and Nick Panela for Workhouse Media. Executive produced by Noel Brown for iHeartRadio. Associate producer Tati Gabrielle iHeartMedia presents Aftershock, a nomadic engine production and association with Cardinal Productions and Workhouse Media. Visit us on the web at aftershock podcast dot com.

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Aftershock is a fast-paced thriller about a massive earthquake that destroys the West Coast, causing 
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