
Chapter 3: “Let the dead bury the dead.”

Published Jul 21, 2021, 1:47 PM

Cassie and Wayne meet newcomers.  The search for McKayla continues.

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After Shock is a presentation of our Heart Radio and Nomadic Engine. Previously on Aftershock Listen. I know you want answers. I have orders to assess what happened on that island. There are two dozen dead bodies rotting in a pile and to fucking survivors. And the longer you and miss Wallace refused to tell me what happened, the more suspicious it looks. Cassie, get the gun here, Cassie, are you hurt? No? No? Are they? Yeah? Dead? There are corpses all over the south Land. Major. This isn't a conspiracy. It's a natural fucking disaster. You are relieved from duty until further notice. Behind me. We need to stay out of that backwash. Wayne. We've been around the whole island. This is the only place we can let what's a hold the book? Oh ship? All right? Ready to get out of bed? Sleepy hand m not at all? Mm hmmm mm hmm hm. Tackles. What do you hey? That's my lend Hey, stop it. That doesn't feel good, Lauren, knock it off. Stop guys over here, I think we have a live one. You get your hands off me. Sorry, Sorry, I should have checked before I grabbed you. Who are you? You say you live? Are they hurt? It's a good question, you okay, I'm yes, I think so? Where did you wait? Where's Wayne? Who's Wayne? Love? Oh? This is great. She looks healthy, she seems it. But she's looking for Wayne, my friend. He's he's tall, dirty blonde hair. He's wearing a guard's uniform. You're the only live one on the beach so far. But we only landed a short time ago, so perhaps he was right here when I I must have fallen asleep. Wayne, I'm I'm here. There's your friend? Hey? Are you okay? Yeah? I went to try and find firewood, and then I saw boats that landed. I was worried that just woke up and this lady was pulling my She put her hands on you. Karen, What did I tell you? This is a good place. People find each other here, no more losing what we love like back there. Of course, you're right, this is going to be beautiful. It already is. Excuse me, who are you? I am so pleased you're here. Your friends seemed worried. I'm I'm Maud Maud Baule and this this is my help of Karen, which one of you put your hands on Cassie. I think it's just a misunderstanding. I am so sorry. Yeah, it was completely crazy with me to do, wasn't it. I thought you was dead and we were trying to clear the beach. I'm Cassie. This is Wayne we Um. We got here last night, right before dark. You said you just landed an hour ago. There are two dozen of us mostly down the beach, clearing space to unload two Have you seen a girl sixteen tall, athletic black? You have another friend with you? No? My daughter? I think I'm sure she's here. We came to find her, then, I'm sure you will. You came from l A, I mean Santa Monica. I guess you. Our range was into Banka Kenyon. But now this is home. Your what moving here? Well? We have everything we need for the life we were born to live. Seeds, garden, supplies, tense. Do you have supplies? I have a go back, and I'm sure emergency services when we have more than enough to share mods, let's not. We need to verify what provisions made. The trip. Landing was harder than we expected, but we were brought to by our own hard work. As always, eh, and a little bit of pixie dust. Of course. Well she sounds like a loon. Yeah, she was a little bad ship, but harmless enough of a crazy old aunt kind of lady. Can you hold on a set? I am out of coffee in here, all right? So can I get a cup when we're done? Of course, like I said, I want to keep this as simple as possible and get us both out of here. Uh, but you're right, you know you can't really drink coffee with my hands coughed to a table sitting behind glass. Can you tell me why? Well? I could, Wayne, but it would take time. And so since I don't have to, let's just run down this list of questions real quick. And started interrupt. But I think you do have to tell me. I'm a US citizen, man, I have rights, and since I haven't been Mirandais or charged with a crime or offered a lawyer, I don't think that you have the authority. You know what, there are half a dozen ways just getting this cat. There's a state of emergency that the Governor of California declared. This suspends those rights and allows for civilians to be interrogated by the military. Or we can do a deep dive into the Patriot Act in the u C MJ and we'd find another dozen articles supporting my actions here. But the simplest answer, and you'll find them a real stickler for efficiency, is that you, my friend, are in international waters twelve miles off the coach. You are not in the US of A anymore. So Miranda Habeas, corpus and the right to counsel, well, they just don't exist. But truly, your handcuffs the glass just protocol. I follow protocol because as an officer in the U S. Navy that is my job. You're not cuffed because you're a suspect. You're not on the other side of that glass because I think you are some kind of dangerous criminal. Truly, I don't suspect a crime. But what I want to do is tick the boxes, conclude no wrongdoing, and get back to doing a real job. How can I help Well, I've got a report here from let's be honest, I totally idiot who had no business interrogating you. I'm sorry he wasted your time for the record, but he was super deed duper curious about MICHAELA. So can you help me put that question to bed and move vom I can. I mean, it's really Cassie's story. I wasn't there when she found her, so what I know is second hand. Well that's a start. Yeah, okay, I'll tell you about Michael. Oh, MICHAELA, MICHAELA, MICHAELA, Michael Where are you. I'm in the middle of the Yeah, I hear you. Keep talking. I'll come to you. Karen, Now, I need to you. I wasn't I thought you were MICHAELA. I'm sorry. I heard someone up there and I got scared. I'm not sure we were alone on the island, are we? I think so? With the TV footage, looked like I want to love a deer, but this blaze really grieps me out. Listen, I'm gonna keep looking great. I'll join you what to find my daughter. Of course, two pairs of eyes are better than one. Now. Oh wow, um, thank you so much. But I'm really okay. I know you guys are getting your camp set up. They'll get along without me for a little while. I could use the birth If I'm being honest, I bet you can. But really, there's no need to worry about me. I haven't been alone in a few days. It's kind of nice change of pace. I'll see you back at the beach. Enjoy your break. I'd come along if that's okay, Ah, nothing personal, I'd rather you didn't. Why is that you don't want to help to find your daughter? I've got it covered. I don't understand. Why wouldn't you want help to find someone you love who was missing? When I find her? I don't want a stranger with me, Okay, we have things to talk about that aren't anyone else's business. Stranger, Yes, although now a neighbor. This island doesn't seem very hospitable, and it would only be fair for us to explore it together. There are places that are better to live than others. If there's wait, is that what you think is going on? You? What you think I'm going to claim a campsite behind your back? I don't know what you're doing. I don't know you, so who knows? If I can't trust you? What I know is that you're refusing help, and that seems odd to me. Don't you think did someone send you the babysit me? Baldon? You don't make the decisions? Do you not? Does right? She's some kind of grow to you, guys, when you were all unloading, everyone looks to her. Mod isn't not a guru, We are not followers, okay, but she's in charge. So she asked you to what follow me, who help you? To to help you and to find a cave or something to put the bodies in. Except for the beach itself, everything seems to be work. Sorry, So all those bodies are still just on the beach, cooking in the sun, but there is no way to put them yet. Okay, okay, um, Karen, here's what we're gonna do. I'm going to help you. We're going to hike across the cliff side. I passed some caves over there a while back, and there's not too hard to get to, and you're gonna pick one for a graveyard. And I'm going to leave you there, and I'm gonna go find MICHAELA. Okay, that is not what I And if I find any place that is good to live on my search, I give you my word. I will show it to you, and we will decide how to exist here together fairly and peacefully until help comes. I promise I'm not out to screw you here. Really, I just want to find my girl. But that's fair. I have no reason not to trust you yet. We'll get around this hilltop and then we'll double back the way I came. M hmm, it's incredible this island didn't exist a few days ago. I wonder what it was like to be here when it grows up. Michaela, Michaela, she was right here when it happens now. M talk about bad timing. Mh Maud would say, there's no such thing as bad timing. Is that right? She is a wise woman, Mada. I traveled all the way from Leon to work with her. After I read her books, I feel I feel like I've been given a second chance to be proud of who I am. But she's not a girl. That's that's up there. They're behind the rocks on the lift. I don't see wait that's I think that could be part of a sale. M Michaela. Mikhaela a Kayla. This is the vote. Jesus, what's left of it is named after her as well? What? Oh? Yeah? Her father insisted she's the MICHAELA. Do you think I would forgive me for asking? But do you think anyone could have survived a work like this? Well? That sounds creepy. Yeah, that's the right word for it. The middle of an island, more or less whole smashed name of vessel, the Michaela. So you never found any of the crew. What's a sailboat, so it just takes one or two people to crew it. But no, I don't think so. I mean, there were the bodies on the beach that first day, but that was a long way from the shipwreck. I think they washed up separately. Weird super Was there anything on board? Nothing personal? There were a couple of flats of water which came in handy, a bunch of junk food. Mm hmm. Yeah, you know that is what Wayne said to you. And Wayne talked about the Michaela did and he said what you said, which is a relief. It makes my job easier when I know I can trust you to tell the truth. Of course, great now, if I were to ask you to describe, I don't need to refill yet. Thank you. Sorry about that. If I were denied, if I may not little a little bit, is this a joke? I said? Denied Jesus Murphy, m M, I'm I'm so sorry, sir. Requests permission to go to the infirmary stir. What's wrong with you? I don't, I don't, I don't know, Sirry, I just maybe the flu. I just I know I'm gonna find two quarters. But yeah, fine, permission granted. Get out of here, get that checked out, Thank you, sir. M h oh fuck huh fuck uh hm uh sh shot it here shop, it's sir. Are you all right? What's going on? What happened? If he fell down the stairs? Holy sh it's unresponsive? What do we do? We gotta get him to the infirm orm help me lift them. He's leading bad man. It's all over the place here. Keep pressure on. What do you mean? It's a headward man? You remember training this and keep pressing on until it stops bleeding. When I hurt him. This is what you're supposed to do. Okay, now push hard you do? Come here, get under him. Care here, that's it. That's it. Okay, are you gonna get bloody? Suck it up, fucking a man, don't be scherm here, hold this one to his head. Out it. I can get the other side. Can you stand it all? Nest him happy? Everyone grabbing arm or a leg and will carry him. You've got yourself good nest till you're gonna need a new UNI after this one at the one breathing one, two three, that's why would you wear By the end of the night, I couldn't even feel my toes. Those heels were just the things we do to ourselves in that business. Of course, after all the Champagne I hardly noticed. We watched the sunrise from the Chateaubou month before we went to bed, the whole cast. Careful, it's slippery there, thank you dear. What was it like those famous people and the magazines, red carpets and stuff. Well, you know, an actor without an audience, it's just rehearsing. When the fans lift you up like that, when your work means something to them, it's all that matters. But then again, I was young. The life I live now is actually much more meaningful. You don't miss it. The work I'm doing now with the ranch and the books, the impact it has my uh, it's much more profound. But come on, you were the mom from Second Chance. I was the mom from Second Chances. I mean that show was the biggest show. Will you look at that? That is a good sized crab there. You're thinking dinner a little butter and garlic. You bet well, maybe tomorrow I'll send Karen down. Fresh Water is the order of the day today. What did you look at that million dollars of you right there? Man? What a spot? You care very much about this island, don't you. I don't know. I just got here. But it means something to you, doesn't it. I can see something here is speaking to you already. No, I would wouldn't Swayne. It's okay, it's speaking to me too. This is a powerful place, isn't it to think an island that rose up in a single day. I mean there's a magic to that, don't you think? Or maybe geology? Did I hit a nerve? Oh? I'm so sorry, honey. I didn't mean to. I can just see that you already love it here and you you're going to stay? What was that? Someone's making an echo? Will you look at that? It's like a swimming pool. It's a sinkhole. Hello, down there? Try it? Go on and no, I'm okay, Oh you go on now. I command you to have some fun. Hello, that's pathetic. You can do better than that. We have a private pool with a famous actress. You're too much? How far down. Would you say that water is maybe fifteen twenty? Why, well, let's see if it's fresh. Hold on, I'm not sure I can fish you out of there. Can you see where it ends? No? I can't. Let's just get over those rocks up there. See if it continues on the other side. This island gave us a swimming pool that is magical, magical, magical. Find the magic in the mundane, Wayne, it's not complicated. Wait a minute, that rhymes mundane Wayne, find the magic in the mundane Wayne, Mundane Wane. I want to look at this. You're quite the divining rod, aren't you? Not? So? Mundane? Wayne? Do you think that springs okay to drink from? My grandfather told me all of North America used to be sweetwater. You could drink any moving water you came upon, from seed to shining sea. Well we've ruined all that, of course, But I don't see how this could be corrupted, do you. I'll tell you what. I'll take the leap of faith, and I've had a good long life, So if it kills me, no great loss, give it here. Whoa taste sweet to me? And you know this because Wayne told me so. Wayne told you about his life with Maud. But you didn't observe them firsthand. That's right. I was looking for the Michaela like I told you, right, and why again? I'd seen the shipwreck on TV and I thought there might be supplies on board that we could do. Is okay? So Wayne got back with Maud. You found the Michaela. What then we spent the afternoon moving dead bodies into the cave where we found them. Yeah, it had to be done, but it was pretty bad. There's another one over here? Another one? Oh my? Do you need help with it? Uh? Yeah, I think so, just when you think you got the last one. Good exercise at least. No, it doesn't muscle strong. Ah, oh, dear, that's one of ours. Oh no, really, that's Frank. Did you happen to his leg? Short part? But it looks at it. M I'm sorry for your loss. He went overboard when we were trying to find a place to land, and if he just made it to another hour, Karen, let the dead bury the dead. I shouldn't we show the others for what purpose? His life is over and we have work to do for the living. Maybe we could say a few words, this is not where we put our energy. Now is it? We move forward? Frank is gone. It's like get bogged down now, Karen. If you need a moment, Karen, you and Cassie take the body to the cave with the others. That's okay. I can get it, thank you, but it's for her to do. It will be good for her to see that it's just a body, nothing of spirit left to have emotions about. We've cleared most of the beach. I can easily. Please, please don't rob my friend of this valuable lesson. Letting go. Karen has been given a gift. I beg you not to steal it. One the blue blazes, Holy David koresh Batman. I'm gonna go keep an eye on here. Make sure she's not mixing kool aid. Good luck. Keep those gloves on Frank's ripe. Sure, thanks, Karen. Do you want to say a few I have a job to do. Let's go. Okay, put your bandanna on you. He's pretty bloated. He must have been floating. Awhile, here, let's turn him over so you don't have to look at his face. Now, if you can hold him by the ankle, I think I can hook you he must be waters are you okay? I didn't think the skin came office over my glove can rub it off with a sund like. No, I can't do this. Okay, Maybe we can drag him. How we skin just comes? How about this, I'll take his jacket off and we can roll him up to can't do the smell isn't helping. Go wash your hands in the ocean. Okay, Grab some seaweed and put it in your band down and by the time you're ready to get back, I'll have him ready to go. Okay, we got this, Karen, look at me. You can do this. Okay, I'm right here. Is it smills Smith least? I'll be right back. I just can't. It's fishy. Can you be more specific? They are telling me the same story, corroboration, down to the details. Sometimes verbatim. It sounds rehearsed, like it sounds like two people we're getting their stories straight to cover up a crime. Yes, sir, I need air support on the line in five and get a fuel update before you pass them in. Captain, how long has it been since you slept? When was the quake? Get some rack right this up? Drop the civilians off at the nearest refugee center. Get back here. Yeah, that was my plan, but I think just I think, just a bit of a deeper dive here if you think it's absolutely necessary. But understand, I'm giving you enough rope to hang yourself. I understand. So making mountains out of more hills won't get your command back. This is different, sir, the thing with Somalia Mark as a friend. Make a public mess like that again, you'll be court martialed. Keep this between the navigational beacons. Why don't you for the record. The record says you cost civilian lives. Nothing else matters. I understand, sir. Good. So when I decide your discription has gone far enough and give you a direct order, I will follow it without questions. Sir. Damn right you will. This is the last I want to hear about it. I know how busy you are, sir. There you are. I brought you some hold up? Oh my god, are you peet? I thought I had privacy. My god, not a bad view for a bathroom, sons. That's nice. Wow, you're as pink as the clouds right now. Well, I didn't meet, but what what did you bring me? Dinner? I want some hand sanitizer. First, please let stink of those bodies stuck in my nose. I'm not sure if dinner is much of an upgrade. More cuse gouse, No Mod's crew made it. I think they're vegan Jesus Christ. I grabbed us these though. Is that beef jerky teray hokey and three musketeers for dessert? Courtesy of lawrences go back. I traded some Demod's crew for dinner, so his vegan ship didn't come from the goodness of their hearts. MoU did the whole coumbaya routine and sent me over to eat, and then Karen got between me and the food to make sure I contributed before I was served, after what you did for her this afternoon, so he was probably following orders. Quite the double act those two. Hold on, let's have this conversation a little further from camp. What's your instinct? Are they dangerous or just weird? I can't say yet, What do you think? Honestly? I'm not a great judge of character, really, no no, no, I trust people too easily. I give him one too many benefits of the doubt. I doesn't seem that way. And a few days that I've known you. Well, it's kind of different thing right now. I really thought i'd find her today. There's a lot of unexplored territories till this sounds a lot bigger than I thought. As soon as there's light tomorrow, we'll get back at it. I didn't really think about how long we could be here. The go bag won't last us more than another few days. There's some snacks on the boat, but we have a water source once the bottles run out, that's the most important thing. And there's crabs on the rocks. I mean we can fish further out if maud do you hear that? Mikayla, where's it coming? Mikayla? Where are you? Can you tell me where you are? Down't? Why where are you? Watch it? Don't get you close to the edge. I can't see you. Don't get that close. Lie down back here, then scoot forward on your stomach until you can see over. Hang on, that's her on that shelf down there. How do we get to her? After Shock? Episode three stars Sarah Wayne Kelly's as Cassie Wallace, David Harbor as Wayne Sharp, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Mark Dover. Tatti Gabrielle as MICHAELA. Annsley and Tovah Feldscha as Maud Bull, Bethany joy Lenz as Karen Russell, Hornsby as Seal, and e J. Bonilla as er Nesto Shops. Additional cast includes Henry Noble as Reservist Number one, Conrad Goody as Reservist Number two, and Mike Biebler as Reservist Number three. Aftershock is created by Patrick Carman, Sarah Wayne Calley's and Ben Haber. Written by Sarah Wayne Calley's, directed by Sarah Wayne Calley's, sound design, scoring and mixed by Jeff Schmidt. Original score composed by Emily Rice. Aftershock is executive produced by Ben Haber, Mark Ramsay, Sarah Wayne Cally's, and Patrick Carman. Executive produced by Salmon Al Raschid, Sam Frohman and Simmons Fraser. Executive produced by David Harbor. Executive produced by Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Executive produced by Paul Anderson and Nick Pinella for Workhouse Media. Executive produced by Noel Brown for I Heart Radio. After Shock was produced during the COVID nineteen pandemic and was mostly recorded remotely out of the performers and producers homes. Additional recordings were at Bandwagon in Los Angeles, Hyperbolic Audio in New York City, which Shop Studios in Vancouver Island, Canada, on One Audio in Berlin, Germany, and Boutwell Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. After Shock is a presentation of I Heart Radio and Nomadic Engine in association with Cardinal Productions, Mark Ramsey Media and Workhouse Media. For more podcasts from my Heart Radio, visit the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your favorite shows.

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Aftershock is a fast-paced thriller about a massive earthquake that destroys the West Coast, causing 
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