Five Double A Summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.
At six minutes past one. Thank you for joining me this afternoon on five Double A. We've got a great show lined up for you, but we need your calls an eight double two to three double O, double O or send me a text zero double four eight eight thirteen ninety five. Wonderful day outside weather in Adela. Twenty three today, twenty four on Saturday and twenty seven on Sunday unless the weather Bureau changed their mind, which we've seen a bit lately. Few things to discuss today. Are you a bit lighter in the wallet or the purse? After Boxing Day? So many peir I got lots of text yesterday and with my Adelaide tech guy had on people trying to get advice from me about what to buy and to answer a couple of those back. But there's so many things out there to go along and buy. Did you say gave your money up before Christmas to spend it on Boxing Day? So many people that I've talked to did go along and do that, And yesterday was an unusual day. I was talking to Metal and my producer and please send her an email on air at five doublea dot com dot au and she'll bring it straight into me. You can buy a new flat screen TV yesterday, but you couldn't buy a leader of milk. And yes, I know service stations are open, but you know what I mean? What was the origin of Boxing Day? And I had no idea, so I just had a quick look. You know, Boxing Day was once a day to go along and donate gifts to those in need. You can ring me up about Boxing Day anything that has taken your fancy. So many things out there, because just remember you are our eyes and ears. If there's traffic issues out there, give me a call. I was at T Tree Plaza, yes that I will try to get into the car puck at T Tree Plaza. It was queued out onto the road. That's how many people out there shopping. If you had a good experience, let me know. If you got a tech issue this afternoon, you bought something yesterday, call me when we can talk about or if you're about to buy something today, let me know. So if you're setting something up, boy, you wanted some you know, just some advice on things, let me know. Sad news today. Ian Roberts, sixty five year old man, from South Australia has passed away in the Sydney to Hobart Race. He was an estates and family law practitioner from Adelaide who purchased and renamed the yacht Bowline in March of twenty twenty one. The SA Yacht Squadron are having a press conference at three pm today. Our thoughts with his family and friends. Mister Roberts is the immediate Past Commodore the Royal South Australia Yacht Squadron, so our thoughts are with his family and friends today. A bit of slow going at Darlington A car veered off the Southern Westway and ended up in shrubbery. I don't know how that happens, I really don't. You might have had a medical episode or something, but you know, just you know, when you're driving out there, please be careful. Visitors to the River Torrens are being will not to touch the water after higher levels of E. Corlo were found. Popeye cruisers are still operating on the lake. Well paddle boats are off limits for now. The Council is set to conduct further testing tomorrow and ahead of upcoming New Years. If you're going out on New Years and you're in the city, just be careful out there because we don't want you falling in the lake. The cricket is We will keep you up to date, of course, all afternoon with the cricket. At the moment, Nathan Lyn not out six, Scott Boland not out five, So Australia are nine for four hundred and sixty six. Great innings from Steve Smith on one hundred and forty traviors Head fell for a duck, Mitch marsh was out for four. I'll get to Mitch marsh Alex Carey thirty one pack comings great forty nine from the captain Mitchell Start fifteen. So you know it's really is, you know, nine for four hundred and sixty six. We just wait for either the declaration, which I'll probably go to. If it was me, i'd go to that right now, but I'm not captain of Australia. Bomra has still got his three wickets a keysh deep two and Revenda Jadeja has got three with Washington sunder one. I was picked up a coffee this morning and you know what I love about the Indian people, the banter that you can have with them. I have banter with the guys at the gym and this morning. You know, he and I were just talking about Constance yesterday and you know what he did. It really was a real bright light for me as far as test cricket is concerned. So if you like to talk about any give me a ring. The sports boys after for we'll be talking obviously about all the sport kg's coming in. Always enjoy seeing KG. So there's lots of things to go along and talk about. Lots of things in the news at the moment. But if you're driving out there, there is any road things that you'd like to let me know about, Please give me a ring. Let me know. Ken Triles Matthew Pantellus's favorite subject out there, but in the United States, the conspiracy theory suggested that aeroplanes are leaving humful Ken Triles has gained renewed attention. This sery, which claims that the White trials behind aircraft contained toxic chemicals, has been debunked multiple times. However, confusion over geo engineering proposals to combat climate change has fueled its resurgence. We are going to stop this crime, said Robert Kennedy, who's been appointed by Trump to the White House wrote about KEM trailes on X in August. The former Democrat tourn Trump ally said on his podcast last year that was kind of frightening to think that somebody may be putting large amounts of bioavailable aluminium into the environment spraying the microscopic particulates from airplanes. Believers of the chem trials conspiracy theory contend that the white lines traced in the sky behind aircraft contained toxic chemicals that are released to achieve a DVCN, such as mas sterilization or mind control. This theory, which has no evidence to support it, has been put forward at various times since the nineteen nineties, despite being repeatedly debunked. Legislation de bands so called chem trials has been proposed in Tennessee and Florida. I don't know why Robert F. Kennedy Junior, recently nominated as Health Secretary, expressed his support for that theory. As I said before, scientists, including those from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, emphasized these that simply condensation trails or contrails formed by water vapor from aircraft exhaust. Despite this, the debate does continue with some linking recent hurricanes to allege weather modification efforts. In related news, discussions around solar geo engineering as a potential solution of the climate crisis are ongoing. This controversial approach involves spraying reflective substances into the stratosphere to reduce global temperatures. While some seed as a necessary intervention, others want of unintended consequences and the need for global governance. I don't know if you believe in keem trials, please give me a ring, love to talk to you about it. On the show today, James Ward from Drive is going to be on. He's going to talk about the Nissan and Honda merger. If you've got tons and can or a Honda car, you might want to listen to James Today. Tom Kots and Tonus, a Transport minister, will be on. Will be as there is a press conference currently taking place. Heidi Girolamo, the Liberal spokesperson for Cost of Living. She'll be on to talk about why everything's going up in price and deathc certificas have just gone up. An avalanche will be on for the Advertiser talk about what's coming up in the paper over the week end. My pre recall with Steve Milk. I couldn't fit it in. On my last show, we'll talk about the sale of Fox Delt. Mike Smithson will be on with What's on the new news Channel seven News tonight. We're going to talk about the ndis getting your car ready, and we're going to debunk the black plastic theory with my good friend Dr Vincent on there. So at the moment, if you're they're urging you not have black plastic, we're going to go to a short break and we're going to be right back with James Waard, director of content for Drive, discussing the merger between Honda and Nissen, and we might even get some tessel information in there as well. It is now fifteen minutes past one here on five Double.
A five Double A Summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.
Nineteen minutes past one. Thank you for joining me this afternoon. There is a car merger in the wind, and no better man to talk to than James Ward, director of content on Drive dot com AU. Good afternoon, James, and Merry Christmas.
Good afternoon, Merry Christmas to you.
Now we've got a merger in the wind, haven't we with Nissan and Honda.
Yeah, so look at what we What we know is that probably last month, I think it was mainstream used that Nissan had a couple of executives come out and say, look, we've got about twelve to fourteen months if things don't get solved. Otherwise we're in trouble because one of their key shareholders in Reno, sold down some of its ownership. And what that's culminated in is two days ago Nissan and Honda announced that they would progress with merger that way. Now, Nissan and Honda have already been working together in some initial development discussions for electric vehicles. Nissan and Mitsubishi are already working together. For example, the nim Mitsubishi S Triton is the underpinnings of the mixed miss Navara. So we know there's a little bit of this going on. But if we look at the automotive world in general, you've got big groups like Volkswagen, for example, who have not just the VWU brand, but they have Scota, they have Kupra, they have Audi, all under that same umbrella. And what that means is that as a group they can develop the expensive parts of the kas so for modern This is the hybrid and electric drive trains, the motors, the batteries, all that kind of stuff that can be developed once and then be used under multiple name plates. And what the merger has said is that Nissan and Honda and Mitsubishi would continue to be brands. They'll have showrooms, I'll have different models, but they will pull their resources to help, I guess, step forward far more quickly and economically to develop that next generation, predominantly for electrification. And all if the brands currently do some sort of hybridization, this have obviously led in many ways with full electrification. But what we're seeing is China and the speed that they're able to develop and produce products is kind of leaving Europe and now Japan a little bit in its wake. So having these brands pulled together to look at that next gen of cars will allow them to remain competitive in what is becoming a very very fast moving market.
And that's any good news for consumers when we look at that, isn't it?
That's right? What it means is that even though you'll still have a Honda showroom or a Nissan showroom, having this pulled resource allows them to be able to move a lot faster and allow that next and I say next generation technology because I don't really know what it's going to be. No one really does. We don't know what technology is going to be in the batteries, whether or not it'll be a form of hybridization or if it will be full electric. So it is that kind of forward looking glass. But for consumers it means that you will be able to get the downstream benefit, but it won't be quick. They're already saying that this will start to work in twenty twenty five. It will really come in to play in twenty six, with the first sort of output of this JV not really hitting the world stage until about twenty thirty. So we've still got a few years to watch and wait. But if you look at the way that some of these Chinese brands are moving and the speed at which they are moving, for this to work, Nissan and Honda and Mitsu issue really need to get their skates on and be thinking five moves ahead if this is going to be something that's going to really kind of cement those sort of very historic Japanese brands as continual players on a global stage.
Because Nissan, you know, we go back to the old days one that we had the Datson brand on there as well Nissan and D's and need so much to so many people out there, doesn't it.
Well, that's the thing like this in Australia is they still build parts here. So there's a casting plant in Danni Nong in Victoria that makes parts for the Miss and Leafs and for the new generation Miss and Patrol four wheel drives. It's exported globally, so Missing holds a pretty strong sort of a place in Australia's hearts. Honda, of course, as we know, is not just cars. It's the motorcycles and it's power equipment, so you've got a lot and obviously for Adelaide Mitsubishi, this is where It'subishi calls home. Even though they're not building cars there anymore, it is it is still where the Mitsubishi Australia head offices. So Australia has a really strong part to play in this. We know a lot of the development for the new Trident Ute was done here, so that will then flow onto the new Navara. So it's one of those things we do watch. We have strong ties to the Japanese brands. We do have a lot of as you say, there's a lot of emotional connection to some of these Japanese brands, so we do want to see them continue. But it is a very competitive landscape, and you see so many of the big Chinese groups are buying European brand so Geely for example, which is a big Chinese conglomerate of automotive manufacturing. They own Volvo, they own Polster, they own Lotus, and then they have a bunch of other brands that are Chinese in nature under Jilei, under Zeka, under another one called Lincoln Co, all of which can be pulled together to develop things far more quickly and at a I guess an economical sense that if you're building at once, you can stick a different body in a different badge on that same kind of underpinnings to get you to market a lot faster and more financially swiftly.
When we go along we look at all the different brands that are coming out of China. Do you think people are concerned about that? Or you know when you said Lotus before, so Lotus to me would be I wouldn't think of China brand.
That's it, And look all those probably the best one here. We consider Volvo to be a Swedish brand. They're headquarters is still in Sweden. You've got all about heritage, but they are predominantly owned by the Chinese conglomerate. Now does that make them And it's the same way you've got Mini was purchased. That was an English brand that was purchased by BMW groups, So technically it's a German brand now, but it still has those ties. So we know that buyers do look past where the head office is based and where the conglomerate is based, and even now even watching where sales are coming from Australian buyers, we want quality and value. We kind of don't care where cars are coming from. And we ran a survey really interestingly earlier in the year that said where do people trust where cars come from? One of the countries that was lowest in the trust rating for all, I don't think i'd buy a car that was built in Thailand when our number one and two seven vehicles, the Ranger and the Highlux are built in Thailand. So I think the whole kind of point this nobody really knows, nobody really cares, is the point if you're getting a good car that's well featured at a great price, with a trustworthy warranty and a brand you feel you can connect with. That's obviously what's more important than the more the head office or the ownership group is based.
Do we have probably a general quote, do we have too many brands here in Australia for the car market?
Arguably yes, you know, we have well on record we have the most highly contested new car market in the world. So going into twenty twenty five, Citron have pulled out officially of Australia, so they sort of finish up at the end of tently twenty four. But we've got a whole bunch of new brands coming, most of them from China, but even Diischer, which is one of Reno's sub brands, will be coming here sort of under badge and showroom. But I think we're going to be looking at over seventy different brands here in Australia twenty twenty five, which for a million new car sales, considering Toyota has you know, twenty percent of that. It's a really competitive market set and what historically has happened Australia has been used as a test tase for a lot of these markets. If they can work out how to get their brand representation right, to get the model mix right, to get how they position their showrooms and marketing right in Australia, then they can sort of copy and paste that into other markets around the world.
Could we say that, you know, with so many brands coming into Australia like that, that some of them might fall over because there's too many for the amount of cars that were buying, just makes economic sense to me and say some of these are going to.
Fall over, absolutely, And it's something that we've seen from the Chinese brands already in that market. We're seeing that kind of I think we ran a story about the might have been the Beijing or the Shanghai Motor Show in twenty twenty three, and we listed all the brands that you'd never heard of. We've never heard of.
Them for all these cars.
Now, half of them have kind of gone already because they were they were too new and too small for that market, which is the largest newcar market in the world in China's domestic market. So for some of these export brands to be looking at Australia to be hoping to make some inroads. I dare say there will be a little bit of either consolidation or revalidation about how that's going to go. But at the moment, you know what if we got Zeka there, who will start to sell cars in the new year, Leap Motor so Zekera is part of Jili, which is the same group from Volvo and Polster. Leap Motor is part of Stalantis, which owns jeep Seat Chreisler. That group of brands they'll start here in the new year. We've got other brands called I think there's one called ion Aon. We know Jili themselves are going to be here, so there's a lot of these. There's a lot of chatter about new brands kind of dipping a toe in the water. And to your point, how long they will last will really depend on how well the Australian buyers kind of connect with their and a lot of it is around value and so the bigger group, so having Stillantis or having Jeerly behind you, we know that they can build a car, so we know this is not their their first rodeo to to coin a phrase, but looking at some of these other brands who need to work out how do they how do they get a showroom in the mix, how do they build your consideration? And even when you consider over the last five years, we've had brands like Polster and Kopra and you know, ldv's been here for a little while now, and MG have been here for a little while now, and even Sangyel who have still they've been in Australia for sort of well over a decade, but they've had a name change, and even they're not kind of at the forefront of people's mindset. So it's a it's a pretty competitive place to play, and yeah, they've got to have their well, they do have their work cut out for them. So I think that's that's where we come in to try and help and get the message out to consumers and show what the cars are like and what's available. But there's an awful lot of iv teas to cross an ice to dot for these brands to start in Australia and compete with some of the legacy brands that are still here.
And we look at the moment, just changing the subject entirely, that Tesla sales are dying at the moment, aren't they.
Well, I think the thing is Tesla had this brilliant position of being the choice. And even now that Tesla Model three you can buy one for I think it's fifty four to nine hundred is the entry level price for that car.
It is a.
Tremendous product for that price. But you've got a lot of choice. Now, You've got a lot of options from brands like care and here and they You've got other things, you know, BMW or Mercedes, and it started to really make some moves into stronger value. And the argument is that anyone who wanted an electric car over the last sort of five years has kind of gone and bought one, and so now we're trying to get to that next stage of market acceptance. But when you look at what Australians buy, there's about forty percent of all new cars that there is no electric solution for. And it's this whole thing to say, oh, but you can go and buy a Tesla, so fifty five grand, Well, that's great if you want a Ford or Sedan, but if you need a ute or you need a seven seat, four wheel drive capable suv, there's no solution for you yet. So the technology hasn't caught up to our buying habits in Australia, which is why we're going to see a lot more hybrid technology coming through twenty twenty five. So Ford have got a plug in hybrid Ranger coming. We know that there's a hybrid version of the Toyota Prato, the new Prato that's available in other markets that should start to flow into Australia late in twenty five. We know that brands like GWM have got a plug in hybrid of their new Tank five hundred, which is a Prato competitor, and that means if you've got a hybrid version of that, you can drive around town with really reduced fuel consumption, which is horrific, but it means if you do need to go for a longer drive, you've got that flexibility to be able to do that, which is great.
James, thanks for taking time out around Christmas to talk to me. Really appreciate it. James Howard, director of content at Drive dot com dot AU. We'll talk to you again on five double A. James, thanks mate. Thank you very interesting about the car market, got thoughts of it. Let me know eight double two three double O double A. We're going to go to a short break We're going to be right back with Minister for Transport, Tom Kuts and Tony's here on five double a.
Five double a summer afternoons with Richard Pasco.
One thirty five here on five double a one. It's GISs the Minister for Transport, Tom Kuts and Toni's Merry Christmas, Minister.
Thank you mister, Merry Christmas to you too.
Very good now it seems funny us call it. You are you calling me mister Pasco and minister because we've done each other for a long time, haven't we.
That's right.
I was a casual boy at Coles and Groat Street when you were the manager.
Exactly right, big big announcement by the government today, Tom.
That's right. We want people to have a really good home on New Year's Eve. And you know it's a very safe city and we've had a big year and people were in time to go out and enjoy themselves. So I think it's important that we put on public transport, making it free, so if you want to go out and have a few drinks and have a good time with a family, you can get there and get home safely and free. And we want to make it as available to everyone as possible. So that's why a public transport on New Years e will be free. If you go to the big bash starting at three, be free from three o'clock. For everyone else, it's free from five pm and right through to six am the next day, so there's no excuses tomorrow on New Year's v Sorry, if you're going to have a few drinks, catch a bus, trail or.
Tram, which is a great I think is a great measure by the government to go along and do this because you know, every year we always get somebody. You know, the police do a wonderful job out there. We're just trying to keep people from getting you know, not drink driving out there and just anything to get people out of their cars into public transport a thing is a great initiative.
And the thing about there'll be a festive atmosphere on public transport on Year's Eve. It's very very safe. We've got ce CTV cameras on every single piece of public transport infrastructure. Police will be out on force. If you go to the Bay, or you're coming into the city, or you're going to a party a Henley Beach or whoever it might be, think about public transport or a taxi or they're public transport as well, but they won't be free. It's just a way of being able to go out as a family, have a few drinks and get home safely with having to worry about the police nabbing you and losing your license for the rest of the year potentially, or even worse, having a horrific crash while you're under the influence and ruining someone else's life forever and potentially yours.
Because we've seen enough right accidents this year, haven't we.
Yeah, we're want too many and we've had enough and let's let's see out the new year without any more unnecessary deaths.
Exactly right, Minister for Transport, Tom Cookson turn, it's great to talk to you today on five double a mate, have a good new year and no doubt we'll talk to you next year here on five double a.
Thank you Richard for the best.
Thanks Tom. Yeah, it's always funny sometimes calling the Minister Tom, but I have known who for quite a long time. We've got the Premier talking about it.
The provision of free public transport is a real critical public service at this time of the year to provide a safe alternative for people to be able to get home the beach driving. It's cheaper than driving and it was also perfectly safe. So public transport will be running throughout the evening right through to six am with regular services. It'll be free from five o'clock. For those people going to the Big Bash, they'll be able to get free public transport from three pm on New Year's Eve. This is an important demonstration of our state government's commitment to public transport services and that's.
What we want to hear and the premiere on Don't Drink and Drive.
People are gonna have a few beers and a few drinks on Newyear's Eve. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. This is a safe city, a safe state to be able to enjoy those activities. Just don't drive. It's real simple. I mean, drink as much as you like within reason, but just don't drive. It's easy to get around. Public transport's free services are going to operate beyond minit right through to six am, so there's just no reason to take the risk. So unless you're a designated driver and you stay off the beers and are far better to use public transport or catch a cab or even.
Uber and every Saturday that I'm you know, to Pat and I we do a little new segment. We talk about all the different things and normally every week that he and I have been on there is always a drink driver has been caught and we always explain that haven't you ever heard of an uba? Haven't you ever heard of a taxi? So it's a thing out there that honestly, if don't drink and drive, let's have a really good, safe Christmas. The Premier also made some statements regarding the Sydney to Hobart.
This was awful news that I think Australians woke up to around the country. The City to Hoba is an iconic event. It's part of our national sporting calendar, and to see people lose their lives for the first time since nine eight is deeply troubling. It sounds as though there were two genuine accidents to see if South Australian lose their life is of particular concern because a lot of families will be impacted by this at a really important time of the year and our thoughts go out to them. Not in a position to release the identity of the deceased, but I can confirm a South Australian lost their life during the course of the city to Hobar and my thoughts without individual's family and their friends.
There will be press conferences afternoon at three o'clock about that. Kathie fan Theberton said, public transport has always been free on New you see the premier sounds like it has done as a favor. They have to come along and say every year if they're going to do it or not, you know, for it to go along. But it's all about encouraging people, Kathy, just to make sure that we go out there and make sure we do because you know, I'll be on Newye's Day breakfast. I hope that I don't have to go along and say people caught drink driving. You know, it's one of the big things to go along. I'll be doing the breakfast show. I'm doing breakfast from six o'clock at New Year's Day. I will be personally having a very quiet New Year's Eve if I'm going to do the breakfast on there. In the Cricket Australia we're all out for four hundred and seventy four at the moment. India trail by four hundred and sixty six runs with ten with I think somebody has just got out and I will tell you that in a moment. Great innings from Steve Smith today, you know, for somebody who's lacked runs. Yep, one for eight at the moment is the current score out there. So Robert Sharma was out so India one for eight. So we will keep you up to date with that this afternoon. As I said, the sports boys will be all over this, but we'll just keep you up to date about what is happening. A couple of text messages and there Merry Christmas Richard. I know in the past you who've suggested your thoughts on great laptop deals and sales, are on what is a good deal currently for general home use laptop please Barossa Paul, I really do like the HP brand out there, Paul. HP are making very very good computers. Try and get a computer with sixteen gig of RAM. It is a sweet spot for for computers now and moving forward. Microsoft, that's what they go along and recommend, so sixty giga RAM. Choose your hard drive size on there if you can afford it. By one of the new Windows plus co Pilot PC's enormous battery life, super quick. They are probably they are the Windows equivalent of buying a MacBook Air. Very very good laptops out there. Hi, Richard, could you please explain how the E said works when overseas? Thanks Steve who First of all, Steve, let me know, send me a text, will give me a call. Who are you going to go along and get the acid from? Is it going to be overseas? If it is overseas, when you're there, basically you will go along and they just drop the E sid in. You basically scan it. You get another phone number on there. What you can do then is redirect your old Australian phone number to the new phone number while you're overseas. Sims work, They do work very very well. We are going to go to a short break. It is now one forty four here on five double A. We're coming up next. We have Heidi Girolamo, she's the cost of living spokesperson for the Liberals. Here on five double A.
Five double A. Summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.
One forty eight here on five double A. If you've got to comment on anything, give me a call eight double two three double O double o. If you don't agree with me on something, ring me let me know. India one for nine at the moment, Pat Cummins took the wicket, Jasil is on eight and Rahul as yet to score. My next guest is going to explain to me why everything is going up in price and really throwing them under the bus with that. Heidi Girolamo, Good afternoon. Now you're the Liberal spokesperson, the chair of the Budget and Finance Committee. If I've got all that correct, tiding.
Yeah, that's correct, and also the shadow Minister for cost of living and also a finance and tax.
Reform as well.
Can I say it's very refreshing to have a Minister of the cost of living because.
Yeah, we thought that it was a really important area when there was a recent reshuffle and cost of living is something that has come up for us, is a really key issue time and time again, so it's good as a shadow minister be able to really focus in on it. It does overlap into a lot of different portfolios, so I work closely with my colleagues, but it's something that I'll be championing every day and the lead up to the election and focusing on getting really key policies developed within the cost of living space.
How much influence do you think the state liberals can have on the cost of living or is it just highlighting sometimes because you know, one of the things in football put my small business had on. When I go and see a lot of people out there, all I do is complain about everything goes up and it can only just be a few dollars, Like the story in the paper this morning where death certificates have gone up.
Yeah, exactly, And I think that there is a lot that the both state and federal governments can do and we will certainly continue to always highlight them. The article today which was highlighted to us by a funeral director who was really concerned that not only had theirth certificates gone up by CPI in July, but are also being increased by five dollars, further making us one of the most expensive states to obtain a death certificate, which is a pretty important document, and it is at a time when you would have for a family member have a lot of different other costs associated with a funeral. And we think that this is just a really greedy money grab by the Melanascus labor government. Who have already increased their fees and charges at the time when cost of living is quite high. At the time of the budget, we did call for a freeze on fees and charges because we did feel that this would be a way that the South Australian government could manage those costs and help every day Australians, even if it's just a little bit here and there, which they didn't didn't do. So they've increased her in July and then whacked people with a further five dollars increase here on the first of January as well.
I was actually with a person words for a funeral company on Christmas night and you know, they stuck it in there and said, you know what's gone up. I had no idea, and I think most people wouldn't. And the only time you were ever going to You're just going to pay the money, ain't it really?
If somebody dies exactly, it's not like you can shop around for a decerticate. You have to go through the Office of Birth, Death and Marriages. And I think it's just a really greedy money grab by this government. And I think a lot of funeral directors like your friend, are really concerned about it because they would see that costs are going up for which obviously have to be passed on to their customers at a time when they're doing it really tough.
Yeah, I mean, so many homeowners small businesses out there are doing it tough, and it's just it's the little increases that just sneaks through, isn't it exactly.
And another one that we've also highlighted recently in the paper is around taxis and ubers having to there's an extra increase which is in line with CPI from the airport, but the government has also snuck in an extra fifty cents per trip as well on taxes for taxis and ubers. And we just think that at a time when people are doing it tough, just sneaking in more and more increases or a little bit more here and there is really challenging for a lot of families who are already doing it really tough.
I was just going to say, when I flew back in, if you want to go along and get a decent Uba price, make sure you refresh or use somebody else's phone at the airport that hasn't gone along. And it's for it, because I had two quotes one time to take me just across town of one hundred and thirty five dollars and that came down to thirty seven dollars. Wow, that's a huge, fine, huge. I didn't understand where one hundred and thirty five came from for it. Sorry, I'm taking off track just slightly on this.
But I think in Adelaide we're always meant to be in a very affordable state, and I think for a long time it was much more affordable in Melbourne and Sydney and things like that. But I really a lot of people have been raised in concerns that we're becoming extremely unaffordable here for a lot of different things, and many of which can be managed by the both the federal and state government, and things like electricity comes up on a regular basis, people's water bills and other areas as well. And I think the Reserve banks governors commented numerous times that the reason that interthrates, or one of the reasons interstreats aren't coming down is because of government spending growth federal and a state basis, and things like government advertising and travel and things like that are really potentially impacting on inflation as well.
And you know when we look at the federal government, who to me, you know, we're about to go on a spending spree before the election. We're all going to suffer for that, aren't we?
Yeah, exactly. And I think many South Australians are really desperate for an interstrate car at the moment. I think that would be incredible if that can happen, because that really is impacting on a lot of families. So a lot of families over Christmas have done it really tough, having to cut back on travel or holidays or presence at Christmas. And I just think that the both the federal and the state government need to make sure that they're supporting South Australians and making sure that they're doing everything they can to make sure that the inflation and other spending habits of government are under control.
And it's just you know, I've just had text come in now from a Liberal Party cost of living spokesperson is rather ironic. Take that to hard, Hi, do you're a politician? There are people living intents in t Tree Gully. Most of us didn't eat three meals on Christmas Day. Although the Liberals are usually not a friend of the working class, if they can convince us who are really struggling. Without political grandstanding, you may win a few votes. Also, how much is this new department going to cost? It's not a new department, is it, Emily.
So I think from our point of view when we're in opposition, it's the opportunity for us to really focus in on key areas and cost of living is very much front of mine for us. We want to make sure that cost of living is considered right across the board. I work closely with the Shadow Treasurer, with the Shadow Energy Minister, all of our team are working really closely, certainly around housing and homelessness as well, working very closely with Michelle then Sink in that shadow portfolio. So I can definitely assure Emily that it is fun to mind for us as an opposition to make sure that all South Australians are looked after and that there isn't. I think the rate of homelessness is really a huge concern and something that we are definitely making sure that it's front and center for us. Around housing, around electricity cost, all of those elements come within the cost of living and that's why as a Shadow Minister for cost of Living, it's a really key focus area for us.
I talked to Chris Burns from the Hut Street Center last time I was on the air, and you know, it's it's going up and up for them all the time, not just cost, but the amount of people that are coming in, you know, and those little rises that we see in the cost of doing any business or living out there does impact upon the homeless, doesn't it?
Oh hugely? And I think also access to housing. There's obviously a massive shortage of housing at the moment and something that we would like to see that change, and there needs be a lot of work done in that space. But people are applying for thirty forty rental properties and not able to get any anywhere, and unfortunately that is leading to more people being homeless. So we would like to see the government doing a lot more in that space as well to make sure that people are being looked after. The Huts three is an extraordinary organization that does amazing work, but we know that they are at capacity a lot of the time as well, so there is definitely a lot more that needs to be done in that space as well.
And you know, we just look, you know, we just hope that in the next year, we're going to say we're going to see some relief for people, aren't we.
We hope, I hope.
So yeah, I really do. And I think that there's, as I said before, a lot that both federal and state government can do, whether that would be freezing fees and charges or reassessing the increases in water bills. There's also a lot from a business perspective as well. I think a lot of small businesses are doing it extremely tough. Things like payer attacks. Is huge for a lot of organizations who wait, you know, wages, especially in hospitality and areas like that where wages is a very big portion of their bill. They're having almost every bill increase, like electricity and gas and the cost of supplies. So there's a lot of challenges out there at the moment, but we really want to make sure that we've got a really strong suite of policies and the lead up to the election around cost a living, and it will certainly overlap into a lot of different areas as well.
Heidi, wonderful to talk to you this afternoon. Appreciate you coming on. It's always hard sometimes coming on talk back, and I understand that for people Haidi Girolamo. I hope you have a great new year.
Okay, thank you very much for your time.
I appreciate it.
Thank you, thank you, bye bye. Karen has sent me in text boy. The Liberals are absolutely shocking. They constantly bag the opposition. They're worse some children if they ever get back, and they will do no better. I think they need to take a hard look at themselves. Their camp is very unsettled, Karen. You know it's it's yep. We've known that with the amount they've got left in but they have to start somewhere, they really do. And you know, strong opposition means, you know, strong people who are in who are in Parliament at the moment, so that all of them I've got to try and do better. Nick went to Cole's to buy some Brussels sprouts and number twenty one dollars a kilo. That is an astronomical price, Nick, it really is. And things are going up and up all the time, you know, it really is. Things are going up and up all the time, and I just wonder where it's going to stop. You know, you go and buy food and it's going up all the time, and you know it doesn't go along and match with whatever we've got here at the moment. It really is for so many people out there, they're struggling. They really are struggling when it comes to the cost of living, and it just concerns me. I think more and more it's a federal thing for me. You know, we need to go along. We need some relief on interest rates for people. We need some relief on electricity. I don't think the price of electricity is going to go down. I really don't. I don't. It concerns me that we're paying so much for power. But every time, you know, every time I get a bill I was looking at it's ninety nine berus of the time it's gone up. We don't have bills that tend to go down. It is now two o'clock. If you've got an opinion, give me a call eight double two three double O double a, or send me a text zero double four eight eight thirty ninety five. Coming up after the break and of lunch for the Advertiser, talking about what's in the paper and whatever is on her mind. Here on five double.
A five double A Summer afternoons with Richard Pasco.
At one minute past two here on five double. A couple of texts are coming in saying, you know, it's the price of everything is going up. Richard, you know, where is this going to stop? We haven't got enough housing out there. We know that we haven't got enough housing. It really does concern me when we've got so many people rolling up to rental properties. And it really is when when you're out there to rent, if you're just you know, an average and don't take that the wrong way when I say things people we're just you know, an average person out there, it is a struggle to go along and get a rental property. And that's why some people who can you know, just afford it sometimes don't get that rental property and it's it's it's just awful. And the price of rental properties, you know, that's another thing that really does go along and concern me. You know, there are the price of rents in some cases are astronomy. And that's a wonderful landlords out there that do a great job, I've got to say for people trying to keep the price down or not having the massive increase. Sometimes they're saying, well you can get X amount more for the property, but then they go. You know, the landlord goes, and I've spoken to a couple of go. No, I'm not interested in getting that amount. I'm just interested in, yep, making my costs back. I get the go along, I get the tax deductions for it. So you know, it's all about going along and just making sure that they can just get by. My next guest, I always enjoyed talking to her last summer. We've got a back and of latch from the advertiser. Hello, Anna, Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas. How are you.
I'm all the better for talking to you, Anna.
That's very kind of you.
No, no, no, Anna, what's the big stories in the paper at the moment?
Okay, well, this is when I'm for tomorrow and it's already online. And I think it's quite a good time of year because people often popped the questions as well as bottles of champagne on New Year's Eve. And so I've been asked to take a look at all the celebrity engagements of the year and the rings. So Carl Chalmers had a beautiful ring made by a local jeweler at Walkerville class A. So we look at that ring in detail, but we also look at trends of to kind of bling. And I believe years ago a diamond manufacturer did a study and said something like, you have this friend three months balery, which is a bit excessive.
I know it's it crazy, isn't it. But basically we've looked at the different rings that celebs have given their partners when they've popped the question, and also looked at trends. And I will say, if you if you want to be on trend, an oval diamond on a gold band trending at the moment.
So there you go.
That's very good. Anybody pop the question to you Anna over Christmas.
Last year they did, all right, that's it.
That is good again if they want to.
I've got to keep up with things, don't I. So yeah, And you wouldn't advise people to go along and get their ring off, Timy, would you?
No, you wouldn't do that. I don't think you could get a stuntering though. You know when you get a ring that's not the ring and you just get one to propose with. And do you remember there was the football and many years ago and Adelaide lad Adam Cody he proposed to his now wife with a burger ring.
There we go.
It doesn't really matter what the ring is. It's the person that's asking.
Me to marry them, so and the love that counts. We'll get all sloppy here now we anna, we will? We will very good? What else everyday heroes? Anna?
So at the moment, we are looking at five ordinary South Australians who have done extraordinary things, and one of them is a little boy called Aiden. And mum was into state, so dad was holding the bought and Aidan was five and he found his dad. Jason basically passed that on the floor. There was blood and the emergency services who took his call couldn't believe how calm and collected he was. He called Triple zero, he knew what to do, and the phone kept cutting out, but he kept calling back and they just they say he was so calm and brave, and they knew he wanted to help his dad and that he was scared as well, but he just held it together and they got there in the in the right time they would need to be able to help Jason, and that family is now thriving. It's forever grateful, and so little Aidan's one of our heroes and so want to have a look at those heroes Advertiser dot com dot au because there are others as well, and they're just amazing people, ordinary people doing wonderful things.
Yeah, that's what we like about it sometimes, isn't it really? Yeah, you know, for it rising speedway Stars.
Yes, so you will.
See in the pack of to day we have three sisters who are arriving speedway Stars, and I believe we have another ten and it's got a lot of clicks. People are really enjoying looking at this because I guess you know, you think young people, young kids, they're into screen time and that kind of thing. But this is an outdoors activity, bit of competition, teamwork, social. So yeah, sizing speedway Stars, that's another fun one for summer and it could be a sport that you could take up this summer if you know you're looking for something new to do as well.
And you know, if you have never been to the speedway, it is it's a wonderful night take ca.
Yeah, it does.
Simpler times, simpler times on there? What else is in the what else are we looking at? Anna?
I did want to talk to you today about something that we've had an Essay weekend that we introduced this year and we're going to continue into next year. And I wanted to speak about it because perhaps it's something that will resonate with your listeners and perhaps they'll reach out. It all started a few months ago the Salvation Army. There was a gentleman there I met, called Alan, and he was doing the Welcome to Country and we got talking and the Salvation Army arranged for me to interview him, and he just had an amazing story where he knew his life was going down the wrong path. He had quite a serious problem with alcohol. And he talked about how he would go into a sobering up center for the night, and there was he'd do it, you know, repetitively and repeatedly. I'm like the sub my own speech. But anyway, one morning he woke up and there was a lady there. He said to him, I can help you. I can take you to another service, and she did that and he said I was willing to accept the help. And he said that lady changed my life. That day changed my life. He said, if that happened hadn't happened on that day, if I hadn't said yes, help me, and I don't think he'd actually had the offer before. Normally he'd stay there sober up and then go, but someone reached out to him that day he said yes, and that changed his life. And then that was the story I did for the Sunday Mail. And then I was thinking to myself, there must be other people who have one day when something happens and it changes their life, and you know, it changes it for good or sometimes I guess it can be something really bad it happens, but then they learned to deal with it and help others. And so that's something I did this year. I basically reach out to see if anyone has a story, or I think of people I know, and then what we do is we go and have a coffee and we talk and I get them to tell me their story, because I think it's really powerful to hear someone tell their own story in their own words. So it's not you where I write it up. It's as told to me by them, word for word, and I just cut out a sentence here or move a sentence around there so that it forms a narrative. Often go back to them and say I've done this, I've done that to it and just because I want them to own it. And there's some wonderful people I've spoken to. One of them is Chris Lloyd, the cheesemaker.
Right and lovely.
Yeah, she's great, great South Australian, great ambassador. She literally fell into cheesemaking. She was marketing with Woodside Cheese and then one day they said to her, the cheesemaker's sick, You've got to make the cheese today. This was about twenty five years ago, and so she had to put on the rubber boots and the hair net, etc. And she made the cheese and she didn't looked back after that. Cheese became her thing. So she's one of the people I've spoken to. Another is Text Walker's father who I used to work in Broken Hill many years ago, and he was a personality around town. Into this when text with a little tacker and anyway, Wayne and I have always kept in touch. Lovely bloke, and he had prospate cancer about five years ago, and he wanted to talk about that. He wanted to talk about what his diagnosis was like and how he now helps other guys he wants. He thinks if he talks about it, they will too. They'll get checked they can support each other. Scary and it's fantastic that he's done that. So those are two people that have told me their stories. And then we also have a mutual friend who shared her story as well.
Yeah, Sam James, Yes, who is.
The Australian Hairdresser of the Year. And I never knew this, but I only know as a hairdresser. She wanted to be a dancer, so that was her thing. She saw herself on the stage and then she had an accident in training and could no longer dance. And her mother had always said her, You've got to have a backup career, so she's been hairdressing inside and she ended up doing that. And then there was one day where she was asked to do something really special. There was a demonstration in hairdressing and the big week from Interstate couldn't come and suddenly she was the one who was going to be in the spotlight, you know, doing this hairstyle before everybody. And she found her mum and she said, Mummy always said I'd end up on the stage no matter what, and here I am. So she's really inspiring.
She is a wonderful partner as well as Scott Fox. You know Scott, and there are one she saw Sam this morning, just very quickly when she was at the gym this morning. So it was and you know, for people out there, if you've not read these articles, they I've got to say and that you do a wonderful job talking to people. You really do.
Well, that's really kind. But as I said, it is them telling their story, you know, word for word. I just sit there and I record it and then I transcribe it and it's their words. And I think that's the beautiful thing about it, because you know, often we're told that the media manipulate things, and there's no way this can happen with this story. It's because all the talents words, which is.
Great, it is, and you know, you do lay it out in such a way and you've got to take credit for that.
Do you really thank you? And if people want to catch up with them and they've missed them, they are on advertiser dot com done as well, so you can look at past ones and they're just they're great holiday reads and if you want to feel inspired for the new year, you can catch up on what people have been doing and learn about their lives. And I think it's always really interesting to hear about someone's a hard moment when everything changed and you don't always know what's happened at the time, and you look back in respect and you think, yeah, that was the day. That was the day I pulled my socks up, or you know, tried something new and changed my life.
All that door open for you and you end up on radio. Yes, Anna, what are you up to New Year's Eve?
Now, I love talking about New Yar's Eve. So New Year's Eve will be the fireworks in the city and did that last year and I just think that's a wonderful community event put on by Adelaide City Council and it's just a fun, relaxed evening for the whole family, and you can stay as long as you want. You know, there's early fireworks as well, and it's just really I guess, wholesome community events that you enjoy people of all ages. What about you?
What are you doing?
I've got to do breakfast the next day, So I'm going to be tucked up in mid about nine o'clock that night because I've got to be actually in the studio at about four point thirty in the morning.
Oh okay, I have to be in here at seven am, and I thought that was bad.
I did have a couple of people say to me, just go straight through, you'll be fine. But I cannot do the breakfast show like that. I'll end up falling asleep. On here zombie too, and I have a good news and we'll talk to you next week here on five.
Double a okay, thank you here, thank.
You, And of like senior journalists the Advertiser. The segments that she's written about those people are very very good. A couple of texts have come in high Richard. How long does the Windows ten to eleven take? I'm on five at of the house. I presume the files will download fast right, the files come down quickly. But what happens is depending on the computer, is about how long it takes. So it's got more ram on there. Let's say if you had sixteen giga ram, it will take you a reasonable amount of time. Still, eight giga ram takes quite a long time. Probably the worst I've had probably four to five hours. What I normally do with those sort of things is I go along, I trigger it at night and by the time I get up in the morning, Windows elevens are already on the computer. And Robert, how are you this afternoon?
I'm very good. Happy New Year too. And to you, i'd like to pass on my experience I had with the office here when I renewed my passport some years ago. Right, I went in and I said it had it expired. So they went through the past records and I said how long will it take? And I think it was over four weeks at that particular time, And I said, can I get it done any quicker? And she had all the information on the computer and she said yes, but you'll have to pay an additional fee. Can't remember what that fee was. But then I said, and what's involved? Then she said, I just press this button and it automatter happens, and you'll get it within a week or so for two weeks. And I said, and if I don't what happens? Oh, we closed the screen down, We sent message and another person will open the screen at a later date can process it. I said. And then I said, if you ever decide to privatize, let's give me a call, right, because it'd be a good business. Talk about a way of printing money.
Robert, I'm not doubting anything you've said, right, But I've had two different explanations this, and I actually know somebody that I can talk to about this. So what I'll do is I'll do a bit of investigation.
It was several years ago. They may have changed. Yeah, it wasn't technology. It was very unusual. Yeah, I get another person to open the screen that's already open later date.
Yeah, there's all checks and everything to go through. It's just yeah, let me find out. I'm just not saying who I know, but I do know somebody who can go along and fill in some of the blanks for this. But if it's like that, yeah, that's just press the button there our people, That's what I would say.
And then everyone will get their passport.
On top exactly right, Robert.
I think common sense is involved.
Well, Robert, you're dealing with the government department. Good do we have common sense on that?
I think a commentation should be trained in school.
I can't give you another brief example, and I'm showing my age now. I went to the shops twice within two weeks, and first she said, he said, this will be fifty dollars and fifty dollars and twenty two. So I gave him fifty dollar note and fifty cent piece. Oh no, Robert held out his hand.
I know what's coming.
Out out of his hand, and I said, do we have a problem and he said, it's fifty dollars fifty two. I said yes, and I said you round it. Oh, and you had to revert it up. He might have been second time I went there and I was buying some Swiss with fifteen dollars forty, so I said, I gave her twenty. And I said, oh, hold on, I'll give you the the change. You know the coins ye for forty cents, So put forty cents there.
Oh no, the head would have exploded.
And then she went to a phone. I thought, I'm holding out my hand for the change, and then I thought, why is she doing a text message? But she was adding up what the change will be. I said it's five dollars.
Well, I guess in my day we learned to add up in our heads.
We will do it now everything.
Computerized, so when you do, I guess I've got to stop giving the small change.
Yes, but we're trying to do the right thing, though, aren't we, Robert. We're trying to keep cash around that's what we're trying to do.
Oh great, believer in that, because if you don't, I believe everyone goes cash less the bank towards suddenly his share the fees will go up each year.
Yeah, no, I agree with you, Robert.
All right, Kay, all the bear.
Thanks, have a good rest of the day.
I will too, like my cash.
It is now to nineteen. We're going to go to a short break. We're right back talking about the sale of Foxtell and Mike Smithson here on five double.
A five double a summer afternoons with Richard Pasco.
And welcome back to the side I always go to for all my TV news and as the headline says, where people in the industry get their news TV black Box and the great Steve mulk is on the line. Steve, good afternoon and Merry Christmas.
Yeah, Merry Christmas, Richard.
Now, big news with Foxtel getting acquired by Dazzen, isn't it.
Yeah, this is huge news. Foxtee has been preparing itself for sal for a couple of years now. That's been of the CEO. Patrick o'laney's primary role is to get fox Tell seal ready and to get the news that yesterday doesn't the English primarily sports streaming company is going to purchase Foxtel for three point four billion Australian dollars is pretty huge news.
Will subscribe to see any difference. Let's go short term now, they probably won't relate.
Look, I would say in the first of eighteen months, two years, it'll be no change other than maybe a name on an invoice if that's indeed how you get you know, you pay for your Foxtel or your being to those sorts of things. But it should be transparent. Longer term, what we will start to see is doesn't absolutely lobbying the federal government to get rid of the anti stiphoning laws because that would directly impact their business as it has Fox Cells. But also when it comes to those critical renegotiation periods for the AFL broadcast rights and the NRL broadcast rights. Dozen experienced campaigners, so I suspect that they will both want to press the various codes as much as their broadcast partners in seven and nine respectively, to make sure that they get the best deal.
Because in the UK are huge when it comes to sport, aren't they.
Yeah, they last this calendar year. They have streamed so far ninety thousand matches of various sports, including heaps and heaps of round ball, football and MMA, and a whole bunch of women's sports and those sorts of things. They'll be keen to lean into it here. In fact, part of the attraction for them picking up Foxtel was that they noted that Australians per capita watch more sport than anybody else in the world. So we're obviously completely patriotic when it comes to our national teams, but also wanting to support our local clubs and those sorts of things and this huge business. Absolutely, they'll be doubling down on their sports content and making available as they get the opportunity to a whole bunch of extra sports to Ko and Fox sell subscribers.
And you know, we look at Foxtel subscribers has gone down, correct me if I'm wrong in the last few years, haven't they? And the KO and Binge ones have gone up.
Yeah, And that's in part the technology. You don't need a box to have a KO or a Binge subscription. They're just streaming services and they're also cheaper. You know, if you just want to watch sport, you can buy KO and have all of the sports, whereas with Foxtel you needed to have, you know, a base package and then it's another thing in the sports package. So it did get quite expensive with an IQ but of course you could record it, whereas with KO it's all streams and those sorts of things guaranteed. Though Foxtel have been trying to fade without themselves DAS and will be trying to fast track the end of the satellite based service that they offer. And remembering that with Foxtel's delivering the IQ five moved to a hybrid opportunity. You can either plug it into your existing satellite dish or stream it to your IQ five, So either way it works and it's much much more cost effective for Foxtel to deliver it over the internet.
When we go back a few months ago when Foxtel sent out notices to everybody with a satellite dish that it was suddenly if something went wrong, it might be your responsibility. Should we have seen the riding on the walls then I think it.
Was absolutely underlining the writing that was already on the wall. It's technology that has done Foxtel well. However, it's absolutely technology that Foxfell are finding as a legacy very expensive to maintain.
When we look at the pressure is probably going to be put on the government for the anti stifling laws. You know, suddenly they've got a lot of money behind them to pay these codes, haven't they.
Yeah, Look, there's certainly a whole bunch of money flying around. And like this most recent AFL deal that has just now started between Seven and Foxfell and the aa Fell runs for seven years and that was worth you know, upwards at one point two I think it was billion dollars between Seven and Foxfel for the AFL. I'm not sure that we'll see the same kind of numbers with the next deal that takes place, especially as I said, because as in our pretty keen negotiators of these sorts of things. And also understandably they can broadcast every game except the big one, they can't show the AFL Grand Final life and that while they do get the benefit of every other game that Seven can't show.
It's the jew in the crown, isn't it It is?
I mean over here in South Australia there's always we get complaints from people when they can't see the Crows and Power live because some of the games are delayed on their so you know, I hate to say it for South Australian people, we might see more of that down down the track, mightn't we.
Well, And for the next seven years, part of the agreement between Foxtel and seven is that Channel seven cannot show any Saturday games for the first ten rounds, so the only way to watch any Saturday football and if the Crows or Portland on that, it's going to mean that they're not going to be able to watch any of those games are free to wear, they'll have to watch it via Foxtel.
Where do you see Binge going in all of this, Because we've got Binge, We've got the Hubble which they've been pushing greatly on there. Do you see a rebranding of all of this?
I don't think so, certainly, not in even the medium brand. Binge is a really established brand in the market at this ko sports and I think the investment that Foxtel has been pouring into Australian drama, Australian comedy and entertainment product that comes into Binge as original content is too valuable in the longer term for Foxtel, owned by Dazzen or otherwise to maintain. So I think that that's a really key part of it, and they have said we will make sure that we stay the course. That's a really important attraction.
For them, which is great. Dve, thanks for talking to us today. So in the short term, nothing's really going to happen. But in the long term, you know, if you're a Fox Steel subscriber or a Binge or a KO you're probably going to get more content in there.
Absolutely and look, as soon as we hear anything about it, you'll be able to read all about it at c B, black Box, stock comsod Au.
Which is great and honestly, if you haven't been to the site people, it is a wonderful side. It really is. I go there every week. Steve cheers Richard.
We mate. We love to have returning readers.
No, Steve, haven't got Christmas. A new year and we'll talk to you in the new year. Here on five double A.
Thanks so much.
Merry Christmas to you and your listeners.
Five double A Summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.
Two thirty three. Here on five double A. The man I enjoy talking to every time. A mum is a great Mike Smithson from Channel seven years.
Good afternoon, Mike, Yes, good afternoon, Richard.
Lots of news around, but we start off with the tragedy. Don't this It's truly awful.
Yeah it is. It really is the Sydney to Hobart yacht Race and as we know, it started yesterday in pretty blustery conditions on Sydney Harbor. The yachts went through their heads as they do the race through the heads and heads south towards Hobart. Now, the weather conditions were always predicted, or for certainly the last few days had been predicted as being very trying, very testing on the squad I think everyone thought that will the boats survive the big ones in russ seas well. Unfortunately, as we have now found out that last night there were two deaths on poured two differentat boats, including one from the yacht Squadron here and that's the boat Bowline. Now, Nick Smith, sixty five year old, tragically killed on board. He's just been named as the South Australian crewman who got hit by the boom, which in fierce winds, if you're trying to change the sails and the boom hits you usually hits you at speed with a great force behind it. So look the pictures we've got of the boat retiring bowline today brought to shore and there was another injured person on board, and the crew members all came off the boat looking very very sorry about what had gone on, as you would expect. So we'll have a full story on that tonight. We've got a crew in the area. But it just shows you the perils of the sea, especially this time of year. And it only seems like yesterday that we had that huge tragedy in the Sydney to Hobart where many lives were lost and boat lost in gigantic seas. These weren't quite as mountainous this time round. But it just shows you how precious life is and how dangerous the sport can be, and it is.
I mean, I haven't been on a yacht of that size, but I've been on a smaller one. You've really got to watch out for it, you really do. I don't know about you, Mike, have you been on one.
I've done a lot of sailing over the years, and you think, well, in rough seas on a big boat, and some of these are fifty five footers, and some are there are the supermaxis and the smaller ones, and I've done sailing around them with Sundays that were fairly treacherous seas there, but nothing compared to this. I don't think I would ever sign up to do a Sydney to Hobar. My courage doesn't go to that level. But it makes you wonder. And obviously we will be looking tonight and hearing responses from the various officials. Should the race have continued through these seas now, they would say it's a dangerous sport and you sign up to that. And the seas aren't nearly as because they were twenty years ago or thereabouts twenty four years ago. I think it was nineteen ninety eight when the horrible fatalities happened. Now they were mountainous seas, the waves were bigger than the masts on the boat, and the choppers were having trouble in rescuing people not to get hit by the waves. It's not as bad this time, but it's bad enough that it's claimed too late.
Yeah, terrible. A nasty home invasion, Mike.
Yeah, this is an unusual. One person broke into a well, it's a shop with a residence at the back of it in Rose Water, broke in and disturbed the people who were there. There was a bit of pushing and shoving and a slight injury there. Then the alleged offender climbed through a skylight or a window onto the roof of the place and hurt himself doing so, then jumped off probably that's where he hurt himself. Even more so, that's when police swooped and nabbed him. But you think you'd like to think you're safe in your own home in these days, he knows, you know who. We seem to be doing home invasion stories every night of the week. So an unusual story, but a nasty one. So anyway, the alleged offender has been caught, good and charged and hopefully, hopefully, if proven guilty, we'll have the book thrown at them.
Exactly right, But we are seeing more home invasions, aren't we.
Oh, look at what I just seem to think every second day where we're hearing about home invasions and they are nasty. I've been the victim of one, and I can assure you they are. You know it is. It's terrifying, and it caused us to sell the house we were in. You know, we thought we don't want to live here anymore. So and those people were never caught. But it could have been a lot worse than it was. But I'm going back many many years, many years indeed, but I can tell you from experience it isn't pleasant.
The cricket. It's a bit of a fallout with the wasn't Constance good day.
And I know you would have been glued to it all afternoon on your couch. Well I was too. I'd never missed the first ball or any balls that I can avoid it on Boxing day. But to see the way that he took to the Indian bowling, and clearly he was nervous because I was trying to work out what he was saying, which I think was watching the ball, Watch the ball, watch the ball. Some of the close up shots and his first few overs. I thought, this isn't going to last too long. He's going to get an edge now when he tried the ramp shot that didn't work, or the two ramp shots that didn't quite work, and then he started smashing them over the boundary, and you thought, this is history in the making, this is something you don't see from a debutante day one boxing day test, eighty seven thousand people there. I just thought it was magnificent as I thought that at the other end of the scale Viak Coley's lack of sportsmanship in deliberately walking into him to try and rough his feathers and experienced great of the game? Is that why you have to stoop to these days to try and get an advantage, That the guy's tearing you to shreds, so you deliberately walk into him, but try and put him off his game. All that did was the constance been I think hit eighteen off the next over, so you know he f that's all well. I had been one of Virak Coley's greatest fans. I just think he is great for the game, but he's got a bit of ground to make up in my book. And I thought they whipped him with a feather dust that was about the level of punishment he got for it, which I thought he deserved a lot more. And being a legend of the game, I don't know if that entitles you to get off lightly. But look, Australia's revenge is that admittedly India now and one for fifty one and this Jay as well, guy who I think is one of the great up and coming players. He has and he's made one decent score of century. But they got the skipper out very cheaply. So Australia won for fifty one and plenty of runs in the tank. I think by my calculation's about four hundred and thirty odd so it looks like it's going to be an Australian wins. And look in terms of cricket and in terms of Adelaide tonight, a feast of sport on if you love sport, yes, well you're going to see the Strikers and the Hurricanes and both teams need to win. The Strikers really need to get one on the board. So that's at Adelaide Oval starting a quarter to seven. You can watch that on Channel seven tonight. We do have it online. And the other game, of course is the Reds playing the Western Sydney Wanders. I think it is a high Mars stadium, so I can tell you when I leave work here at seven o'clock tonight, it'll be not a lot of car parks left out in the entertainment center car park. I can tell you that much. Because they love going down to High Mars Stadium to watch it, and a lot of people travel into Adelaide Oval Park here and get the tram.
Yeah he Mike, thanks very much for talking today on five double and I'll talk to you next week.
Great stuff, thanks rich.
Thanks Mike Smiths and Channel seven News the best in the business only from Parkside. Apologies for the tech issue question, but is anyone else having issues watching the cricket through seven plus? Even troubleshooting via the site and on the Samsung Telly isn't working. I miss the days of just turning on the Telly and shows appeared. Emily, if you've got an aerial on the reef, you just watch through seven for it. But anybody else got issues through seven plus? I know my internet connection seven plus just loads up straight away. Good afternoon, Richard. Just on the Foxtel purchase. As I mentioned the other day, what will the new owners do with the internet service went down? Not just locally but for big companies like the Dazzen owner of Foxtel. Remember we've seen internet services affected worldwide just earlier this year. What would be dozens backup planned for this? This is where if you still have a satellite service. You can watch your programs. Thank you for your show. Regard Shane. Internet goes down, Shane, it stops, you know, it really does. I don't think there'll be any Yeah, there's no backup plan for that at all. Hi, Richard. It's going to be interesting when Max launches in the first half of twenty twenty five in Australia as Fox still have a lot of HBO content that will hurt Foxtel from Adam, It's a changing landscape, Adam, it really is for so many people out there. It's just a changing landscape because we've got new players coming on and off all the time. We're going to go to a short break and be right back with Faye and Jason. Give me a call eight double two to three double O double oh. Here on five Double.
A five Double A. Summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.
Two thirty three Here on five Double A. The man I enjoy talking to every time. A mum is a great Mike Smithson from Channel seven years Good afternoon.
Mike, Yes, good afternoon, Richard.
Lots of news around, but we start off for the tragedy. Now, this is truly awful.
Yeah, it is. It really is the Sydney to Hobart yacht Race. And as we know, it started yesterday in pretty blustery conditions on Sydney Harbor. The yats went through their heads as they do the through the heads and heads south towards Hobart. Now, the weather conditions were always predicted, or for certainly the last few days had been predicted as being very trying, very testing on the squad I think everyone thought that will the boats survive the big ones in ross seas well? Unfortunately, as we have now found out that last night there were two deaths on poard, two differentat boats, including one from the Yacht Squadron here and that's the boat Bowline. Now Nick Smith, sixty five year old tragically killed on board. He's just been named as the South Australian crewman who got hit by the boom, which in fear winds, if you're trying to change the sails and the boom hits you, it usually hits you at speed with a great force behind it. So look the pictures we've got of the boat retiring by Line today brought to shore and there was another injured person on board and the crew members all came off the boat looking very very sorry about what had gone on, as you would expect. So we'll have a full story on that tonight. We've got a crew in the area. But it just shows you the perils of the sea, especially this time of year. And it only seems like yesterday that we had that huge tragedy in the Sydney to Hobart where many lives were lost and boats lost in gigantic seas. These weren't quite as mountainous this time round. But it just shows you how precious life is and how dangerous the sport can be.
And it is. I mean, I haven't been on a yacht of that size, but I've been on a smaller one. You've really got to watch out for it, you really do. I don't know, Mike, have you been on one.
I've done a lot of sailing over the years, and you think, well, in ross seas on a big boat and some of these are fifty five footers and some are there are the supermaxis and the smaller ones, and I've done sailing around them with sundays that were fairly treacherous seas there, but nothing compared to this. I don't think I would ever sign up to do a Sydney to Hobar. My courage doesn't go to that level, but it makes you wonder. And obviously we'll be looking tonight and hearing responses from the various officials. Should the race have continued through these seas now, they would say it's a dangerous sport and you sign up to that. And the seas aren't nearly as becas they were twenty years ago, or thereabouts twenty four years ago. I think it was nineteen ninety eight when the horrible fatalities happened. Now they were mountainous seas, the waves were bigger than the mass on the boat, and the choppers were having trouble in rescuing people not to get hit by the waves. It's not as bad this time, but it's bad enough that it's claimed to live.
Yeah, terrible. A nasty home invasion, Mike.
Yeah, this is an unusual. One person broke into a well. It was a shop with a residence at the back of it in roast Water. Broke in and disturbed the people who were there. There was a bit of pushing and shoving and a slight injury there. Then the alleged offender climbed through a skylight or a window onto the roof of the place and hurt himself doing so, then jumped off. Probably that's where he hurt himself even more so, that's when police swooped and nabbed him. But you think you'd like to think you're safe in your own home. And these days, he knows, you know who, We seem to be doing home invasion stories every night of the week. So an unusual story, but a nasty one. So anyway, the alleged offender has been caught, good and charged and hopefully, hopefully, if proven guilty, we'll have the book thrown at them.
Exactly right, But we are seeing more home invasions, aren't we.
Oh, look at what I just seem to think every second day where we're hearing about home invasions and they are nasty. I've been the victim of one, and I can assure you they are. You know it is. It's terrifying, and it caused us to sell the house we were in, you know, we thought we don't want to live here anymore. So, and those people were never caught, but it could have been a lot worse than it was. But I'm going back many many years, many years indeed, but I can tell you from experience it isn't pleasant.
No the cricket. It's a bit of a fallout with the wasn't constance good day And.
I know you would have been glued to it all afternoon on your couch. Well I was too. I'd never missed the first ball or any balls of I can avoid it on boxing day. But to see the way that he took to the Indian bowling and clearly he was nervous because I was trying to look out what he was saying, which I think was watching the ball. Watch the ball, watch the ball. Some of the close up shots and his first few overs, I thought, this isn't going to last too long. He's going to get an edge now when he tried the ramp shot that didn't work, or the two ramp shots that didn't quite work, and then he started smashing them over the boundary, and you thought, this is history in the making. This is something you don't see from a debutante day one boxing day test, eighty seven thousand people there. I just thought it was magnificent, as I thought that at the other end of the scale, Viak Coley's lack of sportsmanship in deliberately walking into him to try and rough his feathers and experienced great of the game is that where you have to stoop to these days to try and get an advantage. That the guy's tearing you to shreds, so you deliberately walk into him, but try and put him off his game. Now, all that did was the constance then I think hit eighteen off the next over, so you know he that's all well. I had been one of Vira Coley's greatest fans. I just think he is great for the game, but he's got a bit of ground to make up in my book, and I thought they whipped him with a feather dust that was about the level of punishment he got for it, which I thought he deserved a lot more. And being a legend of the game, I don't know if that entitles you to get off lightly. But look, Australia's revenge is that admittedly India now and one for fifty one. And this Jay as Well, guy who I think is one of the great up and coming players. He has and he's made one decent score of century. But they got the skipper out very cheaply. So Australia won for fifty one and plenty of runs in the tank. I think by my calculation it's about four hundred and thirty odd so it looks like it's going to be an Australian win. So and look in terms of cricket and in terms of Adelaide tonight, a feast of sport on if you love sport, Yes, well you're going to see the Strikers and the Hurricanes and both teams need to win. The Strikers really need to get one on the board. So that's at Adelaide Oval starting at quarter to seven. You can watch that on Channel seven tonight. We do have it online. And the other game, of course is the Reds are playing the Western Sydney Wonders. I think it is a High Mars stadium, so I can tell you when I leave work here at seven o'clock tonight, it'll be not a lot of car parks left out in the entertainment center car park. I can tell you that much, because they love going down to a High Mars stadium to watch it and a lot of people travel into Adelaide Oval Park here and get the tram.
Yeah he Mike, thanks very much for talking today on five Double and I'll talked to you next week.
Great stuff, Thank you, Thanks Mike.
Smiths Channel seven News the best in the business. Emily from Parkside apologies for the tech issue question, but does anyone else having issues watching the cricket through seven plus? Even troubleshooting via the site and on the Samsung Telly is not working. I miss the days of just turning on the Telly and shows appeared. Emily. If you've got an aerial on the reef, you just watch through seven for it. But anybody else got issues through seven plus? I know my internet connection seven plus just loads up straight away. Good afternoon, Richard. Just on the Foxteel purchase. As I mentioned the other day, what will the new owners do with the internet service went down? Not just locally but for big companies like the Dazzen owner of Foxtel. Remember we've seen internet services affected worldwide just earlier this year. What would be dozens backup planned for this? This is where if you still have a satellite service you can watch your programs. Thank you for your show. Regard Shane. Internet goes down, Shane, it stops, you know, it really does. I don't think there'll be any Yeah, there's no backup plan for that at all, Hi, Richard, It's going to be interesting when Max launches in the first half of twenty twenty five in Australia as Fox still have a lot of HBO content that will hurt Foxtel From Adam, it's a changing landscape, Adam, it really is for so many people out there. It's just a changing landscape because we've got new players coming on and off all the time. We're going to go to a short break and be right back with Faye and Jason. Give me a call eight double two to three Double O Double O here on five Double.
A five Double A Summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.
At eleven minutes past three. Thank you for joining me this stuff the noon. A couple of people very shocked about that poor woman from Warmera. So as I said to you, if you will be listening at the moment, I will be calling them every single day, and I would also tell them that you've also talked to us on five Double A and I've named the company out here, so let's get some resolution to this. My next guest is the person I always talk to if I want to talk about the ND Sam Payo How are you this afternoon?
I am mighty fine, Richard, enjoying the cool.
Very good and how are your kids?
Kids are good.
My oldest son has moved out of home, which is all very exciting.
It's wonderful news, isn't it.
It is it is.
Are they're still lifting weights?
Yes, he is with lifting weights and getting very very strong.
I might have very good sam. Where do you think the NDI is after this year?
Well, it's been a bit of a sham model this year, I think, and I think we've got more of a shamuzzle to come next year, right, But I am hopeful that by the end of next year we will have a scheme that's improved, that's better. I think there's going to be some things that we're not going to be very happy with, but I'm hopeful that there's plenty in there that will make things easier and clearer for people as well, because.
All I basically saw for a lot of this year was people offering services and then they tender it so we can't make any money out of it anymore for it. So was there too many people in the market, do you think?
I think the pricing for a lot of NDA services is not quite where it should be. Sometimes that the prices sound really good and really high, but if you actually offer a really quality service and you spend a lot of time training people and looking after people and doing the right things, it's not actually all that easy to do it under the current prices.
And does the end ice reach everybody it should be reaching in your opinion at the.
Moment, Oh, definitely not.
We absolutely do not have enough of our Aboriginal entire state island of people on this scheme. And I think that there are you know, there are pockets of people that are missing out. I think we're doing pretty well. There's certainly a lot more people getting services than there ever have been in history in Australia, that's for sure. There's at least twice as many people getting services have ever got anything before. In fact, more than that. I reckon worried about six hundred and eighty thousand people in the scheme.
Now it's a good number, isn't it it?
Sure is it?
Sure is?
I mean we all pay for it, but it's a service that is needed, isn't it?
Absolutely? Absolutely? And how amazing to be part of a country that can actually do this.
You know, there was the controversy during the year on overpriced items for it. Has that been brought under control now? In your opinion, they're.
Definitely getting better at that. And this was really just for actual items sort of things like shower chairs and pick up sticks and wheelchairs and what have you, which is actually surprisingly very a very small part of the scheme. I think it's only about I want to say, four percent or something like that, right, very low part of the spending on the scheme. Most of the money in the NBAS goes to paying providers to support workers. The support workers or labor is the biggest expense, and in some ways that's I mean, that's fantastic too, because it means that that money's going back into the economy and people are getting jobs and they're doing good work, and they're paying taxes and all sort of goes around in a circle, doesn't it.
It does. And you know, when it comes down to some of the providers out there, they're not They're from let's say, in my experience and what I've been when I'd go along and talk to people. They're not all created equal, are they?
There is you know, there are a lot of cowboys out there and they're actual She's a lot of really good people, yes, that have gotten into the work. New people have gotten into the work that are doing really good work, but may not really have the right systems and processes to do her to be as safe as they should be, if that makes sense. Like they're in there with good hearts, but they may not quite yet have all of the skills and supports around them and ongoing training and supervision and stuff like that. So it's a real mixed bag.
It is. And you know, when I just remember, I left one person in absolute tears, and you know, she was trying to explain to me everything that was going wrong with her provider, and I went rand to solve a tech issue. But because she hears me on radio, you know, I'm a jack of all trades when it comes to these sort of things. You know, she was absolutely devastated by everything that was going on. And there's not an understanding of money that was budgeted for her, you know, And I said, You've got to be aware of everything like this, don't you.
Yeah, you really do. If there's something that I wanted to talk about today, if you've got if you've got a few minutes about what you know. I think now is a good time of the year if everybody is sort of to refresh and have a look at their NDA as a plan and their budgets and really do a do a really good star almost I guess you call it almost a forensic overview, and have a look at what money is left, how long it's got to last, and what it will cost to get you for the supports that you really really need, and to factor in things like holiday you know, public holiday rates, and and the fact that sometimes you know, we don't need supports for periods of time, so you know, over the holidays, my son might spend a week staying with me, or we might go away for a week and we might not use supports during that time. So I've got a factor in and say, okay, well I don't need supports during that time, So that's money that I can spread out and use doing something else. And it's a really good time of year to really write down what are the what are the absolute must haves to stay alive? What are the things that I really sort of need but would not die if I didn't have, And then what's the cream on top of that, and then build yourself a budget and a plan, and there's all of these tools on the internet. If you just put in an NDIS support calculator, there's these pre tools where you can plug in all this stuff and I'll split out a budget for you and tell you what things will cost, and then you can play with that and figure out, well, you know, if we move this year, if I have less hours on a Sunday, I've got more hours on a weekday because you know, Sunday hours cost double.
Do you think everybody's aware of that.
I don't think so.
I mean, sorry to interrupt you, but you know when you've told me that this poor woman would have no idea about that, but she is quite computer literate.
Yeah, yeah, Oh, look we have we have doctors and lawyers and engineers and people you know, feel awful saying it, but you know they're on the phone in tears thinking that they don't know how to manage all this stuff. It can be very, very overweight. I mean, just the needs of supporting somebody you love or looking after your own needs. Sometimes it feels like that's an a full time job. And then many people have their own, you know, other jobs that actually pay the bills as well, so to have to think about how am I going to manage this budget and how am I going to make sure that I don't overspend, because that's one of the big changes that we've seen this year is that if you overspend your budget and there isn't a really good reason. So if you haven't had you know, if you haven't had your primary unpaid care go to hospital and not come home, or you haven't moved out of home, or something big hasn't happened in your life, the agency, the scheme is not probably going to give you any more money. We have to wait until the end of that plan until you get a new plant. So we have to all get a lot better at budgeting. And now that sounds awful that you know what, I'm going to take that back. We do need to be really good at budgeting, but we all I need to get really good at telling the scheme what it is that we need when we do have a plan reassessment, and that can be really difficult to get their own evidence, and.
They'd be hard on some providers as well. ASCOL. I know it's not hard with you. That's why I get you on and I talk to you about this sort of thing. But you know, I'll go back to this poor woman who had very little communication when it came to dollars with her provider.
Yeah, people really need to be very aware of what they're provided is doing. You need to have a really clear service agreement that outlines what hours they're going to be doing and what it's going to cost you. And you're going to watch out for the little tricks as well.
You know.
I mean it's not deliberate, but you might book somebody for three hours a day per work and then suddenly you get a bill for four hours because they're charging you for travel time to get to them from your class. And if you're not expecting that, that can eat into your budget very very quickly. And if another example, Richard, A lot of people don't know about this one. This one was when I first discovered this, I was just horrified. But it makes sense. But it's part of the award, the award that pays support workers. If a shift goes past eight o'clock at night, the whole shift is charged at the evening rate, So you could work somebody could work from three pm till eight point fifteen and the whole shift is charged at that higher evening rate.
Well, all right, lots to learn, isn't there?
Oh my goodness that you should not need a degree in NDIS to run NDIS, But I guess that's the balance that comes with that choice and control of being able to manage the budget yourself. You do actually need to learn and do some of that stuff.
Yeah, Sam, where can people find out more information about your service?
We're pretty active on Facebook. We hit around two million people are years, so there's lots of interesting bits and pieces on our Facebook and that's the growing Space Australia. The NDAs webs site is really a great place to get general information as well. It's I shouldn't say great place, it's it's a bit messy the website. I know they're working on making a new one, so done very much looking forward to that. But yeah, I think Facebook and of course our website, which is the growing space dot com dot au.
Sam, always good to talk to you. I hope you have a great new year. Looking forward to seeing your son next time we have a competition.
And Richard, I'll never forget seeing you in your in your what do you call that gear you guys wear when you're lifting weights.
Yeah, I'm going serious about this when it comes next year. So I'm going to get one of the suits, So one.
Of those one piece suit things.
Yeah yes, yeah.
Okay, Well maybe I won't be looking forward to seeing that, but but but I look forward to seeing you achieved well.
Sam, the Growing Space just go to Facebook or just google it. You do a wonderful job. Sam. Always enjoy talking to you.
Thanks so much, Richard and all the best OI listeners.
No, thank you, sampe or the Growing Space does a great job. We're going to go to a short break and be right back talking cars and your calls. Here on five double.
A five double A Summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.
Twenty five minutes past three. Remember after the after my show today the sports boys will be here. KG and Flipper in the Cricket India are two for sixty five pack. Cummins has got both wigts Koli's on four and Joe's well is on thirty three. My next guest, Mark Borlas from the RAA Merry Christmas.
Mark, Very Christmas to you, Richard.
Now we're trying to get people to go along and check their cars. What a great idea we should always be doing that, shouldn't we for a start, but probably a bit more love for those EV people out there at the moment.
Yeah, look, I've seen twenty twenty four has been the risk, you know, basically the making of evs as an alternative vehicles. You know, we saw sales new vehicle sales getting closer to ten percent of sales for ev so people genuinely are starting to get interested in them. And what we need to do is, obviously we've got the charging infrastructure out there now so that you can, you know, with comfort to get out into the country knowing that there'll be a charger out there for you. And because they're so low on maintenance, because you know, they've only got one third the moving parts of a normal car, they don't really need oil changes and things like that, there's always a risk with evs that you might just forget. Actually, there's other bits that needs still need to be looked after, things like the actually have a traditional little battery the same as an internal commution engine has in them to run the systems as well, So you just need to check those. Obviously, the tie as especially if you go on a country run, and you know, just things like wipers and all of that sort of stuff that we take for granted. And yeah, so if you're doing that sort of stuff, but the rest of us, you know, ninety percent of us are still driving conventional vehicles, and they're the ones that still give you a bit of drama, especially in summer, because what we've seen over the last probably two decades is that as cars have become much more powerful, that is the amount of power they produce per liter of capacity engine. So you know, we've got two liter engines now producing what some instances used to be excelled or even.
V eight power.
They produce a lot of heat and that heat has to be got rid of. They're also living now underneath very streamlined bonnets because they want to make the car streamline that's more efficient, so there's less air gets in there, and so the cooling systems have been designed to be very very good, but there they still marginal on hot day. So you with the modern cars, we're starting to see now obviously, as you'd expect, between summer and winter, we see almost a doubling of the of the cooling related problems. When they know we have to go out into a tend so there are a couple of things you can do just to make sure that you know before you head off you've minimized your risk, and one of them is the obvious one. When the cars completely cold, not being started at all, check the cooling system and see how much coolant is in there if there's and you top it up with the correct coolant. You can't just mix mixed coolants because they react and can cause even more problems than their worth. And if you if a significant amount has been lost, then there's a reason for it. And one of the things with coolants is when they do leak, they evaporate and they often leave behind them traces of the color, so you can see where it's where it's been leaking from and then either treat it or want or monitor it. But if you're not that mechanically inclined.
It, obviously there's ra proof repairers out there.
That you can take it too for a check. And to be honest with you, at the beginning your car service, let them know that you're actually going on a long trip so they can make sure they pay particular attention to those things they know that can cat themselves on long trips, like like tires and cooling systems and things like that. It's an interesting time of the year, it is.
And you should always play you know, if you're driving a long way, plan your route and your rest stops on the way.
Yeah, especially if they got kids. You know, there's nothing worse than if you do have a long trip and you've got kids that you know, you haven't got entertainment for, or you haven't got snacked for, and things like that, they get restless. Then the whole sense of humor and the car starts to diminish.
You've been down that track, heaven you mark.
I've got three I've got three stones, And we used to do a lot of road trips, and you know, I still love my stones, but there were periods on those trips I wasn't didn't really like them.
Yep, you would nearly left them at a road stop along the way.
Well, brothers have a tendency to know how to wind the other brother up on long trips for their own entertainment, which is which all might be fun for the people in the back seat, for the adults in the front seat, it can make the trip that, you know, fifty percent longer.
We've had a text come in Rosy from Woodville called is it best to take notice the speed limit on a car or a GPS?
Look, the GPS is actually more accurate. And the reason for that is that fifteen twenty years ago, when they the Australian Design Rule, that's the book of rules that you have to comply with when you build a car and want to sell it in Australia, used to allow spiometers to be accurate to within us or minus three percent, So it could be inaccurate either way, so at one hundred it could be between ninety seven and one hundred and three. And then they change the rule and then so it could be three percent out, but it couldn't be over and so by default what a lot of manufacturers did was just set them under. So what that means is if you're driving down the freeway and it's showing one hundred on your speedo, the most likely speed your car is actually doing is ninety seven.
Now, so that's been a lot of manufacturers have deliberately put that into their speedos and that's the sort of a safety margin if.
You want to think of it that way.
GPS is don't. GPS has just talked for satellites, and they just tell you the truth. And so once these GPS systems can see most of the months, they can see or six satellites, and they know that they've got a pretty good level of accuracy, then what they they'll be telling you that what the true speed is so and often that will be one hundred klimeters. Now when your car speedo is telling you ninety seven.
Right, well, I reckon, that's answered it. Well, Mark, have a good New Year. Drive carefully. You're going away with the kids?
No, all my kids are adults now. I've got one son who's actually holidaying in Japan having a white Christmas, very bad. And the other two sons are back in Adelaide. But no, we've just had a house full of family, my partner's families from the various parts of the country and in the state. So we've had a lot of visitors, a lot of people staying with has been absolutely great.
Very good. You should revisit one day, Mark taking kids on a drive. Good heavens.
I'm more likely with taking their grandkids than I drive, I think. But anyway, yeah, this should be fun.
All right, thanks very much, Mark, all right for coming on today.
Thank you no worries, mate, Thank you.
Mark Bowles from the RAA always a good guest. We're going to go to a short break and when we come back there's a bit of a rumor going around that you should get rid of any black plastic kitchen where that you might have. We're going to find out more with that with my good friend doctor Vincent after the break.
Five double a Summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.
Twenty three minutes to four in the Cricket India two four seventy six. So Cummins has got both wicket. Stark is bowling at the moment Coley is on nine. Have you got much black plastic in your kitchen? I couldn't believe this when I actually saw this, and I thought I'd better go along and get somebody on I very very well on the line to discuss this, whether it's a myth or whether it's true. So the man I always enjoy talking to on Saturdays and be back tomorrow is a great Dr Vincent Vincent.
Good afternoon, Good afternon, Richard. I'm so happy that I'm your first part of call whenever you have excitivy question.
As it should be a lot of controversy in America over black plastic items in the kitchen. Can you explain to the listeners about is there something to be worried about? Is it nonsense? What's going on?
I think it is something to be mindful about, Richard, because we have a different understanding now about what we call chemicals that we call the forever chemicals. So this is PFO a pialat basically thinks that can leave forever, can outlive us, and once once they get into your body, is really hard or almost impossible to actually get rid out of our bodies. And these chemicals are basically included in the making of black plastics. The black plastics usually are found in kitchen us and sells, so they're they're the kind of flexible spatula or throngs that they are nonstick. In the old days, they recommend to use these kind of using kitchen using skills when you are using nonstick surface or non stick cooking PAMs and frying pans. But now we know that majority of the source of this black plastic are actually from electronic wasts. So electronic wasts are things that are made of plastics. However, due to safety regulation, they edit things like plant retardants to make sure that you know, it's safe for us. However, when it's then being transformed into kitchen uten skills, it's probably not the stafers one to use when cooking.
Wow, yeah, it's it's you know, it's who would have thought?
Who would have thought that? And I really do think that this is when uh, you know, probably I don't know this for a fact, but probably people who pioneer black using black classic as a source of material to make itach in terms of probably thought that they're recycling these materials to be environmentally friendly. However, however, as we know more about about the science and the chemical bonding behind behind all the plastics, it actually turns out to not be something that is very healthy. I don't at the beginning of the show, you asked me if we should be worried. I think that we should be cautious and mindful, but probably not not really alarm and work. Because there was a study that really started this movement against black plastic. And while the study is quite robust, the one thing that can be criticized from the study is that they're using a situation in the laboratory to measure the amount of chemicals being leached from these plastic mutimzels, which is at around one hundred and fifty hundred and sixty degree celsius for fifteen minutes. I mean in a daily, on a daily basis, when you're trying something you don't I mean, sure you can put, you can forget your tongues and then it melts, But in a nineteen nine percent situation, you don't dip your spatula or occasionally temples in the hot oil for fifteen minutes. So the same thing when we're talking about using clean wrap or you know, the stretch of wrap in the microwave. In the majority of the case it's safe, but when you are using it to cover things that are quite oily because in the microwave, water can only get up to one hundred degree celsis. However, oil can heat up much higher, and that's when all of these materials started disintegrate. So I think if you if it's if it's within your means and budget to replace your black plastic, uh kitchen uton sts do that. However, if everybody is doing that, it also will cost a lot of issues because black plastic, although it's plastic, it is not necessarily recyclable because the system, the sorting system uh in the recycling program can't. They utilize infrarect so they can they can be differentiate between landfill and the black plastic. So if every single person who owns you know, black classic kitchen utone source decide to ditch them today, it will cost a lot of issues with our already strained the recycling system and program.
Exactly right, Vincent, I knew you and the man to get on this afternoon. If you're to hear more of Dr Vincent, he will be on with my show tomorrow afternoon, which among from twelve to four. Vincent, I will talk to them. Where can people find out more information about you?
An apploday dot com dot au because there are so many things that we can do to improve our life from the perspective of health and well being and not necessarily alarm or obscuring ourselves with all of these things and used like blackpastes. So an appladay dot com dot au. But I'll talk to you all tomorrow.
No, Vincent, thank you very much and chat tomorrow. Dr Vincent does a great job. We're going to go to a short break, be right back to tell you what's going to be on the sports show tonight and your calls give me a ring eight double two to three double O double O here on five double A.
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Five double a summer afternoons with Richard Pasco.
Three forty seven Here on five Double A, we're going to media release from the All South Australia Yacht Squadron. Has been a member of the Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron since twenty thirteen. He was an experienced crew member, with this being his fifth Sydney to Hobart Race. On behalf of the Commodore Flag Officer, Management Committee, members and staff, we extend our condolences to Nick's family, friends and the crew of Bioline at this tragic time. We express our sympathy to Biline Skipper Immediate Past Commodore Ian Robertson. Further extend our sympathy to Flying Fish Actos and their crew. The Squadron will endeavor to provide counseling to the Booline crew and any Squadron members in this difficult time. Harley Hunt, General Manager at Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron, Wayne Phillip's terrible time. Isn't it horrible?
Absolutely horrible? And when you consider it, you know it's such a joyous event, isn't it? This Sydney About the role ex Sydney o. But we spoke with the commodore of the cruising your club the other day and he's in second place in the race. But the folk now becomes as you've quite neatly put on this terrible tragedy for two the loss of two lives in as I say, what it should be, just such a glorious and joyous event.
Exactly right. Cricket Wayne chess match. Yeah, going on.
I see the astrola. It's very very well posted score, so they've done very well. There got a couple of early wickets.
The man who's been in the newspapers a little bit very Otricoli is now. Yeah, it just happened to be in trouble walking past you understand contest, But yeah I managed to get past Sam contest. Sorry, so it was there, but an interesting time with what it's happening. We've got a big show with KG.
You just got to say, just for crickets for a moment now, I please campaign was here. I would have bagged Mitchell marsh one more time.
He's really struggling, isn't it just not quite working for him and not bowling the overs. I mean, whilst he's not bringing much to the table at all with.
The bat not much much at all.
Yeah, he's just not bring it to the table, is he. And yeah, so he's Yeah, there will be some discussion regarding his tenure in that spot at six. Yeah, what have we got on the show to we have got We're going to chat with a little bit of DJ Vasselovich from the Sixers. They've got a massive crowd down there again tomorrow night, so that's just going to be brilliant, a must win game. But he's back now off the bench, back from his injury, so we're hoping that he's going to have something to bring to the table and enjoy that one. Travis Dodd as well. So the Adelaida United there up tonight at seven o'clock, a sellout standing room only down there at Cooper's.
It's got this scoring like it's going out.
Yeah, but stop the ball going in and you'll win games. So yeah, he'll have a bit to say with that one, Trav of course. And we'll go across to the MCG and speak there with Theodoropolos again, just to bring us up to date with all of the latest news as far as what's going on. So planet is happening and taking the calls a lot of fun with KG.
I've got a mate who's actually at the mcg BT. He said he had a wonderful day yesterday but was in no condition to talk about string them together.
We just get an organized mate.
All good. I've got Flipper and KG after four o'clock is always good. Great show, Julie, how are you?
I'm well, Thanks Richard, Happy new Year and to very enjoyed and Sam pays discussion with you this afternoon.
Thank you.
But one question I'd like to like you to ask her if you could get her back on over the summertime, is when will the ndi IS recognize multiple impairments?
And what do you mean by that? Just explain to the listeners.
So I'm totally blind and I have mild cerebral palsy affecting right arm and leg. Love, yeah, and so the NDIS will only recognize my blinds and not the cerebral palsy.
See, that just doesn't make sense to me.
No, it doesn't.
A lot of things that government departners do don't make much sense to me.
And I'm not the only NDIS participant fighting with them for multiple impairment recognition.
Do you how much help do you get with your with your vision impairment.
I get about twenty hours a week, Yeah, but I get fifty hours during the year of you know, orientation and mobility support and occupational therapy, which is not really a lot.
No, No, it's it's it's it's it's for so many people of the Ndie. You know that there are some really good providers out there. And did anything, you know, hit home with Sam this afternoon. So do you know your budget and everything and what they've got, what you can be spent, how much money you've got to spend?
Oh, yes, I do know what the budget is. And I've also been fighting with the scheme all year to have my plan changed back from Agency managed to plan managed, which is another story on its own right with their new computer system and all of the change of situation reviews I've done over the past five years have been frustrating.
It shouldn't be this hard, should it, Julie, No, it shouldn't.
And I've got, you know, quite a lot of equipment out of the NDI IS, which is benefiting me greatly.
And you know, and that's what it's about. It's about, you know, because of your you know, your your disabilities. That thing should be easier for you, that you can live a better life.
Yes, exactly, rather than be having to fight in having to fight with the scheme that ignores medical advice.
You know, it's it's you're not the first one to talk to me about this sort of thing. You know, I talked about, you know, the poor woman that I went out to see and she didn't know how much money she had to spend. And you know, it's just it's just it's so hard for so many of you out there, Yes it is, and we just wish it just gets better for you, exactly, Julie, let me know there's anything else we can do for you, all right, but I will ask Sama about that, all right. We'll get her on back before I finish on summer.
Okay, we'll given the fact that next what are we now, Friday Wednesday, which is what first new participants will have what is called impairment notices, right, which is what which will tell them what class of participant they will be in and how they can spend their plans even further, which.
It should be. I mean, that should just be a given for me exactly.
But yeah, anyway, all right.
You keep listening to me, Julie. All right, let me know you all.
Thanks very much, thank you, thank you, bather bye.
Always hard on so many people. The nd I s some news is coming through. There is new hope for Oscar Jenkins release in the future prisoner swap. Ukraine's ambassador to Australia has revealed how Melbourne man Oscar Jenkins could be released after being captured by Russian forces in the Ukraine. It's probably going to be a swap on there, but it's going to be a lengthy time on there. And mister Jenkins was seen bound and taunted hit by a Russian soldier for it. I said this on Saturday. Far as I'm concerned, you know, care factor zero, as far as you know, for me, you shouldn't have been there in the first place. Champ for it and call yourself the vegan Ukraine, you know. And I hope you do get out, but you know what, maybe you shouldn't have been there. A couple of late text messages in there, High Richard. Luckily in Flagstaff Hill we're getting five of the press is soon. Construction work commencing in the area. We currently can't get past forty eight megabits here from Justin and that's rolling out more and more and as of this sweek there will increased Center Link payments, so more than one million Australians will increase on January the first. Various payments are increased every three months in line with the Consumer Price Index, a key measure of household inflation. So a number of income support and supplementary payments will see an increase in the latest round of indexation, including Youth Allowance, I'll Study, Youth Disability Support, pensured and care Allowance. Youth Allowance recipients will see an increase of anywhere from fifteen dollars to thirty dollars sixty per fortnite For twenty six one hundred and twenty five people on odd study payments. The largest increase is thirty dollars sixty per fortnite more than six hundred thousand carers. Indexation will increase care allowance payments by five dollars eighty five dollars eighty Just buy us a cup of coffee, bringing the rate to one hundred and fifty nine dollars thirty per fortnight. I hope you all have a good night. I'll be back tomorrow on Saturday, between twelve and four, we're back here on Monday. Have a good night, enjoy your Friday night and go the cricket here on five double A