Five Double A's State of the Arts.
Every Tuesday. We like to go to different arts organizations, different groups, different people, performers around our state to highlight the work that's being done in the arts sector in South Australia because we know there is so much of it. And now I'm going to tell you all about the Good Vibrations performance. I keep calling a Good Vibrations Festival, but it's a one night only festival at Her Majesty's Theater this Friday at seven point thirty pm. It's a beach boys experience and feel and groovy Simon and Garfunkle and the Everly Brothers. And joining me in the studio now is Harry Baldistone and Marcus Ryan from the latter part of that Good Afternoon Voice. Thanks for coming.
In, Thank you, thanks for having us, and for promoting the arts in South Australia. It's very important jobman. We appreciate that you're doing that.
Oh no, well, I mean we've got such a thriving arts industry. We need to keep it that way all Australia.
That's right, is it?
Or is that just a no? I think once we get a concert hall here then we.
Will organize it. Yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah, but we know we punch above our way. Yeah, there's some really great musicians in South Australia, like when we were very fortunate to play with a lot of them and to know a lot of them, and we are very lucky.
We absolutely are.
And actually after I talk to you guys, I'm going to be talking to the director of the Note who they have an agreement now with car Clu trying to encourage the next generation of artists fantastic to engage them in music and arts in South Australia, which is I think is really important because it feels like the last couple of years there's been a big focus on sports in schools, which is great sports vouchers and then our being extended to music lessons as well. So how did you guys get into doing what you're doing?
Not through sport? It's great to hear, it's great to hear that the music nerds like us. They're not but the music kids have been rewarded and that.
But we yeah, we so we were both at Catholic schools growing up, Mercedes for myself and CBC for Marcus. So we actually met you know, yeah, we were very cool kids obviously were of boys.
Yes, yes, what can I say?
But we met at the Catholic Schools Music Festival, which is put on every year at Festival Theater.
It's actually huge, really good opportunity.
It's FANTASTICID so for all those kids schools, yeahs mass choir and we were in the kind of supporting male vocal ensemble.
So what we did we would sing about three songs a night and just hang out for the rest of the night. And that's what we basically do now for a living.
But we said we sort of got talking on at that and you know, realized we both had an affinity for you know, I suppose some of the older music and groups you sort of think Beatles, you know, Beach Boys and Simon and Garfen who's the probab a little less known I Reckon in Australia, And obviously we're very much a group of yesteryear, although the music enjewers and we actually both were playing some music with some other people at that point in time.
I had a Paul Simon and you had another uncle that didn't work out.
So we broke up with them. We ditched those guys and we sort of got jamming, and then we thought we'd do we give the fringe a try, you know, which is a.
Great great anyone can do it.
Yeah, give the friend a bit of a shot and the rest is history. That was about eight nine years ago show.
Yeah, and so what got you interested in Simon and Garfuncles music, Because for those who are listening, if you're not watching on the live stream on Facebook and YouTube, if you if you are watching, you'll notice that maybe Simon and Garfuncle were a little bit before your time very much.
So yeah, I think, I mean you probably grew up with them. I didn't. My parents quite like disco, which is fine.
A bit of an age sledge.
I didn't grow up with Simon and ye come on a couple of weeks older. But no, my parents certainly had an appreciation for that year of sort of sixty seventies folk music, and you know, brought us up with that with that music. But I think what really stuck out to Mark's and I was the close harmonies, yes, harmony singing from Simon and and the songwriting as well well.
I always say, as a young guitarist you might gravitate towards groups with slash, you know, guns and roses. You might be Eddie van halen Head. You know, if you've played the sax, you might really like Charlie Parker. But if you appreciate good songs and songwriting, you start gravitating towards people like the Beatles, Bob Dylan Simon and Gar Funkle, because that is sort of the echelon I think of.
That's right, it's the bench. Yeah, yeah, writing, songwriting, playing and the harmonies as well. So we're both from a pretty young age realized we liked singing harmony.
I found that we, you know, could harmonize relatively well together and give some of these songs a shot and it sounded o.
Yeah, well I'm sure it sounds better than Okay, well we'll hear a little bit in a moment.
But you mentioned that you you sort of tried tried your luck at the Fringe.
About about eight years or so ago also, and.
Is that something you still do. We perform at the Fringe again this year.
Yeah. We started off in a little tent and it was like forty five degrees and we did like eight nights in a row and it was great. We're doing Hello Darkness mailed friend and you'd hear Adelaide five hundred down the road mad March and then.
And then we go all at once.
Yeah, yeah, that's remember go I'd like to talk to you again. And then you hear Hans in the next ten Yeah, yeah, exactly exactly.
We're like trying to retain our audiences attention.
Yeah, yeah, but it was quite successful. But yeah, this year we're back at the Governor High Marsh and we're doing, yeah, a long show of Simon and Garfunko and a few Everly brothers.
With an extended band as well. So we started out doing it.
Just the two of us, which works with this sort of.
Really honing in on the harmonies, some of the acoustic guitar playing and focusing on the songs. But we've kind of gradually extended the group. Started with just the two of us and then getting drums, bass keys in there, but we've added some horns, cello. Actually, we've got a great chelliscussionists, aercussion so I think we'll have we'll have a fair group of us this year at the Fringe and this Friday out the show that we're doing with the Beach Boys guys we're going to have I think six of us. Yeah, it'll be yeah, our kind yeah, yeah, And.
So how will it work for those coming along on Friday or if they're listening to this thing.
Well that sounds like something I'd like to go to. Will you be it's not going to be a Simon and Garfunkel and Beach Boys colab or will it be very separate performance.
Unless we could do that? Yeah, yeah, sorry, but I think we will will open up the show, So we're gonna be the sort of first act and we'll do fifty sixty minutes of their best songs that we we think so obviously yep, Simon and Garf and some Everly brothers as well. Yeah, and then I think we'll have the Beach Boys set in the second half after.
Yeah, so a little break, get a drink, stretch your legs, and do it all over again. And at Her Majesty's Theater, Well, we're very lucky.
Yeah, it'd be our first time performing there. And obviously the theater has been redone relatively recently. Looks and sounds fantastic. I've seen a few things in there, and so yeah, I feel like we're moving.
Up in the world.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely, oh yeah.
And then and then you'll be at Fringe again at the.
Gove, Yeah, which is again it's it's just a classic South Australian venue. Yeah, and it's a show where you know, like you can put on shows to you know, six seven, eight hundred people if you can, or you can have an intimate two hundred person show sitting down and it really works. So again we're lucky to have the musicians, but also the support from you know, venues like the Gove and and things like car Clew and all that.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely, Oh well, thank you so much for coming in and telling us all about it. If it sounds like something you're interested in, good vibrations, harmony and time with the Beach Boys, experience and feeling groovy, Simon and Garfuncle and the Everly Brothers. It's on this Friday at seven thirty pm at Her Majesty's Theater, the twenty fourth of Jan.
Tickets are available at ticke tech dot com dot au. Wouldn't it be nice?
There you go?
Got it?
That's really good.
I need to get my hold on.
That was not I didn't work on that, but that from that infect.
I appreciate you both coming in. Harry Balderstone and Marcus Ryan, would you mind taking.
Us out with a little chew?
We'd love you do one of the one of their famous ones.
Ye did did did do? Do?
Do? Do? Do? Do? Do do do do? Did did do?
And here see you missus Robinson.
Jesus love you more than you well know WHOA god bless you, please, missus Robinson, Heaven as a place all those surprey.
Hey hey, hey, hey hey hey.
Oh beautiful.
If you liked that and you want to hear more, go to ticketech dot com dot are you and get some tickets for good vibrations this Friday night.
Harry and Marcus, thank you so much.
Thank you see that.
Thank you five double a afternoon Swiss Stacey Lee