Stacey's analysis on leadership within the SA Liberal Party

Published Jul 24, 2024, 4:26 AM
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First, I want to talk about something else, the state of local politics here in South Australia. David Spears, the Opposition leader, has been forced to cancel another overseas trip due to political pressure. He came under fire earlier in the year for missing State Budget Day because he was heading overseas to go to a cousin's wedding in Scotland. Well today The Advertiser has reported that he'd planned another trip and was set to miss the first sitting week back from Parliament. Were in the midwinter break at the moment, so he would have missed the first week back. After political pressure though and questions from the journos at the TiSER, the trip was canceled. No, I think this is a good move by the leader to cancel this trip. I wasn't too critical of the first one because I thought, you know, we all have family commitments and while I don't think it's a good look for the leader of the Opposition to not be there on Budget Day, if that's his priority, then so be it. A second time in a space of months, though I'm not so sure. I know it's not the same, but I have family into state. I've had to miss a number of weddings and christenings and birthdays, and you know, quite a number of family events. And I'm sure David Spears has had to miss those sorts of events in the past living overseas from his family. But I think at some point he needs to sit down with his team, or even just with himself, whoever he has around him advising him and talking to him, and decide if this is really what he wants. It doesn't seem like he wants to be the opposition leader. If you don't want to be here for budget Day, if you don't want to be here for the first sitting week back after the midwinter break, then do you even want that role? You might think, oh, it's just a sitting week, what does it matter. Well, the first week back from the winter break is really important. Just before the break, we have estimates and a number of questions are asked of opposition and peas of government ministers. Often those questions are taken on notice. I don't have that in front of me, but we'll let you know, we'll take it on notice. Well, those answers are given usually after the winter break, so there's a whole bunch of information that we're waiting on that would come back after the winter break, like the financial situation of the Adelaide Festival, which you've heard me talking about. We are expecting an update on that when Parliament resumes, and a whole bunch of other issues like in the child protection space, like in the health space, where David Spears is the shadow Health Minister at the moment while Ashton Hearn is on leave. So yes, I think it's good that he's canceled this second trip. Is it enough in my mind? No, I think he really needs to sit down and reassess if he even wants the job. Because if he doesn't want to be there for budget Day, and if he doesn't want to be there for the first week back, does he want to be in that role? We know other people do want to be in that role. Well, we expect other people want to be in that role. They might not say it publicly, but I've been told that the numbers are being collected behind the scenes. Look, I don't know this to be true, and I don't think anyone would have the numbers anyway, because I've said it before. But right now, I do think David Spears is the best option for the opposition. I do think there are some good younger Liberal MPs coming up the ranks. I don't think now is their time. I think they need to spend a bit more time in parliament. And I also think, sorry to say, they're not going to win the next election, they won't be winning in twenty twenty six, So why are you going to burn a new leader now? If I was the Liberal Party, I'd be holding onto David Spears for now and then I'd be looking for the future after the next election. That's my thoughts. Someone whose name is always thrown into the ring when you hear about leadership challenges within the Liberal Party or leadership ambitions within the State Liberal Party as Vincent Tazia. He was on the Breakfast Show this morning with Dave and Will who was talking about a transport issue, but they did ask him about the leadership of the party. Can I ask you, if there were a leadership vacancy, is that something you would consider? Do you aspire to one day lead the South Australian Liberals.

I've already ruled out a challenge, and you know my answer to that question just has not changed. I'm really focused on my family and playing my role as the member for Hartley and also just being the best part of it of the Liberal team. Look, all of this stuff is in you and I actually had no idea about any of it until I saw it at the paper, so it is all news to me. But look, David Will and your listeners people out there, they elect us to do a job that is to be humble servants for people that put us here, and we're out there fighting for people about issues that matter to them. I was listening on your show earlier this morning that couple talking about the housing Christs at the moment, you know, people that can't afford to pay their energy bills at the moment, cost of living, and how people are doing it tough at the moment, you know, fighting things like the CFMU that are going to only drive up the cost of doing business here in South Australia. These are the things that I think people expect us to get on with these issues, and so look, I think this stuff is really unhelpful. I know that. You know, as Titians, our personal lives are sometimes fair game when it comes to commentary. I mean, my wife reminds me that my five day honeymoon. I think it was the shortest honeymoon ever. But I know politicians' personal lives are sometimes fair game. But look, I think most people just want us to get on with the job of doing our best for the people of South Australia. That's what I'm focused on playing my role.

It wasn't exactly a ringing endorsement of his party's leader. I will say I did invite the Opposition leader, David Spears on the program today. He's unavailable because he's in the regions of South Australia. I've said he can come on tomorrow. They've said he'll still be on his regional trips, so he might not be available tomorrow as well. But the offer is there. He's always welcome to come on. I'd love to have a chat with him about this to get his views. Is he committed to this job. I'm sure he would say he absolutely is, But do his actions say so? I would argue no. Five afternoon Swiss Stacy Lee

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