Pub owners and AHA SA CEO assess proposed Australia Day bans

Published Dec 2, 2024, 3:18 AM

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Anamola is the CEO of the Australian Hotels Association and joins you.

Now Hi Anna, Hi Stacey.

What did you think when you when you saw this news by Australian Venue Co.

Well, well, I hadn't heard anything about it until I got a call from the Advertiser literally last night, so so yeah, it's certainly not something that has been spoken about broadly by our industry. So yeah, yeah, it came completely out of the blue.

And I don't know what it actually means. What does it mean on January twenty six if you rock up to one of these Australian Venue Co pubs, how will your experience at the pub be any different to your experience at the pub on January twenty seven.

And it's interesting that you say that because, in a strange twist to all of this, Australia Day next year, who is on the Sunday But the public holiday is actually on the Monday. So I'm not sure whether this cuts across both days or just the Sunday and then the public holiday returns to normal. I don't know, but you know, I think in response to your question, I think there may not be a lot of difference between what these twenty or so pubs are doing and a number of others. Because this isn't something like Hands That Day or Melbourne Cup Day or Christmas functions. There will be a lot of pubs that have, you know there you know, an Australia Day happy hour or drink specials or food specials, that kind of thing. But generally speaking, it's actually the public holiday part of Australia Day that normally drives the foot traffic into the pubs. So next is going to be an interesting one.

Yeah, that is going to be really interesting, especially because as you say, Australia Day falls on the Sunday, but then the public holidays on the Monday. So is that I guess in theory for other pubs, if you look at that calendar, that's a good thing, right because you'll probably get more people coming in on the Sunday maybe, and then we're definitely more people than you would on a regular non public holiday Monday.

Yeah. Absolutely so, I think I think there'll be some people that want to go out to a pub on Sunday to celebrate Australia Day. I think on Australia Day a lot of people tend to do stuff like going to a park and having a barbecue and that kind of thing with family and friends. But certainly the public holiday on the Monday will be the thing that drives the patronage into the pubs.

Okay, what does what does Australia Day at a pub normally look like? Have you noticed any any trends over the last few years, more patronage, less papage, Is it getting more popular or do we.

Have any on that? Yeah, I don't think there's really been any difference. As I said, it's not it's not you're not comparing it to something like the Melbourne Cup that traditionally been incredibly popular and places have been packed and you've seen a drop off. So this is something that probably it's the public holiday aspect of it that drives the people into the pubs as opposed to the particular day. But certainly there will always be a level of places that will some of them will be more themed than others. There are some hotels that generally like getting involved in that kind of thing. There will be a lot that do give a nod to the day in terms of, you know, the drink specials they have or the kind of food that they have some of them may have you know, green and gold color theme bunting and that kind of stuff. But we now know that twenty of them in the state white. The good news is there's another six hundred to choose from.

Yes, exactly exactly if you if you don't like it, there's a pretty easy way to send that message and that's just not to go.

Yeah, yeah, I mean spoiled for choice. There's another six hundred. But but yeah, looks certainly, I don't know if it's a philosophical position or a commercial marketing decision, that's the that's the matter for ABC, and as an industry association, we wouldn't get involved in in those decisions. But you know, we always say that pubs are a reflection of our communities, and just like there are you know, different sectors of the community that either agree with Australia Day or don't. I guess we've now discovered there are sectors of our pub community that you know, reflect that MM.

Have you heard of any other venue or ownership groups that are doing a similar thing, maybe just not making as much noise about it.

Yeah. Look, I think there's a large cross section of pubs across the state it's like a sliding scale. So there's some that will choose to make quite a day of it and have particular events. But then I think there's a lot that just won't say anything necessarily one way or the other. They will do those little things that have the drink specials and the food specials and maybe a bit of decoration. Yeah, certainly nobody else has overtly came out and said we're not going to celebrate it.

To celebrate it, what do you make of There are some people on the text line saying, well, if they don't want to celebrate it, why not just close for the day? Simple as that. If you really don't want to celebrate, then don't take people's money on the day.

Yeah. I don't know that it's about them not wanting to celebrate celebrate the day. I think it's actually and this is pure speculation, of course, but I think it's probably more a business model that says we're going to cater for a particular sector of the community, and that's the sector that doesn't want to celebrate Australia Day. Yeah.

Yeah, Well, as I say, if you don't like it, you don't have to go to this pub. And I suspect there might actually be people who do want to go to one of these pubs because they still would like to go out and enjoy their day off, which is a public holiday that most people get regardless of whether they agree with the date or not, without looking like or feeling like they're celebrating.

Correct, yeah, correct, All right, Well.

Really appreciate your time this afternoon, Anna.

Thank you so much, no worries, Thanks Stacy.

That's Animola, the CEO of the Australian Hotels Association. What do you think of this, Kathy? On the text lines, is next thing that gonna tell us we can't eat fish on Good Friday? Well, I don't think that's I think that's the opposite of what this is. If someone's telling you you you can't personally do something, then that's a much bigger infringement on your personal rights than a pub saying we won't be celebrating Australia Day. It's not like you're going into a pub and they're not serving fish. I think that's a different situation. And Len getting nice and racist on the text line, Lenn, thank you. Australia Day is all about celebrating the great nation that we've become, and you, being Greek, I don't expect you to understand the importance, all right, len If I don't under wow, I'm just gonna leave that there. Twenty two minutes past one on five double A eight, double two to three, double O double oh is the number to call. Adam Vontoff is from the Griffin's Head Hotel, and I thought we should chat to a couple of publicans in Adelaide about this and get their thoughts. Hi, Adam, thanks for your time.

Hi how are you today?


Good, thank you. What was your reaction when you saw this news this morning from Australian venue co.

To be honestly, I didn't really see it in the first iteration. I've had a lot of people sort of bringing all message to draw my attention to it. But to be honest with you, that's that's kind of their business around what they do with their venues on their day. I guess we would love to open on the public holiday that falls on a Sunday this year, and between Sunday rates and public holiday rates where we're not opening the pub for that reason. Recently, we'll be all out celebrating Australia Day Mmm.

So you're not opening, but it's not because it's Australia Day. You're not opening because of the penalty rates.

Correct. Yeah, completely to do with the economy around running a public these days and the cost of doing that and the city. You know, as you know, we're based across the square here and it's typically a little bit quieter. But yeah, I think that the pub's the suburbs and down the coast. With the weather, we'll build breakthrough.

Yeah, you are in a really unique position because you are a city based pub. Have you noticed over the last few years of a change in patronage on Australia Day? More customers, fewer customers. How's it been.

I think generally there's there's fewer customers full stop. We tend only open for ant Out Day and Good Friday. There're probably two public holidays. We do open for any great days and we love celebrating those days. The rest of the public holidays, again, we'd love to open, but that's some quote with the people not really being in the city, and you think that the amount office work is that you know, ever has a day off, so we're all out our family and friends and that's tend to take people out for the reasons and the suburbs.

Mm okay, so so what do you if Australia Day wasn't on the Sunday this year, do you think you'd be opening.

Or it's just it's purely a penalty rates financial call, purely.

A familary rates and you know, and you know that's that sounds And you can go to a lot of pubs now you'll see if people have surcharges and so forth and understand that, you know, people doing what they have to do there as well, and it does make it a little bit more expensive for people, you know, when times are tough to go out two pubs to sell and make met up with their friends. And I agree with and I watched the same before. A lot of people will go to a park and have a barbecue or to a house party and celebrate that way.

Yeah, the beach as well. You know, usually we're in the depths of summer. People are trying to enjoy it before they go back to work.

Or yeah, yeah, definitely, but that's the best a luck to ABM and their decisions there s Benko what they're doing there. But yeah, we we we're fully supported of Australia They here at all?

Right, Adam, thanks so much for.

Your time, pleasure. Thanks say it's.

Adam Vontov Griffin's Head Hotel. Let's go to Anna Hurley from the Arkabar Hotel.

Hi Anna, Hi Stacy?

How are you?

I'm great? Thanks?


What was your reaction when you when you heard this news? Were you surprised to see a pub group coming out so strong?

But I don't think it's It's always a bit risky to put your head above the parapet on controversial issues like this, So I guess in a way I was a little bit surprised, but you know, each to their own and if that's a decision that aligns with their values and what they want to do, that's entirely up to them.



What what have you noticed in your venues and the Arkabar on Australia Day over the last few years? Is it is it getting busier? Are there fewer people coming? Maybe it's the same.

It's a fairly standard public holiday, so like Anne Zac Day or Easter, you know, it's sometimes it's a bit busier, sometimes it's a bit quieter. Depends a bit on the weather. If people want to go down to the beach or if people are at their beach houses. So it's not a massive day, but we always do something fun on any public holiday, and I mean that's what we're in the business off where we always want to think about doing new fun things and so Australia there's no exception to that.

Mm And so what will you be doing on Australia Day.

Well, this year, across our hotel group there'll be various different events across the pubs, but at the Arkabar we're doing an Australian music event and there's always lots of sport on the public holidays, so we do some fun events and drink specials out in sportys bar to just give give people something fun to do.

Yeah, all right, Well it sounds like if you want to go to a pub on Australia Day, there's still lots of options out there, including the Arkaba Yeah.

Absolutely, and like it. It's in the end, it's a public holiday that's decided by the government and by politicians and if they want to change a date of our national day then that's up to them. But as long as it's our national Day, we'll certainly be celebrating.

And Hurley thanks so much for your time.

Thanks Stacey.

It's Anna Hurley from the Arquebart

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