AFL Round 2 Predictions - Pies to Dominate, Lions Massacre & Dockers over Swans | AFL Today Show

Published Mar 20, 2025, 9:16 AM

The AFL Today Show brought to you by TAB are here for all your Round 2 preview needs, starting with an awesome chat about debutants with 
breaking news, Cats forward line and previewing every single game over the weekend with teams, odds, stats, debates, best bets and tips!

The panel full of banter chat about who will win each match, best on ground, value bets for the weekend, multis, what to keep an eye on and finish with Big Calls where close games are predicted and midfielders are expected to dominate!

Get around the AFL Today Show brought to you by TAB and panelists Liam 'Stats Guy' McAllion, Leo Mullaly and Marcus Bazzano as they talk out all things footy for the 2025 AFL season!

00:00 Intro
06:50 Bulldogs vs Collingwood
12:13 Essendon vs Adelaide
17:44 Port Adelaide vs Richmond
22:18 St Kilda vs Geelong
26:55 Brisbane vs West Coast
31:33 North Melbourne vs Melbourne
37:26 Fremantle vs Sydney
44:39 Outro

👨‍💻 AFL Today's Podcast Expert Panel:

Liam 'Stats Guy' McAllion
Marcus Bazzano

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Tad where on you win some, you lose more. It's raining, but the footy is heating up. Thursday Night Footy is here with AFL today, brought to you by Tad. Ready to go four round two. I'm your host, Liam McKellan, also know as the stats Guy. Now, usually we've got the partners in crime. Only one of my partners in crime is here today. He's fired up as an essendonce fan Marcus Barzan.

But no, Liam, how you feel weird? Like there's a part of my heart that's just gone. No Leo, no cricket today, original originality. Boys, we're not here. But that's right, get the blink counter out. I reckon. It was quite a few lessons than Alex in the In the last show.

We had a few comments actually about the blinks in the intro. I don't know how many blinks I I was trying to stare down the camera. That was pretty good open but I think I did all right?

Yeah it was. It was straight down the barrel, look in the eyes, serial killer, almost unsettling vibes. WHOA all right? I don't know better. I don't know how I want that. I'll work on that.

I'll work on that Thursday Night's previous show is of course brought to you by ta AFL Missed by One. If your dispose was like missus by one, TAB will still pay you out as a winner. Download the tab app today. What are you really gambling with? All right, another awesome show. We've got the newsticker as always, a few different things for you re signings for little stats in there. Then we're going to go through every single game. We're going to go through the teams. We love going through the teams. You've sneak give it a sneaky look there.

There is there is a few begins and particular on Sunday there's there's a couple of key players going in getting.

So yeah, because it's Thursday night, we're going to go through every game Friday to Sunday, as well as the big calls. What to keep an eye on big calls. There's actually I think there could be some big margins, but we'll touch on that. Yeah, a couple of blowouts, the opposite of what I predicted last week, which I said, which didn't get up.

By the way, we failed immensely. You got a half tick I think. According to Alex Oh I said CaCO. Would I say Cacko, Guinea and Watson combined for ten, I mean they got six. I mean they only got six, So I think that's a generous half tick. I reckon that's a bit lucky.

Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel. We are flying at the moment. We're very happy we are. The soft count I think is about four point two or something like that, so I.

Can get you the exact count if you might have to give me double seconds. Softcount is four point three to two or four point three two. We've going up even more. That will take that. We'll take that.

Follow AFL today across all the socials that's x TikTok, Instagram and Facebook is Ousie rules today, including our yeen R Beers social posts. So we've been doing a few yearn R questions on there and we're going to do a giveaway with them next week for some Beers hats T shirts. We're wearing them on some of the socials, so check them out. If you like it's good gear, Yeah, it's good gear. It's mainly questions, so you can answer them in the comments with yeah no, so let us know in the comments.

Current subscribe. I've got the exact name. Oh okay, four thousand, three hundred and twenty two and twenty two. Thanks mate, you're actually helpful. We're gonna get We're gonna get a target by the end of the round. Four point four. Yeah, end of the round.

I reckon, you've stepped up in Leo's absence already. We don't even need there, can you hear me? Guys, you're you're up to the mic? Very nice, Mike, all right, newsticker is the first one will start off with as always. First of all, I feel like Geelongo featuring a lot of this newsicke, but they just resigned. They're pretty much the whole forward line this week. So they resigned Jeremy Cameron and Oli Henry till twenty twenty seven and Shannon Neil till twenty twenty eight.

What do you think about looking look on the mid size tools away. Yeah, it's good, obviously. I think there's a lot of high expectation on Shannon Neil Jeremy. Jeremy Cameron is one of the best players in the competition, absolutely, and I think Oli Henry is actually one of the most underrated forwards in the petitions. Really really Henry. Absolutely when he was leaving Collingwood, I would have taken them into hard bed. Yeah, or he was actually homesick from living an hour away from Geelong. Yeah, that is doll joke.

But yeah, that's a really good lock for their fall one because obviously Tomahawk's gone. You've got a couple of young guys there and Jess are still standing around.

So I think it's more about Saint Kilda getting absolutely mugged off again.

Yeah, continue that he's gonna he will resign. Cane Colin said that yesterday.

I think yeah, I think you said he's gonna he's going to stay as well. So who can they get? Did they offer him seventy million like think callohounds they brought it out, I think it was. It wasn't that much. I think it was only one and a half two million. I think it was around that. Boarding on here.

If that's only just a little bit not enough one day one.

Day, Well, you haven't even introed the shirt that we've got. We're in the North preview, but I'm happy to talk about it now come the camera. We got the cherry Cherry good from Marcus and Leo themselves. The Carton draft A little shot out. They do. Been a while since you were since you've actually put that on. I wore the cheesels. Cheese was one opening rounds and then this one is the cherry best ruckman in the league. So I got to wrap him at some point. He is he is. Look, I think he's well and truly up there him were gone. We've already got some North chat. They're playing against each other, so yeah, that's what I'm going to touch on. That's going to be very exciting. A couple more things in the newstick up, Pendals and side bottom. Now they play their three hundred and eighth game together on Friday Night, which here I got to provide some stats, which is an AFL record three hundred and eight games together. They take over McLeod and Edwards for the Crows.

Just it shows how old they are, but shows how consistent they've been.

Yeah, exactly, Like, there's not many players that even get to three hundred games on their own to have to play with each other for three hundred eight games. Surely they're sick of each other. Well now, absolutely, yeah, I assure that.

Actually I did even think about that. I think they're really good mates, but so he's getting on there.

He shows his age and Pendal's not so much well.

Pends was the sub last week, which is the first time ever I think, So three hundred eight games together is a that's.

A bloody good effort. And apparently he's got the extra year Pendals on the contract on the table already if he doesn't cop a major injury this year. So if he doesn't cop a major injury, there is a one year on the table. Just rest me forward, rest me forward, just let me play forward. And he just wanted to get He just wants to get to the most games aflame. I hope he doesn't do that. Harvey four thirty two. Yeah, most games. I think he plays next year and plays majority this year. He probably deserves it to be fair. But we'll see, we'll see. Nah, I think Boomer was probably better. Yes, come on, in my opinion, that might be a bit harsh. But my favorite ever North player newsticker. I've got a lot of northy I need to get back on track. Last one in the newsticker, just rolling into the game. Previews for this one. The Suns and the Giants for people that don't don't know, have the buy in round two. So obviously there's a few other teams with the Cyclon's supposed to have a buy, but the Sons and Giants have the bubbles. We throw a throw back to twenty ten Giants. This is real, the newest around it. That is very two expansion teams smart by the AFL because I guess that's less lesser crowd gone to teams. We do love the Suns.

I love both teams, So you're you're right there is a throwback because it's without the league, without them true and just yet. But anyway, that's the newsticker for this weekend. Let's get into what we all want to talk about Round one game previews. We're going to go through the teams, just a few stats, the markets as well with tab which we always love, and then we're going to give out hips and margin for the game. All right, So first up Friday night, this is a huge game Western Bulldogs or Foots Gray for their one hundred year anniversary.

So the foots grade Bulldogs. They're throwing it back. I like that, just a quick just Foots great, nor for s great Bulldogs, just calling Foods gray. They tried to change it to Western to include all the western suburbs. But Foots Grade sounds way cool. Foots Gray, Yeah, I love I love the gray as sounds very war What was his name?

Oh my god, the furniture said, Oh, oh my god, I can't remember his name.

I know what you're talking about.

Franko cotts On, he would be loving this that they're called footscrape verset Collingwood Friday night, seven forty at the MCG.

Well, they requested it, so it's at their own doing. But it's that their own doing. Why do colling would get another game of the MCG? Are they even playing away from the MCG other than game was the appendals hasn't played in Geelong before? No? Is that the start? Yeah? Or Tazzy probably? I don't think you would have played in Tazi absolute joke. That is a joke. All right, let's get into the teams.

We'll go with the home team first, which is the foot to s Gray foots Grade Bulldogs start us.

Off, please we will? Yeah, Well, Foots Gray obviously coming off the wing against North Mail when they make a couple of changes, uh Karmas comes into the team along with Oscar Baker and outgoes Luke Cleary and James o'donald, So pretty similar team. They don't really need to change too much. Obviously, they still got a lot of big name players out. Looking forward to what the Dogs can do be a lot tougher test. Yeah, it will be interesting to see because they still don't have Bond jonesy defender. Cody Weightman's probably their best, one of their best forwards.

And James o'donald so he was playing on suber lucky Yeah and uh suber kick five so that I think he's got dropped forku Soku.

I think he's pretty solid bok because he's a bit more athletic. Yeah, but he's a little bit smaller than James Donald. And then Luke Cleary.

Obviously that really bad concussion, so obviously that's why he's out.

But the team, the team's really young. Matthew Kennedy stepped up last week. Who else was very good?


Sure? Frasier of half back was very good, Yeah, especially for super coaches, but he was. Sam Darcy was a player who killed Collingwood last time they played, So keep Friday because Sam he won't be a bit wet to more. I'm not sure. Look it's it's not raining.

It's raining in Melbourne currently for the thirst and night game, but it doesn't look like it's going to rain tomorrow, which would be good for Sam Darcy. On the Collingwood side, some some big names literally in Mason Cox, the big seven foot out, the big the big Texan is still in the dog.

How's he's done the AFLs some one thing in his career and there was against Richmond in the final series. He dominated Richmond that night. He's got a flag that he's the only American do we have a flag? That's pretty good. He can say whatever he wants. He's got a flag. He got through like eye surgery and he's one of the only Americans not to have a gun. Well so I don't know that. Well I hope he doesn't. He's from Texas, like chances are he probably doesn't know. I don't know that's Texas.

That's another when do we do an accents on this, we might get next one that is in his Jordan to go. So he's huge in I know he's been injured and in now the site of but I think that's a really good and they come in for Brody Meyer checking Locke Sullivan, so he might have to double check that. Maybe you have a check for me, Marcus, I Will. I don't mind Locky Sullivan coming out. He's still sort of progressing in his career. You've got to bring to goee back in yep. But you obviously want checkers. Myyer check over Mason Cox. So surely he's injured or he's they're just resting him.

I will check that out for you. You might have to to go into tab person off on that out for you. That's right.

I'll have a quick look at the team as well. So we've got Dan Houston. I think he's gonna have a really good game at the mcg He loves dominating the mcg uh and then liber as well. He loves playing against Collingland twenty five plus disposals in seven of his last eight matches there. I'll get into the odds with tab because there's a few really good marks there.

Just quickly if you if I want to jump in more check. Will was still talking about the teams. It's just general soreness. So I think, okay, just a week out, give him a rest because's getting a little bit older. Yeah, good call, good call. All right, back to TAB. There we go, brought to you by TAB.

These odds footscrape bulldogs are two dollars fifty heads ahead compared to the favorites being last week Collingwood a dollar fifty three. My best bet in this one though, Now there's a little bit of a rogue one, but stay with me. Punch is because I really think he's going to go. Well, damn mix Day two plus goals is two dollars fifteen.

Now, a lot of people would go, why are you putting to him mix days?

He's so up and down three goals last week and has kicked two plus goals in eleven of his last fifteen games, surprisingly consistent if he stays out on the field.

So he's my best bet of the week with two plus goals.

All right, that's with TAB. What do you reckon Marcus as a tip in this one? Margin as well?

Margin? Well, I'm just going to give you some breaking news. The show will be out by the news is out, ye, breaking this for us, just for you anyways. Yeah, No, Harry mccath tonight is laid out against the Hawks due to illness. Blues lose by forty plus. Blues definitely have the Blues now, so yeah, Jesus, we'll get back to the foot grade. Collingwood. Collingwood win this comfortably. Yeah, I think I'm going to go five six goals.

I'm going to get into my margin later in the big calls, but I agree. I think Pie's by. I'm going to say at least thirty forty plus because genuinely, the Dogs are so young, they're missing bond. They rely on bond and some of their goalkickers were just a bit off last week.

So yeah, Pies.

I know they were bad the first week, but they dominated last week. Get poort and at the MCG dogs hardly ever played there. They're two and five in the last four seasons, so yeah, gotta go to the Pies in this one, all right, agreed? Saturday the first one, your beloved sendon Bombers taking on the Adelaide Crows at Marvel s Actually sorry, I'm pretty sure that is at the MCG.

I don't know why I wrote in Marvel Stadium, MCG. Yeah, so if you were to play at Marvel Saturday Nights, yes, correct.

The stage swopped him around, So send and versu Adelide at the MCG won twenty. I'll go to you first mark because your beloved Essendon. They've got a few changes or what are we looking at with the teams?

Yeah, similarly to the Dogs. Two changes obviously they were both forced changes with Jordan Ridley out with that concussion after he got yes whacked across the face and Cole lank put out as well four to six weeks with his hammy. So incomes big Tommy Edwards, the SSP pick. He played well. He's a bit of a tool, but he's also actually quite versatile on the ground as well. He kicked a few goals in the prak against the Dogs, but I think he's just there to crash packs. And incomes him another small forward, Jii Menzil that one. So two forwards coming into the side, but I've got a j Menzi They it was weird last season. They rotated him a little bit down back and here and everywhere. Yeah, what do you want to see him forward for? He just needs to stay in the forward forward pocket. Yeah. He was the one who got that controversial deliberate out of deliberate rush behind call that's right against Geelong. I think it was Geelong WI Melbourne. I think it was ge Long. But those two coming for the Dons. So other than that, everything's still the same. Yeah, that's right.

I really liked Coldwell last week, Coldwell, Merrit If you didn't have them, that could have been a fifty plus ball game, I reckon against the Hawks, Cordwell looked so good.

It was like a Rolls Roysalt. He was yeah, thirty six, Yeah, very good. Yeah, so I really like him in this one. For the Adelaide side of it, no changes.

Why would you have changes when you win by I think it was about sixty points against the Saints, which was really good there.

Midfield looked really strong. There.

Four line looks really strong, even their back line. I know they're not the biggest names going around.

They started. They're saying Rory led'slaying back pocket again. I'm pretty sure he played midfield, but no, he played. He played sort of half back, his old role because that was where he first started.

Therefore, the line honestly put Text as the star or something, because I know they're wanting there for the experience. He got Phil thought Rank and Fog and Rochelle all kicking goals last week.

But Text did his thing. He did, and he actually played quite well against the Saints. So I only watched probably almost three quarters of that game, but he did he did play quite well. But look, there's some interesting things here. Dylan't she'll pushed to the extended bench as well. He should have been dropped. He was so bad men he might be don't know. He shouldn't be allowed to wear the Fluoro boots. I feel like you have to be good to wear Floro boot. Yeah, if you're standing out with the boots, you've got to be half decent.

You got at least hit a target a few starts in this one. Crows have lost the last ten straight games at the MCG.

So I thought this was at Marvel and I was like, oh crap, it's at the mc Yeah.

And they've also lost to the Bombers seven of the last eight meetings, so that's not a good combo for the Cross.

But the one they did win was in last year was it was last year at uh mars A Marvel mar They won by two points. That was the ben Key's legacy game. I'm calling it. Yeah, twenty two dispurs was five goals. Yeah, yeah, he was unreal that game. It was crazy. But I think similarly to what Esson struggled with Adelaide forward one those small forwards you look at, Well, I'm gonna I'm going to clasp ben Key's as a small forward. But we'll go benk Keys down there, Rachelle, those sort of. I think Neil Bullen, I think they're all chip in with with a goal or two here and there, because bombs just typically struggle with it. Yeah.

I'm even leaning towards CaCO for a few goals as well, because I think their tolls are really good in defense, but they're smalls aren't as good, Like LED's gonna run off if he's playing in backline in the defense. So a few other other players do as well, so that'll be interesting. Looking at the odds brought to you by TAB, Essendon two dollars twenty five with their heads ahead adelaide A dollars sixty five. They're the favorites even though they haven't one of the G in ten straights. I think since twenty seventeen they haven't one of the G which is an interesting one. My best bet in this one, I just talked him up before. I think he's Essendon's Rolls Royce when he's at his best, when he's not injured and he's hitting targets Gi cold Well twenty plus disposals and to kick a goal at three dollars twenty a bit of value there is my best bet. He had thirty six in a goal last game. We watched him at the MCG. He was incredible, I could. I was just very happy with his game and he had this exact stat line twenty in a goal last time he played the cross, so there's a little bit of confidence there. I think he'll float forward and he's a very attacking player. So twenty and a goal I think is pretty dable. There a right to get to the margins.

Who's going to win? I think we might be split on this one, which is rare this weekend. But who you going? As an Essendon fan, I can't where's your rip, jas, I can't know. It's just there. Actually I can't not pick the bombs. I don't think we're bad against Hawthorne. No, you weren't. We were a couple of big outs. Yes, Adelaide have look God, they've got a good side. But as an as an Essendon fan or as a fan of any club, you have to go into games like these expecting not expecting a win. That sounds no, But I know what you're saying, like, this is a game you should be winning. Yeah, because you're at home. Yeah, at home against the side that is probably similar to us. I'd say yeah, So I'll go just I'll say it's within a kick, I'll go a few points.

I'm in agreement that it's going to be close. But I'm learning towards Adelaide. I'm not taking too much from last week because I reckon Saints will be bottom four.

They had so many injuries the Saints they looked so bad really, and Adelaide also a lot better at home, as we just talked about the don't winn the Geese.

But I'm going Adelaide by a goal would be really close. I think it'll be similar to that Marvel game last year. Ben Key's let off the chain of it and kick a few goals, which would be pretty please.

So back Cordwall, I think we'll played pretty well. But Adelaide buy six for me. All right.

That's the first out of the game. Next one up is Port Adelaide taking on Richmond. Richmond obviously won last week, so I'll be fired up. So absolutely got smashed by the pie, so they want to want a bit of revenge this week, Saturday four fifteen at the Adelaide Oval.

Let's go through the teams, Marcus, you can start off with, Yeah, put Adelaide expecting big things because of how poor they were last week, and is calling. But Jeremy Finlayson comes out and in comes a debutante, Christian Marius. I think that's right, Marias. I'm not sure how to pronounce it. I'm sorry, but look I gave him my best shot get in the commons. Yeah, he will come in onto the extended bench so he could be the sub. All the five men bench, so he could be the sub. So look, other than that, it's it's very similar. They need to pull their head ins a little bit here. I'm looking at the likes of Horn Francis probably poor last week, and the blocks of Willem Drew even he had a poor game to his steamn like all their whole forward lines did.

But I think we were a bit harsh on their forward line when it wasn't coming down there that much like the and.

The service was pretty poor. But look, hopefully they get a bit more, a bit better service against against the Tigs. Which I expect them to do. So they need to improve. They definitely need to improve. I don't mind their team.

I'm like without even without Butters and few of their defenders, it's still a pretty good team.

So they're still good there. They're probably relatively a little bit short down back and in the forward line. It's good, but the synergy just probably isn't there. But Jack lakoschis looked half decent. He kicked his first goal for the Power I think.

Yeah, their fall line is pretty exciting once they get gone, so I'm hoping they can get gone this week. For the Tigers, the ins and outs, We've got leam Forcett making his debut. We've also got Caleb Smith coming and he played a few games last year.

I believe.

I don't know too much about them, but they're gonna Richmond fans are very excit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Forest was going to replace Tom Lynch. Yeah as the tool ye. So yeah, hopefully you can go a bit of youth exuberance again. Well, last week the best players Luke Trainer was killing it. Sammy Lawler is port Adelaide. Adelaide over one of the most hostile sort of environments I've been to.

A North game there with the Nevatarists apart with the scarves going up, and it wasn't actually that hostile because they bund by eighty points, Ben Brown still kicking six of our seven goals.

That was a weird game.

But I think when it's like a closer game, or even at the start of the game, it's bloody hard to.

Win over it is. Yeah. Yeah, I've got a sort of Adelaide little bit Adelaide background, and I know how Port can be. Yes, absolutely, but then the outswe Richmond.

You got Tom ch as you mentioned, he bumped it bloke in the head, so enough get a week off a week even though he's in my super coached team.

That's right.

An Tyler soon s din't too much either, So I'm happy they got a debutante because that's just the Richmond way.

This year. I know it might not be that good, but they were really up and about last week. I don't know how they were quite good. Was it was it a case of Richmond being good or was it a case of Carlton just being a bit of both.

I think Richmond's pressure was really good, but Carlton just like ah when when Richmond Richard gick your goals. That's literally I think Mark Voss in the in the box of just screaming, I don't know what was going on there. Yeah, I agree, but they were better than expected Richmond.

So I think a closely a lot of quite a few Richmond fans, and I think they'll be pretty happy if they lose every game for the rest of the year, as long as they beat Carlton. Yeah. Oh yeah, true. That's that's like me as a North fan, all I want to beat is Essendon. We never beat. We don't care about you. Oh that's all I care about.

Richmond have also lost their last eleven Day matches for a little bit of a stat there, so that's not good reading for a Richmond fan. And they've and Port have won the last four meetings between the two, so they Port. I know they got smashed by last week, smashed by a lot last week, but yeah, that's fair enough. Let's get into the tab heads head odds. To start with Port Adelaide dollar eleven. I think that's going to be the same reading for most games against Richmond, Richmond six dollars fifty. My best bet in this one is Mitch georgiadis now. He didn't do much last week. The whole FOURD line didn't do much. I'm going three plus goals for Big Mitchie g. He's kicked three plus goals and six of his last seven at the Adelaide Oval. He loves the home crowd, the Port fans absolutely love him. With a lot of their Todd Marshall's out and a lot of their players sort of out. He needs to step up and he loves playing at the Adelaide Oval. So three plus goals. I'm all in on Mitch. There we go, all right, Tap and Marjin Marcus, what do you think?

I look, I know Richmond sort of defy the odds and put out really poor, but I think it's a snap back to reality for Richmond and Port need to get their season back on track. They'll come out for our ine and I think they win by seven goals. Seven goals. Oh, I don't mind that.

I'm going Port by thirty pretty similar, five or six goals. I reckon this will be the Other thing is is this the first time you can lose by ninety one and then you're the favorite, like heavy favorites in the next very clear favorite.

Yeah, that is weird.

Weird our AFL season is at the moment, but I don't think Richmond can do it two weeks now, they're too young.

Two weeks in a row is a big ass yeah for young side. We're both gone poor by a fair bit.

All right, this is another big one saying Kilda verse Geelong Saturday night, seven thirty five. Now this one is at Marvel Stadium. I'm not going to get that one wrong. I think this would be a pretty I was gonna say decent matchup. Geelong obviously smashed them last week.

It is though, because Geelong have a pretty poor record against St. Kilda in general and at Marvel Stadium.

Yeah, so the home team in this matchup has actually won the last six matches between these teams and the last three times they've met at Marvel so Stints have won.

So it's a bit of a surprising one, including last year I think it was around twenty three one of the later rounds they actually beat Gelong.

I swear I have a winning record against everyone. Like, what's going on there?

What are you doing? You can't believe that's their old rival team when they were played in a Grand Final and the rep was back in my day. Yeah, nineteen twenties, back in the walls. It was like ten years ago. Everyone in this as in like yeah, like early twenty tens, late two thousands, ten.

Years ago, fifteen years ago, I don't know what days.

All right, let's get into the team. Saints have a lot of changes, changes changes. Yeah. Well I think they have to because they were really so bad. Yeah, but I'll tell you who was actually surprisingly really good for them was Max Hall. He played He played yeah well up forward, but a couple of kicked a couple of himself. This some off that he could have kicked. But they make four changes. Isaac Keeler, big expectations from him from Saint supporters. He's that's his debut. Liam Stocker, Mitch Michito Owens comes back in this that think.

From the Hope Hurricanes. They made a hundred oh my god, different one and Lance call I'd come in for Zane Cordy Show and Maker. Harry Boyd comes out for super Coach Users. Obviously he's ninety nine k in the rock position, yes, and angers hasty as well. So and it's Hunter Clark's one hundredth as well. So okay, I don't mind that I'm surprised he's got to one hundred already. But looking at the same team, Nast did really well Wangny Miller last week.

He suffered a little bit from cramp though throughout stages late in the third.

And but literally the rest of the team rap like they really got.

To lift this week. McCrae showed what he can do. Would you have like thirty two? Yep, it was actually painful of clearances as much as Kane Corn's lock to say that he wasn't that solid. He was solid, Yeah, he was, he was. He was one same killed a player in that game that was trying his heart out out of not many Yeah.

And then the other team, Geelong, they don't make any changes. WHI there's a lot of teams. Last week they got smashing, so you don't need to make any changes unless you have injuries. I think they're going to look really strong, even.

Like their depth players, they're just so good.

They get random guys like Zach Guthrie has turned into a jet Lawson and Humphries who was.

Like really good.

He was like sixtieth pick the guys that usually don't even get a game. He's killing it obviously Bailey Smith. Now ross Lyne said he might tag Bailey Smith, but I reckon.

The first game, our first proper game in a bit, yeah, after after a long injury, long stint in the sidelines, didn't play in the Prackys because of crazy. He played one played one. He didn't play the official one against the Bombers. Yeah uh. And then he just comes out and plays like that is the headband. It's powers in those headbands sometimes and suits well, it suits the Geelong kit really well. It actually does. It looks very clean. Cottinam will you look semi like old school in a way as well? I don't know.

Yeah no, there used to be a brucie door with yeah mullet as well. Bring back the head too true. I think he might start a craze like some of the younger players coming through. I reckon, there's gonna be a few head bands, a few more stats in this one. Oh no not, that's just a few points to talk about. Saints I think need to lift their defense. They're usually very defensive focused under ross line.

He would like concede one hundred and thirty plus against that load. That very rarely happens under Ross and I think they're trying to play a little bit more attacking, but they need to have that balance again. Yep.

And then the Saints they're still full of injuries, and the Cats they just look like another level. As is mentioned in the odds with tab So the odds with tabs sank killed at three dollars is their heads head Geelong a dollar twenty seven.

I think that's about right.

The Saints, their team's not too bad, but Geelong should blow them out out of the water. My best bet in this one is Mitchie Nevertt. He was really good in my super coach team. Mitch Nevertt twenty plus disposals is a dollar eighty, really good one for your maltis or things like that. He was really strong last week twenty one disposals. I think on that wing against Saint Kilda. Both teams like to run the ball a lot. I think he's going to be killing it on the wing. Twenty pluses is my one of my locks of the week.

A dollar eighty. I reckon with tab there we go, all right, tips and margin, Marcus, whatever you reckon, I like that. I think it's purely going to be the Cats, isn't it? They're gonna surely blow them out of the park. But we have said this about Saint Kilda before against Jelong. Yeah, they've won last Threek at Marvel. But in saying that, look, I think I think Geelong should be too good for this team. Ten goals, big one, this could this could be even bigger cheese.

I'm going to say thirty five points just because of that past record. Geelong don't play at Marvel very often, So Geelong by thirty five.

All right, we've got to Sunday.

I feel like we're going well here going through to Sunday Brisbane versus Westcast.

The blockbuster game, Well, this is going to be massive.

Not really Brisbane Veruquest Coast Sunday one ten at the Gabba. Now, if I'm West Coast, I just got absolutely smoked last week by the Suns, their record win, and then you have to fly to the Gabba the next week when everyone's having a go at Harley read. Everyone's having a goal at your fitness, everyone's having a goal at your goalkicking.

West Coast finans are getting a little bit unsettled. They are, they're a bit rattled.

But this is the last place you want to go in AFL footy right now. In my opinion, maybe there or the cattery down in Gelong.

Yep, you don't want to go to the Gabba after you've just got smashed. I'd rather played Raining Premiers at their ground. I never lose there. So yeah, this is this is going to be a big margin. No spoiler, but yeah, there's a lot of changes. Actually, oh my god, you get into the Brisbane team, Sam Da, Devin Robertson, Henry Smith, Will McLachlan, Bruce Revels, Bruce I love, Brucey, yes, and Darre Joyce as well coming. Obviously there is the extended bench because it is the Sunday games, so a couple of those. Most of those probably will not feature, but outgoes. They made three force changes with Stasovich Loman injured obviously and.

Stiff I thought he was playing. But Sam Day coming and apparently had a really big preseason. He's been he was on Gold Coast list for a very long he was and he used to be really solid, so I'm excited to see how he goes. BRUCEI revel that he's a bit of a cult figure up there. He's back in and then.

Do you feel like Devin Robinson gets into the into this team. He's one of the three that you're like, he looks bludy good with his kid off. Remember he gained like a fifty zero followers. Yeah when he jump.

That's the only thing I remember about. So maybe do something this week, Devon so I can.

Remember what's his name? Is going to come back in. You know he loved he loved the beef. He gained a bit of beef. He's still on their list. He plays in the VFL. I can't reb oh, I know he's not anymore. He used to have this celebration. Yeah, the beasts clicked together. They got rid of it.

Rhy just he was good vibes. Okay, a bit of a tool, but good vibes. He had one touch with the game.

Kick a goal and go come on come. He was exciting.

Thought get in this West Coast. Yeah, we're talking too much about Brisbane West Coast. Actually fair enough they're talking about Now we'll get into the West Coast team. We got to talk about them. Actually, you have some begins.

So you got Liam.

Ryan obviously, you know we're gonna get from me. He's going to kick a couple of goals, Jack Jack Petrick Mimy.

They call him the road Man.

Yeah, I love that nickname. Harvey Johnston, bo Allen, Bailey Williams. And then out goes Jake Waterman, who's a huge out. He was a bit sore, I think, yes, I think it was like a quarter. Yeah, so that's a massive out because obviously he led their goals last year and Jack Hutchinson goes out bo Allen. There's big raps for him to make his debut this week. That'd be really exciting. I think I made him in Super Coach. He's he's been really got off half back in the preseason, so I'm excited to see how he goes there.

Yeah, just the the depth. I'm not sure.

Harley Read was really off last game. I think the media really got into Harler Red. I don't like him. I know he was starting fights and all that. He wasn't contract on the foot. It's any second year, like twelve dispellers kicked a goal.

That I don't know calm down. Horn for instance, was at a similar sort of stage in his second year, like he was getting those sort of numbers. He was getting fifteen twenty year goal. It's only second year, it's only second year. Don't put a heap of pressure on him. When West Coast I'm going.

To be there and I'm the first person that talked down Harley read but right Eagles fans. Yeah, So let's get into the odds with tabing this one. As we just mentioned, it's very very one sided. Brisbane a dollar oh two, so don't back them, but there might be a bet that I'll get into for them. West Coast are thirteen dollars heads ahead my best bet. Now this is I'm so keen on this one. Brisbane minus sixty and a half is their line at a dollar ninety.

You get dollar ninety with tab and a lot of other bookies. You actually don't get a do ninety on this one.

The last two meetings at the Gabba against the Eagles were seventy plus points, so that passes that sixty and a half line, and I genuinely reckon this could be close to eighty eighty five one hundred points just because the two way running for the Eagles isn't there. They couldn't even guard the suns. You're taking it up to the premiers now, that's going to be really tough to stop. So I'm going lines by eighty points in this one.

Yeah, look, I'm going to go the big one.

I thought you should have gone one hundred.

I think there's gonna be one this week. Sure, that's going to be my big calls, right, Yeah, I think this is probably the most likely game out of all of them to go over that month.

Well, I actually don't mind that because that covers the other line as well. But eighty I think eighty plus and then you've got one hundred, one hundred. I don't mind that. The gab the gabatoire big one double oh, I don't mind that. We love a big call, all right. I don't even want to talk big game. Sunday three twenty at Marvel Stadium is North Melbourne versus Melbourne, the Melbourne rivalie.

I don't know if anyone calls it that, No one, because no one cares about the super clubs.

No, there is a few people that do it, including myself in my cherry top one. Come on, big Cherry. North Melbourne obviously just lost to the Dogs. Was pretty close game. Melbourne should have beaten JWS in my opinion, three point game there. Yes, let's get into the teams to start with before we break it down.

I'll do Melbourn. I'll do the away go first. You can talk about your beloved Ruse, thank you. I'll go Melbourne. They've got two forced changes to start off with, yes, Caleb Windsor and Aidan Johnson. Out the four that they've named in is Charlie Spargo. It was just another he's a decent depth player. Daniel Turner. Similarly Bailey Laurie, Jed Oh they got five sorry, Jed Adams and Woden as well. That's also to do with the extended bench. As we talked about before. I don't mind that. Dis go Turner, you can kick a few goals. Got a coding and because they could have another debut one it might not be because I think he's on the extended bench. But what's that's the seventh for Melbourne this year. If he gets a gig, that's crazy because Jed Adams that is the debuton said really well last week Zavie Lindsay was it was really good. There was the vibes. I love the vibes of the who's the four they grabbed Matthew Jefferson that's he kicked. It's I think it's the fastest ever first goal in your first I wasn't even talking about Matthew Jeferson, but Jack Anderson, yeah, yeah, yeah, there's Tom Yeah yeah, yeah yeah. It seems like cold cold figure, sort of like Nathan Jones. Nathan the new toball to us to call Nathan Joe here first whenever age Jack ns And.

I'm sure he's probably caught one from the boys already. He's still a good looking man. Matthew Jefferson as well. He kicked his first goal in sixteen seconds. Uh in his first kick?

Who did it better, Matthew Jefferson or uh? Four goals in a minute before goals four minutes Murphy Reid for I'd still go Murphy read four goals in seven minutes. I think it was. That was crazy. Uh yeah.

In terms of North Melbourne, I don't even know if I want to talk about this. Obviously, Jackson Archer goes out, that was a bit bull crap if I thought he would might get one, but three come on anfl and then Griffin log I genuinely think the Logi bear some people call him. He's actually a big out.

I really like it.

Okay, so that's too out of our back line, but we're bringing the great Toby Pink's better not put.

Him down forward. Look, he did the stages last season. We kicked a couple of goals, but he's pretty good in defense. We don't really want you didn kick a goal in his like in his like AFL junior league career. Yeah, and then he kicked his first so he's a defender. Yeah, he kicked his first proper goal against the Bomber was actually funnily enough. Yeah, he's probably lost, but that's okay.

Toby Pink comes in, Miller Bergman, which I really like, Dylan Stevens, just get rid of Dolan Stevens, worst pick up we've had since Joe Pollock, Finbar Melee and Brentica, who I really like.

So we've got an extended bench there.

I don't think Melee or Stevens will probably get a game, but just for a bit of height, will probably bring in Pink and Bergman is that Jackson Archer just very likeful life. They're just the long, flowing locks and can run off half back a little bit as well.

All right, and there's a big man playing his three hundreds through the ruse there is He's only played a couple for the Ruse legend Jack Darling. No I saw North Melbourne put a post down on social media about Jack Darling like legend hauling in Love, like best debut ever.

So I was telling a lot of North fans of the game of the week and he kicked one goal. He actually played really well.

I'm telling you he's a good gut.

He's already a cult figure from one game at the Ruse and the fact that it's his three hundred with him and su I've got this like Broman.

Yes, it freezes up sub two. Yeah, So I like that's at least good.

That's the only positive I've got for North probably, But uh, this is a really bad stat that I didn't want to read out.

But it's my job. North have lost their last twenty three Sunday games. And you know how you've probably been to all of them.

I've probably been to eighteen of them because only we always play on Sunday at home.

I guess we're playing this weekend Sunday at home, Sunday three twenty perfect North Melbourne.

Every time I look at the stats, we've got this or I have a look for myself, OKA say, oh, I'm to try and find a good stat Nah. Last season't as well, North lost by what was it three points? Demons almost Demons almost choked a thirty nine point lead. That was a really good comeback by North, but that the honorable loss of Cosage.

And then this is the this is the one. I'm questioning.

Poor defense from North last week and a questionable these forwards line.

So it'll be interesting to see. Yeah, it will be a good matchup, I think. Yeah.

All right talking about the matchups with tab as well, North Melbourne are three dollars thirty heads ahead. Melbourne is a dollar thirty four, pretty similar to the odds last week in the North Dogs game. Now my best bet in this one. This man is in real good form, including the preseason games, the indigenous game as well. Jays Simpkin twenty five plus disposals is a dollar ninety similar to never. I really like that one in a multi or you can just go it if you want. It probably will get around that two bucks a dollar ninety when the game starts. His last three matches against Melbourne, he's had twenty five plus disposals in really good form. We had thirty at least thirty last week. I know that for a fact, and he's in really good form as the Russe skipper, so jump on him for the best bet with tab all right.

Tips and margin. What do we think second last game of the round. I think it's going to be close. I think it's going to be close. I'm changing mind after I talked I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go. I'm going to go Melbourne by ten points. I think ten. I think I think North Melbourne will be.

Is it bad that I would rather lose by like one hundred because we just always have these No, I wouldn't have that, but like we always have these stupidly close losses and I just want to wins, but he's not win.

Come on, we need to do North Melbourne. Players. If you're listening to this, most definitely not. But please get that's going on. Please I do it three shows a week and he's actually thirteen years old, and look look how old you're making me look old. No, that's not very nice. I've even had a trim.

I reckon, I look a bit younger my tips, and this one is D's by twenty. I think probably gonna be another honorable loss because that's just what we do.

That's what we do. Anyway, you stop having them, let's stop talking about North is going to make it too sad.

Last game of the round, This, I reckon is one of the best games of the round. Freeman of Verus Sydney, Sunday six ten at Optics Stadium. Now Freo obviously got smashed by Gelong last week. I feel like that might be a bit of an outline, similar to Collingwood in the first round as well opening round.

Sydney are desperate. Both these things are desperate for a win, but Sydney more so. They're to come into this one. Let's have a look at the teams. You can start off with Freeo if you want, mate. Yeah, Freemantle. Look they need to bounce back and they've got a couple of handy inclusions back in the side. Very good, some of the biggest of the round. Shawy Bolton comes in for his freemanle debut. They needed him, they needed him last week. Just a little bit of spark in the midfield and the four to start something, a bit of a bit of an energizer. Bunny Neil Erasmus, pat Voss, Biged All forward as well, come comes into the extended bench along with Will Brody, who was tearing it up in preseason. Yeah, he was good two years ago and the Sons and perhaps probably a little bit stiff not to get his chance last week. I saw a good preseason as I mentioned, but out only one force change, Sam Switzkowski. I love Swowski. Shy Bolton is such a bigin I'm actually very excited, a bit of a straight swat for Switkowski.

But a lot of their guys need to step up. You don't want to rely on Murphy Reid to kick a lot of your goals.

Yeah. I feel like their midfield was also below par well, because Geelong's midfield isn't the best, that's true. I expected a bit more from the locks of Brachhaw so wrong, et cetera. Yea.

And then the Sydney team is out, goes Lewis Mallikan and Justin McInerney. Obviously McInerney got suspended. Incomes Hayter MacLean, Peter Adams, Caleb Mitchell, Anger s Sheldrick comes back in Beef.

Alex's man.

He said, slow cook beef because he was really bad the other lag, so he's just building into it.

I can't believe I've just said that joke. He said that about four times.

I said I wasn't going to say that I did, and then last in his Jack Buller, I feel like Sheldrick and Buller probably won't play just because this is an extended bench, but you never know.

I hated McLean.

Peter Adams is an interesting one's been He's been around the block a bit. The one I'm looking forward to this weekend is where Sam Wix goes because he's been really good at tagging, so he tagged Nick Watson out of the game for opening round. He then tagged someone out because Brazzi looking Hill locking Hil only had like ten touches, his worst game probably of his career. And then you come up this week, is he going to go to Brayshaw Sarong I think would be one of those.

I think possibly, yeah, yeah, no, I agree. I think he probably has slightly bigger impact than Brashaw. Ye.

Brayshaw kicks a few more goals, but Sarong gets the more stills. I think, yeah, so that'd be interesting to watch that one. A few more stats. Sydney have actually won the last four matches they've played up the stadium, and three of those were against Freer.

Ye, so if you're thinking, yeah, the majority of those are against West Coast and then against three of them against free and I just.

Think both teams really need a win because for confidence, everyone's saying their top four.

Yeah, and then I think there's a lot of expectation. Obviously the justin long Mure like why would you sign that, Like we're yeah, that weird contract and extension earlier in the year when you want to sort of see if he actually it's a bit a pressure writing Yeah, yeah, Ken still put up the fight. But look, Freo, I reckon arguably this is a bigger game for free Men within his Sydney in my opinion at home. I know, I know, I know Sydney can go on three, but they've shown they can come back from like oh and five, done it before and it's not like they lost one of their opening games to a poor team Han Hawthorne and the reigning premiss. If Freo don't win this, that will lose a lot of confidence. Yeah, yeah, I believe looking at the odds with tab in this one, Free Mantal are the favorites at home a dollar sixty two Sydney two dollars thirty. They're very desperate for a win.

Now, if you've been watching this show, I'm going to you're gonna get the same from me for Sydney every week. My best bet in this one is Chad Warner two plus goals two dollars ninety with tab if you jump on right now. Last week was two dollars sixty it hit. The week before was three dollars seventy five. It hit and you still get two dollars ninety. So I think he's been charging out of the midfield. He looks for the goals.

He's a bit of a hungry man, so he looks for the goals every time. Two plus goals two dollars ninety with tab. I'm really keen on. All right, let's finish off last game of the round. Tips and margin, Marcus, what do you reckon? It's going to be one of the closest games of the weekend in my opinion. Yeah, and purely off home ground advantage. I'm going to go Freeman le by kick by kick two points to be exact. If you want exact much, I would like an exact I'm going to go for by two goals twelve points. I think this agree. I agree with that.

This is actually probably the hardest game to pick. I think just at home, the home crawd will fire up and they'll bounced back and get a win. Agreed all right now here from our sponsors with TAB, because nine game is going to be.

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Big calls of the weekend my favorite part of the Thursday night show. We always like to argue a lot about these. There's always comments about our big calls, so we'll be tracking these throughout the year.

What's your big call, Marcus? My big call? I've already hinted at it, But I think we're going to see the first one hundred plus point margin of the season, and I've got a feeling it will come in that Brisbane West Coast game.

Really Yeah, Actually I don't mind that, because there's going to be a few games that could get to that.

Yep, but Brisbane's most likely one hundred points.

We don't see him very often anymore, because even people thought Richmond but they looked alright and things like that.

Exactly all right.

My big call is the Pis. I think they're going to absolutely smash the dogs forty plus points. I've gone forty five points. They're going to beat the Bulldogs by foots.

Great, go teen goals. That's not a big call. Goals.

He's foots great. It's your big one hundreds of anniversary. No, they're going to stink on that.

Especially it's at the G.

Why did you ask to play them at the MCG where they literally live and breathe.

No good dogs will get absolutely smashed. There's a lot of outs as well, so I think that's might be cool. Lastly, I really love your one in this one. What to keep an eye on in round two? I'm happy to love it. You love it? Is that weird? It's just funny weird that you love to keep an eye on Sam Laylor's shorts this weekend. Obviously, every I don't have to say it. Everyone knows what happened. Just tighten them up if you if you haven't seen, look at Sam Samuel's second goal celebration running into the open goal against Carlton well, he may have been a little bit too excited or he could not been wearing underwear. But if he's gonna he's gonna wear two pairs this weekend, two pairs of shorts. He might go the basketball shorts just to be safe.

Well, Michael Jordan famously wore two pairs of shots every single game he were. He's North Carolina underneath, so maybe he's going.

For the goat. Well, I do I do like that. He's got being through about as well. You see he's inscrem posts. Yeah, that was pretty funy his caption that that's what I'm keeping. Don't know why I'll do a normal one. I'll go North Melbourne. He on North Melbourne. Okay, I think you know, if there is a chance I could pull offromn up, Sir Melbourne at Marvel could be the one.

Yeah, I'm going to keep an eye on. Who am I going to keep any on. I'm trying to actually think I was going to keep it on with a few super coach players. Startists, because I'm very attempted to trade him out in super coaches because a bit disappointing. But he's still at eight end disposals, So you start a bit slow and then I'll keep an on. I'm happy with North Melbourne as well, I think actually Melbourne, because if they smash.

I mean you're happy with North Melbourne, then change the Melbourne they're playing Like Melbourne is that I'm keeping an eye on, just because if they smash North, I feel like they're back and they've sort of got their mojo back because they looked really good against GW. Yeah. Anykay, That's just what I'm keeping on interesting. I'll be there watching very closely and on edge probably all right, I'm wrapping it up. That's it for the AFL Today Show.

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About that one.

All right, thanks very much to Joe behind the camera. I was gonna say thanks to let I hope you get feel better mate.

But if he's not going to the Hawthorne game tonight, then fair play. He must be pretty crook exactly, but he'll be back next Thursday'll be back next up. But make sure put stuff in the comments. You might read them Mountain Thanes of shows, so obviously the giveaway next week as well, so prep for them exactly. Thank you, Marcus, Thank you. That's got good luck to the bombers.

Yes we need it, Yeah you need and thank you to our sponsors at TAB with their AFL missed by one. If your disuppose's leg missed by one, TAB will still pay you out as a winner. Download the TAB app today. What are you really gambling with? So you on Sunday to wrap up all things round two. We'll catch you then on AFL today.

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