Ace of Hearts : Dating on the Asexual Spectrum with Special Guests Red and Blue from Overly Sarcastic Productions
Welcome to Ace of Hearts, a dating podcast from every perspective! This week we'll talk with my Red and Blue from Overly Sarcastic Productions and their dating experiences in the dating on the asexual spectrum. Red and Blue don't speak for all asexual people, and we have no intent of generalizin…
Ace of Hearts : Mormon (LDS) Dating - Guest Starring Addy Eberhard
Welcome to Ace of Hearts, a dating podcast from every perspective! This week we'll talk with Addy Eberhard and her experiences dating in Mormon (Latter Day Saints) culture. Now of course Addy only speaks for her perspective and experiences, and we have no intent of generalizing anyone in the LDS…
Ace of Hearts : The Dating Experiences of Growing up in Mexico and Moving to the US - Guest Starring Georgina Sheff
Welcome to Ace of Hearts, a dating podcast from every perspective! This week we'll talk with my Georgina Sheff and her dating experiences as she grew up in Oaxaca, Mexico and moved to Southern Texas. Geo doesn't speak for all people with her experiences and perspectives, and we have no intent …
Ace of Hearts : Dating as a Trans Man - Guest Starring Jesse Nowack
Welcome to Ace of Hearts, a dating podcast from every perspective! This week we'll talk with Jesse Nowack and his experiences in the dating scene from a trans man's perspective. Now of course Jesse only speaks for his perspective and experiences, and we have no intent of generalizing anyone or a…
Ace of Hearts : Dating with Borderline Personality Disorder - Guest Starring Noah Goshorn
Welcome to Ace of Hearts, a dating podcast from every perspective! This week we'll talk with my little brother, Noah Goshorn and his experiences dating with Borderline Personality Disorder. Now of course Noah doesn't speak for all people with Borderline Personality Disorder, and we have no int…
Ace of Hearts : 70 Years of Dating - Guest Starring Dale Kennard
Welcome to Ace of Hearts, a dating podcast from every perspective! This week we'll talk with a good friend of mine, Dale Kennard and his experiences of 70 years of dating. Dale only speaks for his perspective and experiences, and we have no intent of generalizing any lifestyle, age, etc. Every p…
Ace of Hearts : Dating Polyamorous and Married with Special Guest Chesh
Welcome to Ace of Hearts, a dating podcast from every perspective! This week we'll talk with a good friend of mine, Chesh and his experiences being polyamorous and married. Now of course Chesh doesn't speak for all people who are polyamorous, and we have no intent of generalizing polyamory. Ever…
Ace of Hearts: Dating with Dwarfism - Guest Starring Scott Strasbaugh
Ace of Hearts is a Dating Podcast from Every Perspective! This week we'll talk with a good friend of mine, Scott Strasbaugh and his experiences of dating as a little person. Of course Scott doesn't speak for all little people, and we at Ace of Hearts have no intent of generalizing people with dwa…
Introducing: Ace of Hearts
Welcome to Ace of Hearts: A Dating Podcast from Every Perspective! Did you know dating is hard? I know, an incredible new thought right? But have you ever wondered what is was like to date as a little person? Or with Borderline Personality Disorder? Or at the age of 70? There's a lot of differ…