A Little Bit RicherA Little Bit Richer

Make Extra Cash With The Perfect Side Hustle

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More and more people are earning extra cash through side hustles. With so many options, from selling a few old clothes to starting a whole new business, how do you decide what’s best for you and leap into your own side hustle?

To help us answer that, financial coach Tolu Frimpong joins our host Kia Commodore. Tolu and Kia chat about different kinds of side hustles and how to pick the right one for you. You’ll hear how it can help you with more than just your finances and to consider the costs that can come with it too.

You can play the podcast and find other useful content on Legal & General’s website:


You can find out more about Tolu on her website: https://tolufrimpong.com/

Kia and her guests share their own personal thoughts and opinions in this podcast. These might be different from Legal & General’s take on things. They give financial guidance for a UK audience that’s relevant at the time of recording. It’s general best practice, not the kind of personalised advice you’d get from a financial adviser.

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A Little Bit Richer

A Little Bit Richer is aimed at making you just that. It’s brought to you by financial influencer Ki 
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