An experiment with digital arrival cards has gone so well with Aussie travellers, that it is now being rolled out on more flights. The online version is set to replace the yellow paper cards that passengers fill out when they touch down in Australia.
This Singapore arrival one of the first flights in an expanded trial starting today where passengers complete a digital declaration instead of the old yellow paper card.
A lot better, a lot quicker, less, a wholesome, and yet it's a lot easier.
Initially limited to flights from New Zealand, all international Quantus flights landing at Brisbane are now part of the digital rollout.
Customers are loving it and they're enjoying the simplicity and its particular ease of use.
I'm a terrible writer.
Twelve thousand people have completed a digital declaration since it began. The trial here at Brisbane Airport has been underway five months. They'd like to roll it out to other airports like Sydney and Melbourne, but there's no timeline.
Yes, we're working very closely with industry at the moment and possibly moving next steps in Sydney, and that consultation will occur of course with industry, but also government.
The online questionnaire is bill into the Quantus app and can be completed up to three days before flying here.
We want to see the boarder modernized across the country and this is just the first step.
Soon, no more begging flight attendants for a pen, but the paper version will remain an option for some time yet. Blake Johnson seven News