South-East Queenslanders are set to be hit with higher electricity prices. We could all be paying an extra $120 a year, right as rebates run out.
An electric shock to household budgets, the Australian Energy Regulator signing off on a five point eight percent surge for homes in Southeast Queensland that will pay one hundred and nineteen dollars extra per year for power, the average bill rising to almost twenty two hundred dollars. This morning's announcement sparking a political power struggle.
I think it's time for Chris Bowen to be sacked, and I think the Prime Minister should accept that Chris Bowen has been a total failure as the energy minister in this country.
We will always consider what more can be done.
There's a budget coming soon and we'll continue that approach of considering what more we can do.
The election eve budget now increasingly likely to include further energy rebates its promises made before the last election. Peter Dutton is picking apart.
That's not two hundred and seventy five dollars cut, which is what the Prime Minister promised you before the last election.
But would the opposition leader commit to providing further energy bill relief.
We'll look at what the Government puts forward, but as I've said before, we're not going to support measures which drive up inflation.
Previous power rebates have helped ease hip pocket pain for voters in Queensland.
Pretty good, able to spend it Elsewhere, We're still in surplus and almost one thousand dollars. That's putting a band over a bullet wound that fits is a power bill. It doesn't fix power prices.
Robbie Catter blaming the switch to renewables for climbing power costs.
People better make a choice out there. They want to save the planet or say power where you can't have both.
Eighty percent of Australians aren't on the cheapest offer. Switching could save more than three hundred and eighty dollars a year.
Hundreds of thousands of people are on these default market offers and they're simply paying too much.
In a time where for many Queensland families every dollar matters. Liam Bland seven News