Imagine having a foot that smells worse than 100 stinky rotten eggs, Meet Mr Stinky Foot
Apoche production. This story was written by Adelaide, age twelve, from Sydney. It's called Mister Stinkyfoot. Once upon a time in the quirky town of Snifflesville lived a man named mister Stinkyfoot. Now mister Stinkyfoot was an ordinary man in every way except for one peculiar thing. His left foot was incredibly, outrageously, unbelievably smelly. Every morning, mister Stinkyfoot would wake, brush his teeth, comb his hair, and put on his shoes. But no matter what he did, his left foot always stank like a hundred rotten eggs mixed with a gym locker that hadn't been cleaned for years. The smell was so strong that flowers wilted when he walked by, and dogs ran away with their tails between their legs. One sunny day, mister Stinkyfoot decided enough was enough. He tried soaking his foot in vinegar, scrubbing it with soap, and even sprinkling it with lavender petals, but nothing worked. The smell just got worse and worse. Desperate for a solution, he went to visit Dr Whiff, the local expert in unusual smells. Doctor Whiff examined mister Stinkyfoot's left foot carefully using all sorts of strange tools and gadgets. After a long and thorough inspection, doctor Whiff declared, ah ha, I've found the problem. You have a rare case of stinkyfoot titus. The only cure is to make your left foot laugh. Make my left foot laugh. Mister stinkyfoot exclaimed, how on earth do I do that? Doctor Whiff handed him a feather and said, tickle it. Mister Stinkyfoot was skeptical, but willing to try anything. He took the feather and began to tickle his left foot. To his astonishment, his foot started to giggle. The giggle turned into a chuckle, and soon his foot was laughing so hard it was shaking. The smell began to fade, replaced by the sweet scent of roses. Encouraged by this, mister Stinkyfoot kept tickling his foot until it was laughing. Uncontrolled people passing by heard the laughter and stopped to watch, smiling and laughing along with mister Stinkyfoot and his foot. From that day on, mister Stinkyfoot's left foot never smelled bad again. He became a local hero in stickers known for his sweet smelling foot and his contagious laughing. More and every morning, just to be sure, mister Stinkyfoot would give his left foot a little tickle, filling the town with the joyful sound of laughter. And so mister Stinkyfoot, his sweet smelling foot, and the town of Snifflesville lived happily ever after, always ready to laugh at the silliest things. The end. If you want to submit a story head online to four Kids by kids dot com dot au, see you next time.