Tourism NT Chief Marketing Officer Tony Quarmby says the Million Dollar Road Trip initiative was a success with two teachers winning $10,000, yielding almost 56,000 entries from visitors and locals exploring the NT

Published Nov 21, 2024, 3:08 AM
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Now we know that two Victorian teachers have been announced as the winners of the million dollar road Trip competition, scoring themselves ten thousand dollars at a prize draw at the Darwin Waterfront yesterday. So almost fifty six thousand territorians and visitors went into the draw to win the million bucks through bookings made at our visitor information centers. And the initiative was all about boosting tourism among the drive market and enticing domestic travelers to choose the Northern Territory as their holiday destination. And joining us on the line to tell us a little bit more about the initiative is the Tourism and Tee Chief Marketing Officer Tony qoranby Good morning.

Tony, morning Katie.

Tony, tell us a little bit more about how this million dollar road trip worked that sort of culminated yesterday.

Well, it was an initiative from the Caravan Industry Association with Australia and combining with US touras mentee. What we wanted to achieve was a greater awareness nationally of all the experiences and activities you can do through the territory that centered around a drive holiday. So that's people that may have taken their caravan or their full wheel drive from their homes and driven into the territory, or people flying in and hiring a campravan or a high car and traveling around the region. But we really wanted to focus on getting them out and about through the regions and really you know, ramping up the amount of activities they do on their road trips. So it's creating awareness but also getting them to book as many products as they can.

So almost fifty six thousand territorians and visitors went into the draw. Were you surprised by the number of entries?

Not really when you see the size of our drive market. It's one of our biggest markets in terms of the way people travel but also the activities they do, so it's a key focus of ours and of course all tourism operators within the territory. So the number of probably isn't that surprising considering how many drive visitors we get through the region.

What do our drive visitors most sort of what's the most popular places for them to stop Tony, what are they like going and seeing as they're driving into the territory.

Ah, it's all the usual big ticket items. I think Kakadu, Lipsfield, going down to Katherine Nipmook Gorge. But I think you get the more adventurous ones that want to travel all the way down the track to Tenant, you know, stopping at all the water holes, berry springs, those sort of areas. But you know, then they get out the course and do the Marini loop and get out to Kings, get out to Varus, so they really do disperse, which is why they're such an important market.

And those two teachers, So two teachers from Victoria winning that ten thousand dollars. So how come it wasn't the million? Was it sort of a share in the million?

Was it? It was the chance to win a million. So everybody that entered the competition had the opportunity to be picked out to be the person that picked the lucky key to win a million dollars. So they ended up taking away ten thousand dollars, but unfortunately not the million.

I wouldn't mind ten thousand tony. It's still pretty good going, isn't it.

It's not bad for a holiday, you know, that's the takeaway from your holiday, not just the memories and the experiences that they're the ten thousand dollars exactly.

Do you know what their reaction was, So they pretty pumped.

I think they were pretty excited. Obviously there'd be a tinge of disappointment when a million dollars on the line, but when you walk away with a check for ten ten thousand, I think it's going to be pretty pleased.

Well, at the very least, it's going to pay for your next road trip, isn't it.

Well, definitely cover part of that for your bill, that's for sure.

Now tell me, I know that there's always plenty going on to sort of continue to bolster the domestic tourism drive market here in the Northern Territory. What is some of the other work that he's happening.

Well, we've actually so the drive market starts usually around April May goes through the September October for us, that's when people are on the ground, so we have to start our activities as early as possible, and we've started, believe it or not, this month, really starting to see those ideas in the next year's market. So we've started already this month. We're continuing it through over the summer, but we'll ramp up again February March next year to really convince all Australians that they should come here as early as possible to get the great weather and to get a jump on the drive. The drive adventures that we have available, so it includes everything from brand partnerships to national TV. We'll be working with our regional tourism organizations again, Tourism Central Australia, Tourism Top End. We'll be doing caravan and camping shows with them, so a whole range of different activity trying to make sure that we're top of mind when people think about their Drive holiday next year.

Well Tony Cornby, Tourism and Tea Chief Marketing Officer. Always good to catch up with you. Thanks so much for having a chat with us this morning.

Thanks lot, Katie, thank you