Minister for Education Jo Hersey says under no circumstances will the costs of free-swimming lessons come out of school budgets, adding that remote schools are working with Royal Lifesaving NT to ensure all kids can access pools to learn to swim

Published Mar 25, 2025, 3:30 AM
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I've got the Education Minister Joe Hersey on the line now. Now we're keen to have a discussion with Joe, and she was keen to have a discussion with us as well, in fact, following on from the conversation that we'd had a little bit earlier this morning with Selena Ubo in relation to those swimming lessons, particularly in remote schools, and in terms of where it comes out of whether it's the budget of the school or what the go is. Now I'm pleased to say that the Education Minister Joe Hersey joins me on the line.

Good morning Joe, Good morning Katie, and good morning listening.

Thank you so much for having a chat with us this morning. I know it's a busy day with Parliament underway, so we really appreciate it. Now, Joe, can you talk us through in terms of these swimming lessons for kids in remote communities, what is what's the go Will they be able to do them or is it going to be a situation with some of those communities where potentially they can't.

So that is a great question, Katie. And last week in Parliament I got asked a lot of quick es by the Opposition and I know that the opposition leader was on your program this morning, which is why I thought I would just correct the record. So what I can say is that under no circumstances will schools be asked to fund the Swimming in Schools program out of their school budget. This was an election commitment that we took the election last year and to say that all children from years one to six would be getting free swimming lessons, and that's working out.

You know.

I mean in Casterrone, they have to be a little bit, you know, doing it a little bit differently because we don't have a pool at the moment, so they're using the Discovery parks, they're using the raft based pool. But we know that in remote schools, you know, sometimes the nearest pool is hours away and in those instances there will be travel logistics in the support implementing this commitment, and so the Department is working along with the School of Sport is actually working alongside Royal Life and the school and you know, we have a lot of remote schools and each situation is unique to them, so there's a lot of work being done around doing the swimming lessons in remote areas. Okay, but we have to be flexible, flexible with the models and options as I said for these remote schools. But you know, all students will have the opportunity to learn important schools in water safety.

And so I guess for some of those schools though, like the reality surely is that if you're you know, in some of those more remote areas, wouldn't it be like a you know, cost prohibitive for then the school to be trying to work out how to transport them to town if it's I don't know, like would you be bringing them up for two weeks worth of swimming lessons? Like how might it work?

So again in the Berkley for example, I think it was the end of last year, there was four remote schools that came as an excursion into Tenant Creek and did their swimming lessons at the same time. But they're all operational things that the schoolless for as I said, will work through with Royal Life and with each remote school as to what best suits their needs. So you know, obviously delivering school and I just want to clear up the funding things. So you know, for students, for example, we go to school in Parap, they can just walk to the Parapp pool so each student is funded one hundred and fifty dollars per student for the swimming, so eighty of that goes towards the cost of the swimming lessons and seventy towards the transport. Now, obviously in PERAP they don't need the transport, so that then can be redirected to support the transport costs of students in remote schools. So I just want to reiterate it will be worse off.

Okay, But so just to make that really clear in my mind, if say for PERAP, for example, like where they don't need the transport budget because they're able to walk that part of their it would be redirected to a school that does need some additional support around transport. Okay, that's good to hear, Joe. Can I ask do you know how many lessons they're getting for that for that seventy dollars there?

Oh, that is a good question. Normally, I mean I used to do this a long time ago, and they normally have a either a week of an hour. This is just off the top of my head, so I have to confirm with you it was either a week of an hour lesson or two weeks depend and They're all things that will be worked out with the school. I know that, you know in Catherine, I think they are having them for two weeks. I'd have to confirm that I was.

I was literally just thinking I used to teach learn to swim. I was saying this to our listeners earlier I taught learned to swim years Great, we might both politics. Joke might be a business venture anyway. And Natasha fhile shoes to as well.

So this ad the whole swim school.

But on a more serious note, I mean when you look at you know, at the dollar value, that's more what I was wondering, sort of how many lessons they may or may not be getting. And even for then those remote schools, it might mean, like you've touched on, if they come into town for the day, they might do a more intensive kind of two hour session or something like that, meaning that they do still get that lesson and they're able to work it in so that, you know, so that the kids are still learning some of the water safety you know, some of that water safety messaging.

Yeah, correct, And they definitely won't be shortchanged in their swimming lessons. And I know that those kids that came into the Barkley region, they had their swimming lessons and then they finish off with a bit of a swimming carnival and they had a great day you know, doing that and a great time. So there are all things that you know, potentially I know last week I said, you know, for example, at Shepherdson College, they don't have a pool out there. So the department is working with Royal Life to work out the best situation for them and the best position for them as to how those children do their swimming lessons. And if that means that maybe they uh, you know, take in an excursion, when they go on an excursion and come into town and they do the swimming lessons, that might be something that they that they look at, or if it's like you know, a pop up pool in their area. That there's lots of different options that are out there, and that is the role of the Royal Life and the School of Sport that will be working with each remote school to make sure that their swimming lessons are best suited to their needs.

Well, Joe Hersey, I appreciate you having a chat with us about this this morning and letting us know exactly what the situation is, hey, is there some legislation passing this week as well or set to pass this week around making sure that kids actually attend school.

That was a legislation we enshrined the school attendance officer last week in Parliament, So that just means that, you know, instead of the CEO giving a notice for the school attendant's officers, the school attendant officer is now enshrined in legislation and that's actually working really well. Those school attendant's officers are doing a fantastic job right across the territory. I've worked with you, Alice Springs, Katherine Palmerston dal and seeing them out on the ground and it's going really well. And it's about it's not about just finding people first off, Katie, and I'd like to reiterate that to all territories that this is an educative approach that we need parents to know and families to know, or whoever is in charge of that young person, that it is about making sure they know that it's actually against the law to not send your child to school, and it's very important for future territory that these children get to school to be able to be educated. First and foremost, so that they can be getting a job at the end of it. And you know, we need kids to be at school.

Jo really quick one before I let you go. Last night or in the early hours of this morning, in Catherine, we know that there were multiple youths on the run after allegedly driving dangerously through Catherine in a stolen car. Police say the Toyota Highlucks was stolen about one forty this morning. About ten kids spotted hanging out of that car and riding in the tray or. Authorities set up a tired deflation device on the Katherine Bridge. As I understand, its stopping that vehicle. A short time later, three of the youths were arrested. Seven of them managed to flee. I mean, it's a terrible situation. Is crime out of control in Catherine at the moment?

I don't think that it's out of control. But one thing I would say is that we have had in the last weekly I hate that word when you say a spike, but there has been a few cars stolen. I know there was two RTA cars stolen over the weekend. I think they came back the next day and stole another one. There's been you know, another business had a cart. In fact, Katie, when I was home on the weekend, we had intruders in our own yard that I called the police on. So it is absolutely terrible that even you know, just early hours of this morning that this these youth are stealing cars and joy riding because at the end of the day, that is extremely dangerous. But that's why we are strengthening the laws. And you know, we've got the Circuit Breaker team working with police, Territory Housing Kolano, and we just need to make sure that all these people are working together to best support these young people. You know when they are pulled in by police. I mean I did hear that a couple of those people jumped off into the river. You know, this is very by doing that they you know, somebody actually sent me a video this morning about what happened, and you know, it's concerning because it is dangerous for these kids. So you know, not only could have they had an accident, you know, once they careered off out of control in the car, you know, it's dangerous for them to be you know, fleeing from police as well. So you know, I'm sure the police are doing their best in Catherine to work through this at the moment.

Yeah, but then jumping in the river like that's dangerous on a whole raft of different levels.

Correct, yea, not only dangerous for them, but it puts the police in a position where you know, if they have to go in and retrieve them, it's not good for anybody.

No, you spot on hey just very quickly, somebody had been in contact and said that there was either an ambulance stolen or somebody had attempted to as well as Catherine. Do you know if that's the case.

I'm not aware of that, Katie. I will follow up on that, but I'm not aware of all.

Good Joe Hersey, Minister for Education, I really appreciate you having a quick chat with us this morning and just clarifying the situation with those swimming lessons.

Thanks Katie, Thanks listeners and anytime

Thank you, thanks so much,