Joining us on the line right now is the owner of the Smith Street Supermarket, Jeff McGill. Get a Jeff, okatie here young, not bad Jeff.
What's happened on the weekend?
Oh, yesterday afternoon that quarter past two? Two indigenous guys decided to come into the shop the toll that we don't sell alcohol, we never have on a Sunday anyway, and they proceeded to go and grab a bottle of sauce and just smash the window and steal to six packs albar. Funny enough, if there's anything funny about it. The two six packs were zero great Northern no alcohol, mate.
That is actually funny. That is a good job.
That's the only funny thing about it.
It is the only funny thing about it.
Because you and I have spoken on a lot of occasions off air about the measure that you guys have had to take to ensure that you know, firstly that you're not getting broken into. But it sounds to me like this has actually happened in broad daylight, while you guys are there, while the poor staff were there. Is it?
Yeah? The fellow who was on was fairly shaken. I normally work somedays myself. But I had it off because we're our family Christmas party and got the phone call, came over and you could see is visually shaken, you know, like obviously you just let them walk out, and that've been told to do.
Yeah, it's just so annoying, you know, sort of you know, the governments sort of carrying on about, you know, knocking two hours off here. And I'm not sure if they actually realize or smart enough, or they're that stupid they don't realize if they want to get to alcohol, they're going to get it. Any restrictions they put in is just it's a waste of time and inconvenience, you know, the average show blow and no result result.
Look, you know I've been in there before.
I came in to buy a secret Sander present for you know, for one of my workmates. And you guys like you've literally you've already got to have everything you know behind behind closed doors. You've got your heaviest spirits all behind like security screen. There are some really serious measures that are in place for our supermarkets. Not to mention the fact that you can only have a certain amount of sales per month or per quarter that you're able to actually have going towards people purchasing alcohol.
Yeah, oh well, that's another story. The twenty five percent. I cocked the fine because I was point seven percent over, absolutely no leniency and I had to fight at an endcat to get the fine dropped down to something sort of reasonable, which obviously wasn't reasonable. But that's another story. But it's just this think. You know, like everything they're doing, and I'm not the only one who says, you know, everyone feels the same and what they're doing, you know, staff aren't feeling safe anymore, the measures they're putting in place. It doesn't work in Allie Springs, it doesn't work in Catherine Tannet Craig. You know what they're going to do here, and I bet I'll guarantee you I heard you having a ten dollar bet before ten dollars. When the twenty fifth of January comes around, it'll become permanent. Yeah, game, they played.
Well, Jeff, I reckon, I'm going to end up with no money if I keep if I keep agreeing to these.
Bets, be exactly exactly.
Oh mate, I'm really sorry that that happened to you guys on the weekend did I really feel for the you know, the bloke that you have working, because it would be incredibly frightening. And you know, history in the Northern Territory over the last year has taught us that it can become an incredibly dangerous situation. You know. The measures that you guys have got to have in place are extreme to put it mildly, and then to have people still coming in on a Sunday when you're not even allowed to sell alcohol and coming in and causing damage. How much damage did they cause?
Oh well, they smashed a double glazed or on the fridge, so I would imagine that'll be you know, three maybe four thousand dollars to pix.
Oh my god.
And I'm obviously still waiting for the police to turn up. I understand they're very busy, but at the end of the day, you know, half the time we don't ring. It's just you know, they're too busy. Yeah, but now the next thing I've got to do. I've decided that, which doesn't help my regular customers there. But it's just two Sundays, you know, Like it's all right during the week we have a few stars, but Sunday there's one person and I believe that from what I've heard over the last couple of days, the bottle shops have been targeted on the weekend because there's hardly any stuff so crazy. Yeah, so our regulars, you know, I'm going to I'm going to have to shut unfortunately, are you serious on.
What a that's really that's a huge decision for you guys to have to make. So you're not going to open on Sundays now because of the danger.
That's exactly right. And as I said before, Natasha fALS is getting away. She is trying to get the supermarkets out of the game, and the way she's going she's going to achieve that they'll be another feather in a cap before she has to get out.
Oh mate, that is just.
I can't think of the right words that aren't swearing for the fact that you guys have to actually do that.
Yeah, no swearing, Yeah you really. My blood's boiling. I just I normally I don't get involved anything, you know, I try and stay under the radar. Yeah, this is finally got on top of me, you know, like it's just mine.
Jeff rightly, So you know, like how long have you and your family lived here? You've got your you've got your grandkids being raised in the Northern Territory. Like it's it's rightly so that you're pissed off and you've had enough.
Well, we've we've been here basically all our life. My mum was born here, you know, we've been around for a while. Without telling how old I am and bloody feeling it's it's to the stage where we will be like everyone else. We'll we'll be we get the opportunity, we'll be out of here, We'll move on.
Mate. I'm really sorry to hear that.
And you know, you and I have a chat occasionally, all fair, and you are some one who doesn't like to put yourself out there. You're you know, you're not somebody who wants to speak in the media about what's going on.
But I'm like, I'm really glad that you have this morning.
And I've just gotten a message from Samara, Lavity Declan's mum. She's text us to say that she's absolutely disgusted. She feels sick about the nineteen year old that's been put on bail and the opening bottle shops two hours later. She feels like it's a knee jerk reaction in an attempt for the Northern Territory government to show that they're listening.
You know, people are really upset.
No, oh, absolutely, And if they're going to do this taking two hours off, wouldn't you think it'd be more beneficial to do it at the back end of the day when they you know, they can't keep getting alcohol when they're already gone there, because it's not going to stop them getting alcohol, nobstely not. Yeah, just inconvenience people.
Yeah, mate, I really appreciate you talking to me this morning. Like I said, I know that it's not somebody who wants to, you know, to put yourself out there in the limelight, but I appreciate you standing up and saying what you think and letting territorians know what's going on, and do you know, quite frankly, I think that we all need to do a bit more of it because what's happening is not good enough and there's so many bloody great people in the Northern Territory and the last thing we want is to lose those wonderful territorians to another state.
Well, she's doing the right thing to do that. And when I'm not the only one who thinks that, and then there's obviously a hell of a lot of people have already packed up their bongos and moved.
Yeah, Jeff, thank you for talking with me this morning. I appreciate it. And I hope that your that your worker is okay as well from yesterday's incident.
Yeah, well we're talking with him and everything like that, so yeah, you should good. Hopefully that's side of things.
Yeah, and mate, you did.
You did make me laugh by the fact that they they accidentally still be it that's got no alcohol in it.
Under a tree, drinking it and thinking Jesus, is ain't any good?
This is not good. Jeff, thank you. I appreciate your calling and having a chat with me today. Talk to you.
Soon, Okay. Thanks.