The NT Track and Field Championships get underway at Marrara Stadium tomorrow. It is set to be an action packed three days of sport with people coming from across the NT to take part.
Now the NT Track and Field Championships get underway at Marara Stadium tomorrow. It is set to be an action packed few days of sport, with people coming from right across the Northern Territory to take part and joining us on the line. Athletics NT CEO Lian Chin, good morning to you.
Leanne, Hey Katie, how are you.
I'm very good.
You sound like you're busy, sound like you're doing stuff in the background there already for the weekend.
Leone a little bit, you know when you know what they say when it rains at fours and everybody, all the vendors and everyone's coming in all at the one time to bump in. So action packed at the stadium today, I bet it is.
How many people are you expecting to take part?
We've got around three hundred and fifty athletes this weekend and as you said in your intro, they are from across the top end and all the way down to Alice Springs. But we've also a great contingent into state athletes coming up too.
Awesome. How many of you got coming from other states?
We've got approximately seventeen give or take that have entered. You know, sometimes we find that. You know, flights get changed, but we anticipate everybody all alive.
Hopefully they do. Hopefully they all get here.
Leand are they coming from, like from North Queensland or from whereabouts?
So they are they all heading here from?
I have to say we have got someone from almost every state. We've got good some friends coming from WA. We have someone coming from SA, couple from Victoria, couple from Queensland. Tazzy might be a little bit too far to come, but I think after the weather this past weekend they would appreciate the warmth.
I reckon they would.
It'd be great to have them here and I think it's wonderful to see people here from all around the nation. For the NT Champs are from what's on on the weekend. Are there kids that are going to be able to qualify and adults as well? For other competitions following on from this one?
Absolutely so. The NT Track and Field Championships is the pathway into national Championships for the ten to twelve year olds through school Sport Australia. They will head down to Sydney at the end of November and then the Australian All Schools Championships, which is in Brisbane in December, and that's for under fourteen through to under eighteen age athletes. Masters there's always a pathway into either Masters Games or the National Masters Championships later in April next year.
And lead in terms of the ages of people competing this weekend, you what's the youngest and then I suppose what's the oldest age category as well?
Well, we had such a broad age group here in the territory. So our youngest will be turning nine this year sometime between before the thirty first of December, and then our oldest athlete is eighty seven years old, so it is quite quite the variety of.
Athletes eighty seven. That is awesome.
It is Maggie, and Maggie not only you know, does track and field, she's a great swimmer as well and has won international medals as well.
How wonderful.
And for those out there listening that maybe haven't been to see the track and field for a while, I mean, the Olympics really did spark a lot of interest for people. But it's not just about the running, Like there's the high jump. There's all sorts of stuff, isn't there.
That's exactly right, you know, the phrase run throw an activity for everybody. We will have athletes with disabilities throughout the weekend as well as people without disabilities or able bodied athletes. So there is athletics provide something for everybody.
It truly does.
Speaking of those that are competing at the Olympics and also the Paralympics, we know that one of the sixteen year olds from the Northern Territory will form a territory and as I understand it.
Walpre sprinter Taliah Blacksmith.
She set a record qualifying for the women's four hundred meters sprint in the T twenty in Paris overnight. Pretty incredible stuff and no doubt inspiring lots of young Territorians.
Absolutely. The team was fortunate to meet Talaya in Perth last year at the Old Schools competition and they really were inspired by her enthusiasm and the fact that this young lady has come from simple beginnings. There are similar to them, and she has gone on to Parera Olympic glory and Oceania Area record.
Wonderful stuff. It's so good to see.
It's so good to see all the young and older or more mature people out competing over the weekend.
It's going to be a busy few days, so kicking off tomorrow afternoon, right.
That is correct, from three pm. Our session starts with our junior athletes and then we roll into our older athletes and we do our distance events, the fifteen hundred, which I hope you've got your running shoes on, Katie, because you are out there on Thursday evenings.
I am, I've got my running shoes ready, lie and I don't off it will help.
Then everything will culminate on Saturday evening with some master's events, so if anybody would like to come and have a look at track and field, And we've also got a big announcement to make over the weekend in regards to an international competition. So just a little bit of a teaser there.
Oh, sounds very exciting. An international competition. I won't ask you any more questions in case I guess what.
It could be.
No, well, it's not the Commonwealth Game, but it is going to happen in twenty twenty six.
Wonderful stuff.
Wonderful, wonderful stuff, so potentially for us here in the Northern Territory.
I'm guessing well, wait, absolutely so, an international competition coming to the territory in twenty twenty six and we'll be able to involve our Southeast Asian neighbors as well. So it's a little bit exciting.
How great and you know, I know, you know my thoughts on having sport here in the Northern Territory and what it does in terms of not only helping our young people and well and those more mature as well.
But it's great for the.
Economy to have different events here in the NT too.
Absolutely. You know, we get our big footy games and we get some great car races and what have you. But it's fantastic that we are able to branch out into some of the you know, the smaller, smaller sports, but of course you know they are international sports as well. You know, there's no there's no Olympics without athletics.
Oh it's the highlight for me Leanne our family sat up watching the athletics that so I know yours di itchy.
Absolutely, there's been some very late nights over the last month. But you know, I've got to say that, you know, we can't run this weekend. I have a great group of interstate official fly in. These guys are coming this weekend to volunteer and I really can't thank them enough for volunteering their time and coming to the territory to experience another level of competition.
Wonderful stuff.
Well lean chin all the best over the coming days. Great to speak with you and I'll see you at the track.
Fantastic, Thanks Katie.
Thank you. That is Leanchin there.
She is very busy at the moment organizing everything for the NT Champs. They kick off tomorrow. She's indeed athletics CEO. And it's a wonderful event, no doubt, going to be fantastic and so great to see people of all ages out there on the track, you know, running, jumping, throwing, all the different all the different elements that you've got when it comes to track and field, and so great. I mean, three hundred and fifty athletes, that's going to be fantastic from right across the Northern Territory and indeed quite a few coming from other states.
It's as well.