We're back for Season Two and we still only have 10 minutes for 10 Takes:
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Ten Takes is a production of the NFL in partnership with iHeartRadio. All Right, you made it, you clicked, I love you, thank you. I'm going to get you out here quick, because this is what we do here. Ten takes in ten minutes. We're not doing one of these two hour podcasts, these deep dive one hundred and eighty minute examinations of the Ravens. Secondary. We get you in and out in ten minutes. We're big on smoke breaks, We're big on toilets. That's where you take in the show. You sneak away, You get a quick pod in, and you get ten takes in those ten minutes. If the timer goes off from them in the middle of take six, it's over. You only got six takes, and I didn't live up to my promise to you. It's never happened. We're into season two now. If you're joining us from season one, thank you, love you, respect you. But I staid I'm not going to waste your time. We're coming off week one in the NFL season. So the three words we say on this pod start the clock. Take number one week one is a liar. I've said it for years, and I want you to remember this. If your team crushed yesterday, do not pop the cork on the champagne. If your team was terrible yesterday, don't panic. Year after year, you see this that there are very bizarre results in week one. You know how many playoff Super Bowl winning teams even have gotten crushed in Week one? How many Super Bowl winning quarterbacks have had terrible week ones? A lot of them. I'm talking about Aikman, Montana, Brady three times, Eli twice, Mahomes, Rogers. They've had crazy terrible week ones, and then they turn out to have incredible seasons, sometimes ending in the super Bowl. It works both ways too. Sometimes teams think they won the Super Bowl in Week one and they come back and have a disastrous season. Sam Donald played well yesterday. Do you remember when he started for the Jets week one and blew the roof off the place in Detroit and looked so incredible, And the New York Post headline was, He's darn good because he's Sam Darnold. They went two and fourteen, got Todd Bowles fired. It was over. I have a whole bunch of examples of that. It happens over Chip Kelly forty nine ers, we did ninety seven Cowboys Barry Switzer. They started incredibly, They blew out the Steelers week one. He resigned at the end of it. Listen to me, Listen to what I'm saying. If your team is terrible yesterday, it's gonna be okay. If team was great yesterday, it might not be okay. Week one is not a path to the playoffs. It is a pathological liar. Take number two. Man, the Browns were bad yesterday, they might be screwed for the season. No, they're not. It's only Week one. But I will say Brady, if he had just gotten out of the booth and said I'm taking over to Shaun and they signed him at halftime, I think would have been a significant upgrade for the Browns a quarterback, like a huge upgrade, because we didn't know we were gonna get from Deshaun going he said that game. I thought he's the most mysterious player in the league. We haven't seen him have a good, solid, healthy season in four years. The COVID season when no one was in the stands and last time we saw the Browns there were real conversations being had about, Wow, you know they actually respond better to Joe Flacco. I think Flacco might be better than Watson. Watson who's owed two hundred and thirty million dollars. He was really mysterious. Didn't play in the preseason because of quote arm soreness. Might have had him out there a little bit to get him a little warmed up, because man, he looked awfully yesterday. Just completely lost. The Browns fans have no attachment to him, no loyalty to him, no history with him. And if he doesn't have a big game in week two, the booz are gonna rain down. We're gonna start having Jameis Winston conversations. It's really bad. I know week one as a liar, and I hope it is for the Browns take number three Lions Rams is gonna be the title game. I said it before the season. I will say it again after what I saw last night on Sunday Night Football. I love both those teams. You saw him neck and neck. It goes to overtime. But the Lions aren't a perfect team. They're almost close. They're almost close. They're like a fighting video game that has all the different weapons high punch, low punch, spin kick, low kick, jump, dodge, it's im Mortal Kombat thing. They have powerful running backs, fast running backs, possession receivers, fast receivers, pass rushers, pass blockers. They just have everything. You know how every insufferable fitness influencer is telling you it's all about the core. It's core. It's core. Don't work on your biceps, it's core. Just sick of hearing about the core. The Lions have a great core. Their O line's great, their D line is great. If you didn't watch the game last night, Sunday Night, Lions Rams. They go to overtime, do the coin toss. Stafford gets the call because he's visiting. He says, heads, it was tails, and that was the game because the Lions got the ball and they just started jump kicking everybody in their Rams. Run, Run, run, run. It was one pass they did and that entire game winning drive. The last play, McVeigh tried to call a time out just to give his defense rest and then dive Montcoffrey promptly run it right up the middle for the game winning score. Lions Rams is your NFC title game. The Lions have a great core. Take number four. Cowboys are all right. They're gonna be fine. There was a hashtag bad vibes about the Cowboys in preseason, as if that's news. There's always bad vibes about the Cowboys in preseason. There's always some contract thing or some hold out thing, and they show up, they get right back on track and they win ten eleven twelve games in the regular season, just like they will this year. They looked fine, they looked great. I had no problem with the Cowboys. I was one of the only people in Good Morning Football who picked the Cowboys to go to the playoffs this year. I think everyone kind of felt like this is the year it all collapses. That's not the way the Cowboys work. Guys. They always win just enough to not change anything. If they ever had this terrible three and fourteen season or six and eleven season recently, that would cause firings and breakdowns and not get any new contracts. They don't do that. They are the girlfriend or boyfriend who every time you think it might be time to break up, they do something really nice for you. The Cowboys is something really nice yesterday and they won. They'll do a lot of that this year. Take number five part of the Cowboys. We're gonna double down on the Cowboys, Dak signs the biggest contract in the history of the universe or whatever it is, about an hour before the game. I hope in fifteen or twenty years, I hope the conversation about Dak Prescott is not getting started by how much money he made, because there's a danger in that. There's these guys who all you ever hear about is how much money they make. The Kirk Cousins thing is huge on it. Money, money, money, money, even someone lesser has a quarterback like Sam brad If you ever bring up Sam Bradford form number one overall, pick EFFI and says, man, remember how much money he made. Dak Prescott is too good of a player, means too much to the league as a Walter Payton Man of the Year to have the conversation start years from now about he really crushed it contractually. That should be the third or fourth nugget. It should start with how good he was in the playoffs that time he finally willed the Cowboys to the Super Bowl or at least to the title game. And right now, if he retires his man. He was played for a long time, and he was fun, and he made a lot of money. I hope he wins some playoff games for his sake, for the Cowboys sake, for the league's sake, for our sake, just for some novelty and some enjoyment. I know he has more money than God. He doesn't have many playoff wins. Take number six, TJ. Watt is the destroyer of worlds. I don't know if that's an original take. I don't ever promise that all ten will be original. I just promise he'll be ten. I'm watching red Zone yesterday at Steelers versus Falcons, and it was supposed to signal this new start of Falcons football, as if that's some factory down there. But they got a new head coach, they got a new quarterback, they got new pass rusher, they got a cool running back who's supposed to break out. TJ. Watt just broke that team over his knee. Do you ever play the old video game Rampage where you get to be like a giant Lizard or giant King Kong. You just beat the crap out of Cities. That was TJ. Watt to Atlanta, and so the Atlanta Falcons secondary. I think he was in the Falcons backfield more than Bjon Robinson was in the Falcons backfield. I said it on Twitter. I'm like, he's the best player. I know there's a lot of great players out there. I think that was the most dominant game that TJ. Watt has ever played, and it should have been way more dominant. He made big plays that were taken away by penalties. Can we give them the defensive Player of the Year now so they don't screw it up at the end of the year. Just do it? Take number seven, I got three minutes left. I'm trying to identify that that's not them team. What does that mean? I said Week one is a liar. It's very weird in the history of teams looking terrible and then turning your season around. Who is the team that we look at right now that looked awful Week one and we're like, that's not them. That's not the season they're gonna have. They'll win, They'll figure it out. I have to believe it's Cincinnati. They can't be that bad. I know they got everybody knocked out of their survival pools because they lost at home to New England. If I look at one team and I'm like, I really do think they're better than that. It has to be Cincinnati because they have the quarterback, they have the coach. I saw this thing as Zach Taylor is I think one in five in Week one games, and that's a coach who's been to the super Bowl. That is a terrible stat for him. But it's actually really encourage you for Cincinnati because they're like, whatever, we always lose week one, We'll figure it out. I think they're that that's not them team. But if they get crushed next week, that's not them because remember, guys, week one is a liar. Week two tells the truth. The needles do not bounce on week two. Take number eight. You know who would have just thrown up watching chiefs Ravens in the NFL opener, just vomited everywhere Son sue because there's nothing in the art of war that says your enemy's enemy is your friend. Don't enter a battle you can't win, and always let the best team get the fastest player in history. I cannot still believe watching Xavier Worthy score on his first touch as a Chief. Of course I can believe it. And you know why that happened, because everybody else let it happen. At some point one of these teams is gonna be like, look, we don't have this guy in our draft board. We don't really like it. In fact, we dislike them, but we're gonna take them just to keep the Chiefs from take you know, Sun Sue. Art of War is just throwing up everywhere letting them do it. Are you telling me the Xavier Worthy is not going to make a huge play in the AFC title game? You know he is. I know he is, And all the teams that let the Chiefs get him know he is. Take number nine. The Bears won somehow. I can't believe it. They're down seventeen to nothing, their rookie quarterback did nothing really, and they still somehow won. Bears loyalists will know if you know, you know that was some lovey Smith's stuff where the special team scores, the defense scores. Oh my god, Rex Grossman, don't mess it up. I'll say this for Klem. He didn't turn the ball over and he was one fifty eight point three quarterback rating. In his postgame comments in which he is like, I know I have to be better. I will be better, But man, how good is our defense and special teams? You better be better, Cayleb, because you're getting compared to CJ. Stroud this week. And guess who you're playing this week? See Jay Stroud on Prime Time. Caleb, you gotta at least get one hundred yards passing. But I love you, I'm rooting for you. We gotta crack triple digits in the passing. Take number ten. Can we just get a completed pass from Rogers to anyone on the Jets tonight? It's Jets versus Niners. Just drop back, look at someone, throw it to them. I don't care who it is. I just want at least five plays lest the whole game will be even better. Guess what, guys, we're out of time. I had a lot more things to say, a lot more, but I have rules here. I have rules I must adhere to, and I'm even breaking them right now. I said ten minutes, ten takes. I can promise you we'll deliver that every single week, and I can promise you we'll be back next week to talk about Week two. In the NFL season, it goes fast. The playoffs are almost here. It feels like, guys, remember week one. As a liar, I am not. I will give you ten takes ten minutes every single time. Love you, miss you, Thanks for joining. Goodbye. Ten Takes is a production of the NFL in partnership with iHeartRadio. For more iHeartRadio pods, go to the iHeartRadio app, go to Apple, go anywhere you like, it'll be there.